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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class IconOverlayCache

  extended by oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayCache

public class IconOverlayCache
extends java.lang.Object

The IconOverlayCache class is responsible for an element overlay cache associated with many IconOverlayConsumers.

Instances of this class store overlay information for any number of explorer views and provide accessor and mutator methods for the cache. Overlay clients are required to update the cache when the state of an element changes and fire change notification for repainting.

Multiple simultaneous element overlays can be supported by an explorer. Each client is responsible for providing a unique identifier for the type of information being overlaid. There must be some kind of client consensus to prevent visual clashing of multiple overlay clients (Eg.several overlay icons on top of each other)

The displayable fields providing overlay information that the tree's cell renderer is capable of using are the values of the (superimposed) icon, (appended) tool tip text and (appended) short label.

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void clearOverlays(java.lang.String infoTypeId)
          Clears all overlay information from the cache.
 void deregisterOverlayConsumer(IconOverlayConsumer consumer)
 void fireOverlaysChanged()
          Fires a repaint for all pending element overlays after cache updates.
 Element[] getElementKeys(java.lang.String infoTypeId)
          Gets an array of current element keys in the overlay cache.
static IconOverlayCache getInstance()
 IconOverlay getOverlay(java.lang.String infoTypeId, Element e)
          Gets overlay information for the given element from the cache.
 javax.swing.Icon getRendererIcon(Element element, javax.swing.Icon baseObject)
 java.lang.String getRendererShortLabel(Element element, java.lang.String baseObject)
 java.lang.String getRendererToolTipText(Element element, java.lang.String baseObject)
 void putOverlay(java.lang.String infoTypeId, Element e, IconOverlay overlay)
          Puts overlay information for the given element into the cache.
 void registerOverlayConsumer(IconOverlayConsumer consumer)
 void removeOverlay(java.lang.String infoTypeId, Element e)
          Removes overlay information for the given element from the cache.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public IconOverlayCache()

Method Detail


public static final IconOverlayCache getInstance()


public void registerOverlayConsumer(IconOverlayConsumer consumer)


public void deregisterOverlayConsumer(IconOverlayConsumer consumer)


public void fireOverlaysChanged()
Fires a repaint for all pending element overlays after cache updates.


public void putOverlay(java.lang.String infoTypeId,
                       Element e,
                       IconOverlay overlay)
Puts overlay information for the given element into the cache.
infoTypeId - an identifier for the type of information being overlaid.
e - the element.
overlay - the overlay object.


public IconOverlay getOverlay(java.lang.String infoTypeId,
                              Element e)
Gets overlay information for the given element from the cache.
infoTypeId - an identifier for the type of information.
e - the element.
the overlay object.


public void removeOverlay(java.lang.String infoTypeId,
                          Element e)
Removes overlay information for the given element from the cache.
infoTypeId - an identifier for the type of information being overlaid.
e - the element.


public void clearOverlays(java.lang.String infoTypeId)
Clears all overlay information from the cache.
infoTypeId - an identifier for the type of information.


public Element[] getElementKeys(java.lang.String infoTypeId)
Gets an array of current element keys in the overlay cache.
the element array.


public javax.swing.Icon getRendererIcon(Element element,
                                        javax.swing.Icon baseObject)


public java.lang.String getRendererToolTipText(Element element,
                                               java.lang.String baseObject)


public java.lang.String getRendererShortLabel(Element element,
                                              java.lang.String baseObject)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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