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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.ideimpl.webupdate

Interface Summary
Directories Interface that the UpdateManager and update task use to retreive information about the directories updates should be installed into.
UpdateCenterMonitor The UpdateCenter uses the UpdateCenterMonitor to report progress while getting details of updates.


Class Summary
BasicProgressMonitor A basic progress monitor implemented as a progress bar.
CheckForUpdatesPreferences Preferences for check for updates.
CheckMasterListRunnable A runnable that checks the master list to retrieve available update centers.
CheckUpdatesRunnable Runnable that checks one or more update centers for new updates.
DeferredUpdater DeferredUpdater is the main class called by jdev and jdev.exe when the IDE starts up if there are deferred update tasks.
DeterminateProgressMonitor Progress monitor registered with the update manager for receiving feedback about udpate progress
DownloadUpdatesRunnable Runnable which downloads updates and assembles the list of installation tasks.
LocalUpdateBundle Represents a local update bundle.
MasterListEntry An entry in the master list of update centers.
UpdateBundle Information from an update center about a bundle.
UpdateCenter An UpdateCenter provides messages and updates to the IDE.
UpdateCenterMessage A message received from an update center.
UpdateHook Extension hook for update centers.
UpdateInfo Information from an update center about an update (either an extension or a patch).
UpdateManager The update manager provides information about previously installed updates and provides access to the update center.
UpdateMessage A message from an update center.
UpdatePreferences Preferences page for check for updates.
WebUpdateAddin The WebUpdateAddin provides support for checking for IDE updates (patches and extensions) over the web.
WebUpdateController Controller for check for updates.


Enum Summary


Exception Summary
InvalidLocalBundleException Exception thrown when you try to create a LocalUpdateBundle from a zip file that is not in the correct format.
UpdateCenterException Exception thrown when a call to the update center fails.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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