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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.ide.inspector.layout

Contains interfaces and abstract classes describing the property form layout information.


Interface Summary
Element Base class for all layout classes.
Extensible Layout elements implementing this interface are extensible, that is they can be extended by, extend, or be part-of another extensible element of the same type.
FormLayoutFactory A FormLayoutFactory implementation need only be provided when the PropertyFormLayout is not declared in an extension manifest.


Class Summary
CategoryLayout CategoryLayouts specify how the property inspector form view displays properties under a specific category.
Choice One of the display choices in a ChoiceGroup.
ChoiceGroup One of the Elements comprising a DisplayGroup.
ChoiceSelector Clients defining a ChoiceGroupmust provide an implementation of this class to be notified when a Choice is activate and deactivated.
CustomComponent One of the Elements comprising a DisplayGroup.
CustomGUIComponent When a CustomComponent is shown in a DisplayGroup the UI for that component must be encapsulated in a CustomGUIComponent subclass.
DisplayGroup Display groups collect a number of displayable elements into meaningful groups that are hidden from view when the display group is not in its expanded state.
ExtensibleElement Extensible elements should extend this class.
ExtensibleGroup Group elements that are also extensible must implement this interface.
Property One of the Elements comprising a DisplayGroup.
PropertyFormLayout A PropertyFormLayout encapsulates the constraints controlling the positioning of PropertyEditors in the property inspector form view.
PropertyFormLayoutAssembly Assembles multiple PropertyFormLayouts into one.
PropertyFormLayoutAssembly.CategoryLayoutAssembly Assembles multiple CategoryLayouts into one.
PropertyFormLayoutAssembly.ChoiceAssembly Assembles multiple part-of Choices into one.
PropertyFormLayoutAssembly.ChoiceGroupAssembly Assembles multiple ChoiceGroups that are part of another into to one group.
PropertyFormLayoutAssembly.ChoiceSelectorDispatcher An implementation of the choice selector interface that knows how to delagate to the actual choice selector classes that comprise this assembly.
PropertyFormLayoutAssembly.DisplayGroupAssembly Assembles multiple DisplayGroups that part-of another group into one group .
PropertyFormLayoutFactory Singleton factory for creating the property form layout element.
Row One of the Elements comprising a DisplayGroup.
SimpleElement Simple elements should extend this class.
Spring A Spring controls distance between properties in a Row element.


Package oracle.ide.inspector.layout Description

Contains interfaces and abstract classes describing the property form layout information.

The property form layout information describes how properties defined by a PropertyModel are laid out visually in the property inspector form view. The entry point to this layout information is the class PropertyFormLayout.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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