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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Standardization Engine Reference     Java CAPS Documentation
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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Standardization Engine Reference

About the Master Index Standardization Engine

Related Topics

Master Index Standardization Engine Overview

Standardization Concepts

Data Parsing or Reformatting

Data Normalization

Phonetic Encoding

How the Master Index Standardization Engine Works

Master Index Standardization Engine Data Types and Variants

Master Index Standardization Engine Standardization Components

Finite State Machine Framework

About the Finite State Machine Framework

FSM-Based Configuration

Rules-Based Framework

About the Rules-Based Framework

Rules-Based Configuration

Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Standardization and Matching Process

Master Index Standardization Engine Internationalization

Finite State Machine Framework Configuration

FSM Framework Configuration Overview

Process Definition File

Standardization State Definitions

Input Symbol Definitions

Output Symbol Definitions

Data Cleansing Definitions

Data Normalization Definitions

Standardization Processing Rules Reference










Lexicon Files

Normalization Files

FSM-Based Person Name Configuration

Person Name Standardization Overview

Person Name Standardization Components

Person Name Standardization Files

Person Name Lexicon Files

Person Name Normalization Files

Person Name Process Definition Files

Person Name Standardization and Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Person Name Processing Fields

Person Name Standardized Fields

Person Name Object Structure

Configuring a Normalization Structure for Person Names

Configuring a Standardization Structure for Person Names

Configuring Phonetic Encoding for Person Names

FSM-Based Telephone Number Configuration

Telephone Number Standardization Overview

Telephone Number Standardization Components

Telephone Number Standardization Files

Telephone Number Standardization and Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Telephone Number Processing Fields

Telephone Number Standardized Fields

Telephone Number Object Structure

Configuring a Standardization Structure for Telephone Numbers

Rules-Based Address Data Configuration

Address Data Standardization Overview

Address Data Standardization Components

Address Data Standardization Files

Address Clues File

Address Master Clues File

Address Patterns File

Address Pattern File Components

Address Type Tokens

Pattern Classes

Pattern Modifiers

Priority Indicators

Address Standardization and Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Address Data Processing Fields

Address Standardized Fields

Address Object Structure

Configuring a Standardization Structure for Address Data

Configuring Phonetic Encoding for Address Data

Rules-Based Business Name Configuration

Business Name Standardization Overview

Business Name Standardization Components

Business Name Standardization Files

Business Name Adjectives Key Type File

Business Alias Key Type File

Business Association Key Type File

Business General Terms Reference File

Business City or State Key Type File

Business Former Name Reference File

Merged Business Name Category File

Primary Business Name Reference File

Business Connector Tokens Reference File

Business Country Key Type File

Business Industry Sector Reference File

Business Industry Key Type File

Business Organization Key Type File

Business Patterns File

Business Name Tokens

Business Name Standardization and Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Business Name Processing Fields

Business Name Standardized Fields

Business Name Object Structure

Configuring a Standardization Structure for Business Names

Configuring Phonetic Encoding for Business Names

Custom FSM-Based Data Types and Variants

About Custom FSM-Based Data Types and Variants

About the Standardization Packages

Creating Custom FSM-Based Data Types

Creating the Working Directory

To Create the Working Directory

Defining the Service Type

To Define the Service Type

Defining the Variants

To Define the Variants

Packaging and Importing the Data Type

To Package and Import the Data Type

Service Type Definition File

Creating Custom FSM-Based Variants

Creating the Working Directory

To Create the Working Directory

Defining the Service Instance

To Define the Service Instance

Defining the State Model and Processing Rules

To Define the State Model and Processing Rules

Creating Normalization and Lexicon Files

To Create Normalization and Lexicon Files

Packaging and Importing the Variant

To Package and Import the Variant

Service Instance Definition File

Person Name Standardization Files

Several configuration files are used to define standardization logic for processing person names. You can customize any of the configuration files described in this section to fit your processing and standardization requirements for person data. There are three types of standardization files for person data: process definition, lexicon, and normalization. Four default variants on the PersonName data type are provided that are specialized for standardizing data from France, Australia, the United Kingdom, or the United State. In a master index project, these files appear under PersonName in the Standardization Engine node. Files for each variant appear within sub-folders of PersonName and each corresponds to a specific national variant.

You can customize these files to add entries of other nationalities or languages, including those containing diacritical marks. You can also create new variants to process data of other nationalities. For more information, see Custom Data Types and Variants.

The following topics provide information about each type of person name standardization file:

Person Name Lexicon Files

Each PersonName variant contains a set of lexicon files. Each lexicon file contains a list of possible values for a field. The standardization engine matches input values against the values listed in these files to recognize input symbols and ensure correct tokenization. The Master Index Standardization Engine uses these files when processing input symbols as defined in the process definition file (standardizer.xml). They are primarily used during the token matching portion of parsing. You can modify these files as needed by adding, deleting, or modifying values in the list. You can also create additional lexicon files.

The PersonName data type includes the following lexicon files:

These files are located in the resource folder under each variant name.

Person Name Normalization Files

Each PersonName variant contains a set of normalization files that are used to normalize input values. The Master Index Standardization Engine uses these files when processing input symbols as defined in the process definition file (standardizer.xml). Each normalization file contains a column of unnormalized values, such as nicknames or abbreviations, and a second column that contains the corresponding normalized values. The values in each column are separated by a pipe symbol (|). You can modify these files as needed by adding, deleting, or modifying values in the list. You can also create additional normalization files to reference from the process definition file.

The PersonName data type includes the following normalization files:

These files are located in the resource folder under each variant name.

Person Name Process Definition Files

Each variant has its own process definition file (standardizer.xml) that defines the state model for standardizing free-form person names. Each of these files also includes a section that defines just normalization without parsing for person names. The process definition file is located in the resource folder under each variant name. For information about the structure of this file, see Process Definition File.

Person name standardization has several states, each defining how to process tokens when they are found in certain orders. The default file defines states for salutations, first names, middle names, last names, titles, suffixes, and separators. It defines provisions for instances when the fields do not appear in order or when the input string does not contain complete data. For example, the current definition handles instances where the input string is “FirstName, MiddleName, LastName” as well as instances where the input string is “LastName, FirstName, MiddleName”.

The process definition files for person names define several parsing rules for each field component. This file defines a set of cleansing rules to prepare the input string prior to any processing. Then the data is passed to the start state of the FSM. Most fields are preprocessed and then matched against regular expressions or against a list of values in a lexicon file (described in Person Name Lexicon Files). Postprocessing includes replacing regular expressions or normalizing the field value based on a normalization file (described in Person Name Normalization Files). The process definition files also define a set of normalization rules, which are followed when the incoming data already contains name information in separate fields and does not need to be parsed.