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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
Class UIXPageTemplate

  extended by javax.faces.component.UIComponent
      extended by org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent
          extended by org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase
              extended by
                  extended by
                      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.faces.component.NamingContainer, javax.faces.component.StateHolder, org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.FlattenedComponent
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class UIXPageTemplate
extends UIXInclude

Renders a pageTemplate. If you want a common UI for all your pages, you may use a pageTemplate. This allows you to define your common UI in a pageTemplate definition file using the <af:pageTemplateDef> tag, and reusing the common definition on all your other pages using this tag. The pagetemplate component does not support nesting (one af:pageTemplate component cannot contain another af:pageTemplate component).

You can pass attributes using JSP tag attributes, or by using <f:attribute>. Facets can also be set as normal using <f:facet> tags. The definition can refer to the attributes of the component by using the "var" EL variable and the component itself using the "componentVar" EL variable that are setup on the <af:componentDef> tag. The definition can reference a facet using the <af:facetRef> tag. Each facet can only be referenced once.


 <af:pageTemplate id="weather"
   <f:attribute name="zip" value="94065"/>
   <f:attribute name="description" value="Redwood Shores, CA"/>
   <f:facet name="forecastSummary">
     <af:outputText value="Partly Cloudy"/>
   <f:facet name="forecastDetail">
     <af:panelGroupLayout layout="vertical">
       <af:outputText value="72'F"/>
       <af:outputText value="Partly Cloudy"/>
       <af:outputText value="Wind: W at 16 mph"/>
       <af:outputText value="Humidity: 46%"/>

And this is the corresponding pagefragments/weatherBox.jspx:

 <jsp:root xmlns:jsp=""
   <af:pageTemplateDef var="attrs">
 <component xmlns="">
   This component will show weather forecasts in a box.
     <description>This child draws out the summary forecast</description>
     <description>This child draws out the detailed forecast</description>
     <description>The Zip code of the area</description>
     <description>The city/state of the zip code </description>
     <af:panelHeader text="Weather Forecast for Zip:#{}, #{attrs.description}">
       <af:facetRef facetname="forecastSummary"/>
         <af:facetRef facetname="forecastDetail"/>

Note about stretching layouts and flowing/scrolling layouts:

With today's web browsers, it is not reliable to have vertically-stretched content inside of areas that also have scroll bars. If you want the outer areas of your page structure to stretch, you need to be careful of how you assemble your component tree.

Rules of thumb:

  1. Never place a scrolling panelGroupLayout inside of another scrolling panelGroupLayout since users do not like nested scroll bars.
  2. Never specify percentage heights in any component's inlineStyle attribute.
  3. Never use the "position" style in any component's inlineStyle attribute.
  4. Unless you are using fixed pixel heights on them, you would never place a panelSplitter or panelStretchLayout inside of any panelGroupLayout regardless of what you have set its layout attribute to.

If you believe that you need to break one of these rules, this is an indication that your page structure is not following the page structure guidelines and you will likely have troubles getting your application to render consistently across various web browsers and computing platforms.


Type Phases Description
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.AttributeChangeEvent Invoke Application
Apply Request Values
Event delivered to describe an attribute change. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String COMPONENT_FAMILY
static java.lang.String COMPONENT_TYPE
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type TYPE
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey VALUE_KEY


Fields inherited from class


Fields inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase


Fields inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent


Fields inherited from interface javax.faces.component.NamingContainer


Constructor Summary
          Construct an instance of the UIXPageTemplate.
protected UIXPageTemplate(java.lang.String rendererType)
          Construct an instance of the UIXPageTemplate.


Method Summary
protected  org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
 java.lang.String getFamily()
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          Gets If this attribute is set to an instance of, the view ID will be taken from the model and the model will receive notifications of the starting and stopping of the template context.
 java.lang.String getViewId()
          Gets the view ID.
protected  void setupVisitingContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
          Setups EL variables including the attribute map for use by the children of this page templete.
 void setValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Sets If this attribute is set to an instance of, the view ID will be taken from the model and the model will receive notifications of the starting and stopping of the template context.
protected  void tearDownVisitingContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
          Restores the previous values of all the EL variables maintained by this component.


Methods inherited from class
broadcast, createFacesBean, getAttribute, getComponentVar, getVar, invokeOnComponent, queueEvent, setAttribute, setComponentVar, setVar


Methods inherited from class
encodeBegin, encodeEnd, finishComponentEncoding, isFlatteningChildren, processDecodes, processFlattenedChildren, processUpdates, processValidators, restoreContext, setupContext


Methods inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase
adaptMethodBinding, addAttributeChange, addAttributeChangeListener, addFacesListener, broadcastToMethodBinding, broadcastToMethodExpression, decode, decodeChildren, decodeChildrenImpl, encodeChildren, findComponent, getAttributeChangeListener, getAttributeChangeListeners, getAttributes, getBooleanProperty, getChildCount, getChildren, getClientId, getContainerClientId, getFacesBean, getFacesContext, getFacesListeners, getFacet, getFacetCount, getFacetNames, getFacets, getFacetsAndChildren, getId, getIntProperty, getLifecycleRenderer, getParent, getProperty, getPropertyKey, getRenderer, getRendererType, getRendersChildren, getValueBinding, getValueExpression, invokeOnChildrenComponents, invokeOnNamingContainerComponent, isRendered, isTransient, markInitialState, processRestoreState, processSaveState, removeAttributeChangeListener, removeFacesListener, restoreState, satisfiesPartialTrigger, saveState, setAttributeChangeListener, setAttributeChangeListener, setBooleanProperty, setId, setIntProperty, setParent, setProperty, setRendered, setRendererType, setTransient, setValueBinding, setValueExpression, toString, updateChildren, updateChildrenImpl, validateChildren, validateChildrenImpl


Methods inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent
addPartialTarget, encodeFlattenedChild, encodeFlattenedChildren, getLogicalParent, getLogicalParent, isVisitable, partialEncodeVisit, processFlattenedChildren, processFlattenedChildren, processFlattenedChildren, processFlattenedChildren, setPartialTarget, setUpEncodingContext, tearDownEncodingContext, visitTree, visitTree


Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponent
encodeAll, getContainerClientId


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type TYPE


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey VALUE_KEY


public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_FAMILY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public UIXPageTemplate()
Construct an instance of the UIXPageTemplate.


protected UIXPageTemplate(java.lang.String rendererType)
Construct an instance of the UIXPageTemplate.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getViewId()
Gets the view ID.

If the value attribute of the page template resolves to an instance of PageTemplateModel then the view ID will be retrieved from the the model instead of using the viewId tag attribute.

getViewId in class UIXInclude
the view ID


protected void setupVisitingContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Setups EL variables including the attribute map for use by the children of this page templete.
setupVisitingContext in class UIXInclude


protected void tearDownVisitingContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context)
Restores the previous values of all the EL variables maintained by this component.
tearDownVisitingContext in class UIXInclude


public final java.lang.Object getValue()
Gets If this attribute is set to an instance of, the view ID will be taken from the model and the model will receive notifications of the starting and stopping of the template context. Otherwise, if the value is non-null the value is assigned to the "bindings" EL variable while this template is rendering or decoding.
the new value value


public final void setValue(java.lang.Object value)
Sets If this attribute is set to an instance of, the view ID will be taken from the model and the model will receive notifications of the starting and stopping of the template context. Otherwise, if the value is non-null the value is assigned to the "bindings" EL variable while this template is rendering or decoding.
value - the new value value


public java.lang.String getFamily()
getFamily in class UIXInclude


protected org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
getBeanType in class UIXInclude

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Copyright (c) 1998, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.