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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.rules.sdk2.datamodel

A datamodel contains a list of Fact types, functions, global variables and constraints.


Interface Summary


Class Summary
AdfBcFactTypeDescriptor Utility class to assist with stuffing ADF-BC fact types into RL variables for retrieval at runtime
AdfBcFactTypeDescriptor.Attribute Helper class attribute: struct containing attribute name, type, and linked type (if REFERENCE or AGGR_COLLECTION)
ArrayFactType public and primary Java Fact Type
ArrayFactTypeTable Top level table in the datamodel.
Browser Browser sub-classes provide browsing of external business objects to be used for rule authoring.
BucketSetTable Top level table in the datamodel.
ClassBrowser Provides browsing for collections of Java class files.
CombinedDataModel Provide readonly access to the total data model including components in linked dictionaries.
ConstrainableComponent A ConstrainableComponent is a TypedComponent with an attached BucketSet
Constructor Represent a Java class constructor use DictionaryComponent.getName() and DictionaryComponent.getAlias() to get the class name and alias.
ConstructorTable A list of constructors for Java FactType
DataModel DataModel is the top level container of the entire model, through which applications can access the list of global variables, constraints, functions and FactTypes.
DataModelConstants The place all DataModel related constants go.
DecisionFunctionFact Child of DecisionFunction.
DecisionFunctionFactTable Child of DecisionFunction.
DecisionFunctionRuleSet Child of DecisionFunction.
DecisionFunctionRuleSetTable Child of DecisionFunction.
DecisionFunctionTable Top level table in the datamodel.
DMUtil Utility class
FactType Represents either a primitive type, a java type, a JAXB type, an RL type or an ADF-BC type
FactTypeTable Top level table in the datamodel.
Field Represent a static public Java Field
FieldTable A list of fields
FormalParameter Formal Parameter in a function
FormalParameterTable A list of formal parameters
Function Represent a RL function In addition to the usual getters and setters for designing the function, there is also Function.isTestEnabled() and Function.test(java.lang.StringBuilder) methods for providing a "Test" button in the UI that when pressed, actually invokes the defined function in a RuleSession and returns the result for the UI to display.
FunctionTable Top level table in the datamodel.
JavaFactType public and primary Java Fact Type
JavaNode Provide a Table containing all nodes (classes or packages) that are currently exposed by a class browser
JaxbFactType Represent a Jaxb Class
JaxbNode Represent a Jaxb class in the hierarchy of JPackages and JaxbNode classes that is created by a SchemaBrowser instance.
JClassNode Represents a Java class in the hierarchy of Java classes and Java Packages.
JPackageNode Provide a Node representing a Java Package.
Method Represent a public Java method
MethodTable A list of public methods
ModelComponent Base class for all elements in a data model.
ModelComponentTable<T extends ModelComponent> Base class for all element tables in a data model
Modifiers Modifiers: isStatic, isFinal, isPublic, isProtected, isPrivate?
Node An abstract class that represents Nodes in a schema or class hierarchy.
NodeTable Table containing all nodes (classes or packages) that are currently exposed by a class browser.
OverloadedParameter Formal Parameter in a function
OverloadedParameterTable A list of overloaded parameters
PrimitiveFactType It represents a primitive type,
Property Represent either a Java Bean Property or a RL Class slot
PropertyTable A list of properties
RLFactType Represents an RL fact type.
SchemaBrowser Provides for browsing of XML Schemas by mapping the schema to JAXB classes.
TypedComponent A TypedComponent is a ModelComponent with a Type Note that the type and the type ID are synchronized -- setting one also sets the other.
UnnamedModelComponent Restricts ModelComponent by taking away name and alias properties.
Variable global variable: similar to Java "static public" variable.
VariableTable Top level table in the datamodel.


Enum Summary
AdfBcFactTypeDescriptor.AttrType Attribute Type: either KEY_ATTRIBUTE (attribute that's a primary key), ATTRIBUTE (other atomic attributes), REFERENCE (an ADF-BC fact in a one-to-one relationship), AGGR_COLLECTION(an ADF-BC fact in a one-to-many relationship) or JBO_ROW_ATTRIBUTE (a pointer to the JBO row object).


Package oracle.rules.sdk2.datamodel Description

A datamodel contains a list of Fact types, functions, global variables and constraints. The package can be used to edit an existing datamodel or to create a new one.

Package Specification

The following picture depicts a slightly simplified version of the object model inside the package.  A DataModel contains four top level table objects:

dm objects


Following is a more complete picture:

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (


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