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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class AbstractDBObjectProvider

  extended by oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractDatabase, OfflineDBObjectProvider

public abstract class AbstractDBObjectProvider
extends java.lang.Object
implements DBObjectProvider

Provides a base implementation of the DBObjectProvider interface. AbstractDBObjectProvider provides support for registering DBObjectBuilder instances for building specific types of DBObjects. The list of builders is used to determine the types of objects supported by the DBObjectProvider implementation, to list the available objects of a specific type, and to retrieve the SchemaObject representations of the objects.

Subclasses are responsible for ensuring that DBObjectBuilder and DBObjectValidator instances are registered for the types of objects that will be supported. AbstractDBObjectProvider is abstract; sublasses are also responsible for providing implementations of those methods that do not have a generic implementation.

AbstractDBObjectProvider also handles caching of DBObject instances. When new instances are created, they are stored in a WeakHashMap. Subsequent requests for the same metadata will result in the same DBObject instance being returned.


Field Summary
          Unquoted Names are case sensitive and stored in mixed case
protected static java.lang.String[] EMPTY_LIST
          Unquoted Names are case insensitive and stored in lower case
          Unquoted Names are case insensitive and stored in mixed case
static java.lang.String NEW_FROM_TEMPLATE_TYPE
static java.lang.String TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY
          Unquoted Names are case insensitive and stored in upper case


Fields inherited from interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void addProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener list)
          Adds the given listener to this provider to listen for provider and schema events.
protected  void cacheObject(SystemObject object, boolean loadOperation)
          Adds an object to the cache.
<T extends SystemObject>
checkCachedObject(T object)
          Use by getObjectImpl to verify that the given object in the cache is still valid.
protected  void clearAllCaches()
          Clears all the object caches.
protected  void clearCache(java.lang.String type)
          Clears the cache of objects of the specified type.
static java.lang.String convertObject(DBObject obj)
          Converts a DBObject into a String representation of the object name.
protected  SystemObject createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
 void createObject(SystemObject obj, boolean replace)
          Causes the creation of the object described by the specified meta data.
protected  SystemObject createObjectImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Uses listObjectsImpl to find or create an object with the given type, schema and name.
protected  SchemaObjectManager createObjectManager()
          Creates the object manager for this provider.
 void createSchema(Schema schema, boolean replace)
          Causes the creation of a new Schema in the persistent storage.
 void deleteObject(SystemObject obj, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the object.
 void deleteSchema(Schema schema, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the schema.
 void destroyCache()
          Destroys the object cache.
protected  DBObject findByID(DBObjectID id)
protected  SystemObject findObject(DBObjectID id)
          Looks for the specified object id in the cache.
protected  SystemObject findObject(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Looks for the specified object in the cache.
protected  Schema findSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Method for use within the provider that retrieves a schema and doesn't check the database if the schema is found in the cache.
 void fireObjectsAdded(Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies all listeners that objects have been added to the given schema.
protected  void fireObjectsRemoved(Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies all listeners that objects have been removed from the given schema.
protected  void fireProviderClosed()
          Fires a providerClosed event to all listeners.
 void fireProviderDeleted()
          Fires a providerClosed event to all listeners.
protected  void fireProviderOpened()
          Fires a providerOpened event to all listeners.
protected  void fireProviderReloaded()
          Fires a providerReloaded event to all listeners.
protected  void fireSchemaAdded(Schema schema)
          Notifies all listeners that the given Schema has been added to this provider.
protected  void fireSchemaObjectUpdated(DBObjectChange change)
          Notifies all listeners of an update to a SchemaObject.
protected  void fireSchemaRemoved(Schema schema)
          Notifies all listeners that the given Schema has been removed from this provider.
protected  void fireSchemaUpdated(DBObjectChange change)
          Notifies all listeners of an update to a Schema.
protected  DBObjectBuilder getBuilderForType(java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves the DBObjectBuilder registered for a type of object.
protected  java.lang.Object getCachedTimestamp(java.lang.Object obj)
          Use to check whether timestamps are suspended and that the given object is a key in the cache of timestamp values.
 SchemaObjectManager getCascadeManager()
          By default creates a SchemaObjectManager.
protected  int getCasePolicy()
          Retrieves the provider's case policy for unquoted names.
 DataType getDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
          Retrieves the datatype represented by a specific name.
 DBObject getDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type)
          Returns the default template object for the given type, or null if none defined
 DiffEngine getDiffEngine()
          Returns a diff engine setup with the appropriate set of differs for object updating.
 java.lang.String getExternalName(java.lang.String name)
          Converts the specified name into the format used externally to represent the identifier.
 java.lang.String getExternalName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String objectType)
          Converts the specified name into the format used externally to represent the identifier.
protected  java.lang.Long getExternalTimestamp(SystemObject object)
protected  java.lang.Long getExternalTimestampImpl(SystemObject object)
          Retrieves the external timestamp for the specified object.
 java.lang.String getIdentifierQuoteString()
          Retrieves the string used to quote identifiers.
 java.lang.String getInternalName(java.lang.String name)
          Converts the specified name into the format used internally within the metadata.
 java.lang.String getInternalName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String objectType)
          Converts the specified name into the format used internally within the metadata.
protected  java.util.logging.Logger getLogger()
          Gets the logger to use in this provider.
protected abstract  java.lang.String getName()
          Returns an identifier for this provider.
<T extends SystemObject>
getObject(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Retrieves the SystemObject representing a specific database object.
 SchemaObject getObject(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the SchemaObject representing a specific database object.
 DBObjectFactory getObjectFactory()
          Get the object factory for this provider.
<T extends SystemObject>
getObjectImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
 SchemaObjectManager getObjectManager()
 DataType getOrCreateDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
          Retrieves the datatype represented by a specific name.
 PropertyManager getPropertyManager()
          Gets the PropertyManager (if available) for this provider.
protected  int getQuotedNameCasePolicy()
          Retrieves the provider's case policy for quoted names.
 Schema getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the Schema object associated with a specific name.
protected  SchemaObjectExpander[] getSchemaObjectExpanders()
 java.lang.Long getTimestamp(DBObjectID id)
          Retrieves the timestamp for the object represented by the given ID.
 java.lang.Long getTimestamp(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName)
          Retrieves the timestamp representing the last modification time of the specified object's metadata.
 java.lang.String getUniqueName(java.lang.String type, DBObject contextObject, java.lang.String base)
          Returns a unique name for an object of given type within contextObject using base name.
protected  DBObjectValidator getValidatorForType(java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves the DBObjectValidator registered for a type of object.
 boolean hasPriviledge(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String priv)
          Checks to see whether the user has the requisite permissions to perform the specified operation.
 boolean isEditable(DBObject object)
          Returns whether or not the object can be edited
 boolean isNewFromTemplateType(java.lang.String type)
          Test whether the given type is the pseudo type used for new objects that are being created from a template.
protected  boolean isRequestedObject(SystemObject object, java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Returns true if SchemaObject object is of type type, owned by schema schema, and named name.
 boolean isValidName(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. - use isValidName( String type, String name )
 boolean isValidName(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Checks to see whether a name is valid.
<T extends SystemObject>
listObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Lists the objects from this provider that match the given criteria.
 SchemaObject[] listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema)
          Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
 SchemaObject[] listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
 java.lang.String[] listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema)
          Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
 java.lang.String[] listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
<T extends SystemObject>
listObjectsFromCache(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Lists the objects that are in the internal memory cache for this provider.
protected abstract
<T extends SystemObject>
listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Internal listObjects implementation.
protected  java.util.Collection<SystemObject> listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Internal listObjects implementation.
protected  java.lang.String[] listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Retrieves the list of objects by using a registered builder.
 java.lang.String[] listObjectTypes()
          Returns a sorted array of the object types supported in this provider.
 Schema[] listSchemas()
          Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider regardless of their visibility to the user.
 Schema[] listSchemas(boolean showAll)
          Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider.
 DataType[] listSupportedDataTypes()
          Retrieves the list of datatypes supported by this provider.
protected  void logEvent(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Object... params)
          Use to log provider events.
protected  void markForLazyInit(AbstractBuildableObject object)
protected  void markForLazyInit(AbstractBuildableObject object, DBObjectBuilder builder)
protected  java.lang.String normaliseType(java.lang.String type)
protected  java.lang.Object putCachedTimestampKey(java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.Object value)
          Checks that timestamps are suspended, and if they are caches the given key and value in the timestamp cache.
 java.lang.String quoteIdentifier(java.lang.String internalName, boolean force)
          Determines if internalName needs quoting to make it a valid external name, and if so returns a quoted copy of it.
protected  void registerBuilder(java.lang.String type, DBObjectBuilder builder)
          Registers a Builder for a specific object type.
protected abstract  void registerExpanders()
protected  void registerSchemaObjectExpander(SchemaObjectExpander expander)
protected  void registerType(java.lang.String type, DBObjectBuilder builder, DBObjectValidator validator)
          Registers a Builder and Validator for a specific object type.
protected  void registerValidator(java.lang.String type, DBObjectValidator validator)
          Registers a Validator for a specific object type.
 void removeProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener list)
          Removed the given listener from this provider.
protected  void resetObject(SystemObject object, SystemObject listed, java.lang.Long timestamp)
          If it has been noticed that the timestamp has changed on an object, or we have updated it in the database, we want to turn it back into an object that needs building again.
 void resumeTimestampQueries(java.lang.String key)
          Resumes the calls to get the external timestamp for a given object.
protected  void schemaUpdated(DBObjectChange change)
          Override to implement any functionality that needs to be fired when a schema has been updated in the provider.
 void setDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type, DBObject template)
          Sets the default template object for the given type.
 boolean supportsObjectType(java.lang.String type)
          Convinience method to check whether this provider supports the given object type - i.e.
 boolean supportsTimestamps()
          Deprecated. replaced by supportsTimestamps(String)
 boolean supportsTimestamps(java.lang.String objectType)
          Returns true if this provider supports object timestamping for the given object type.
 void suspendTimestampQueries(java.lang.String key)
          Limits the call to get the external timestamp for a given object to once until resumeTimestampQueries() is called.
protected  void uncacheObject(SystemObject object)
          Removes an object from the cache.
protected  void unregisterBuilder(java.lang.String type)
          Removes a registered Builder.
protected  void unregisterValidator(java.lang.String type)
          Removes a registered Validator.
 void updateObject(SystemObject oldObject, SystemObject newObject)
          Updates the definition of an object.
 void updateObjects(SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects)
          Updates the definition of a set of objects.
 void updateSchema(Schema oldSchema, Schema newSchema)
          Updates the definition of a Schema.
 void validateName(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. - use validateName( String type, String name )
 void validateName(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Checks to see whether a name is valid.
 void validateObject(DBObject object)
          Validates the given object using the DBObjectValidator registered against that object's type.
 void validateObject(DBObject original, DBObject update)
          Validates the given object update using the DBObjectValidator registered against that object's type.
 void validateObject(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String property)
 void validateObject(DBObject object, java.lang.String property)
 void validateObjectProperty(DBObject original, DBObject updated, java.lang.Object property)
 void validateObjectProperty(DBObject original, DBObject update, java.lang.String property)
          Checks to see if the updated children of a given object are valid.
 void validateObjectProperty(DBObject object, java.lang.Object property)
 void validateObjectProperty(DBObject object, java.lang.String property)
          Checks to see if the children of a given object are valid.
 void validateSchema(Schema schema)
          Deprecated. - use validateObject( DBObject object )
 void validateSchema(Schema original, Schema update)
          Deprecated. use validateObject( DBObject original, DBObject update )
 void validateUniqueName(java.lang.String type, DBObject contextObject, java.lang.String name)
          Validates that a name is not used within the context DBObject, and throws NameInUseException if it is.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider
canCreate, canDelete, createObjects, deleteObjects, getDefaultSchema, getDescriptor, undeleteObject, undeleteObjects, updateObjects


Field Detail


public static final int MIXED_CASE_NAME_POLICY
Unquoted Names are case insensitive and stored in mixed case
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LOWER_CASE_NAME_POLICY
Unquoted Names are case insensitive and stored in lower case
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UPPER_CASE_NAME_POLICY
Unquoted Names are case insensitive and stored in upper case
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CASE_SENSITIVE_NAME_POLICY
Unquoted Names are case sensitive and stored in mixed case
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String NEW_FROM_TEMPLATE_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String[] EMPTY_LIST

Constructor Detail


public AbstractDBObjectProvider()

Method Detail


public final void removeProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener list)
Removed the given listener from this provider.
Specified by:
removeProviderListener in interface DBObjectProvider
See Also:


public final void addProviderListener(DBObjectProviderListener list)
Adds the given listener to this provider to listen for provider and schema events.
Specified by:
addProviderListener in interface DBObjectProvider
See Also:


protected final void fireProviderClosed()
Fires a providerClosed event to all listeners.


public final void fireProviderDeleted()
Fires a providerClosed event to all listeners.


protected final void fireProviderOpened()
Fires a providerOpened event to all listeners.


protected final void fireProviderReloaded()
Fires a providerReloaded event to all listeners.


protected final void fireSchemaAdded(Schema schema)
Notifies all listeners that the given Schema has been added to this provider.


protected final void fireSchemaUpdated(DBObjectChange change)
Notifies all listeners of an update to a Schema. This event is not fired for objects added to or removed from the Schema.


protected final void fireSchemaObjectUpdated(DBObjectChange change)
Notifies all listeners of an update to a SchemaObject.


protected final void fireSchemaRemoved(Schema schema)
Notifies all listeners that the given Schema has been removed from this provider.


public final void fireObjectsAdded(Schema schema,
                                   SchemaObject[] objs)
Notifies all listeners that objects have been added to the given schema. Internal use only.


protected final void fireObjectsRemoved(Schema schema,
                                        SchemaObject[] objs)
Notifies all listeners that objects have been removed from the given schema.


protected void schemaUpdated(DBObjectChange change)
Override to implement any functionality that needs to be fired when a schema has been updated in the provider.


protected final void registerType(java.lang.String type,
                                  DBObjectBuilder builder,
                                  DBObjectValidator validator)
Registers a Builder and Validator for a specific object type. If a Builder has already been registered for the specified type, the new builder will replace the previous builder (same with validator). If either parameter is null this will not remove the builder. Use unregisterBuilder() or unregisterValidator() to do this.
type - a string containing the object type
builder - the Builder instance to use for the specified type
validator - the Validator instance to use for the specified type
See Also:


protected final void registerBuilder(java.lang.String type,
                                     DBObjectBuilder builder)
Registers a Builder for a specific object type. If a Builder has already been registered for the specified type, the new builder will replace the previous builder.
type - a string containing the object type
builder - the Builder instance to use for the specified type
See Also:


protected final void unregisterBuilder(java.lang.String type)
Removes a registered Builder. If no Validator is registered for this object type then the object cache for this type will be cleared.
type - a string containing the object type whose builder should be removed
See Also:
registerBuilder(java.lang.String, oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectBuilder), DBObject.getType()


protected DBObjectBuilder getBuilderForType(java.lang.String type)
Retrieves the DBObjectBuilder registered for a type of object.
type - a string containing the object type
the DBObjectBuilder registered for the type, or null if no builder is registered


protected final void registerValidator(java.lang.String type,
                                       DBObjectValidator validator)
Registers a Validator for a specific object type. If a Validator has already been registered for the specified type, the new validator will replace the previous validator.
type - a string containing the object type
validator - the Validator instance to use for the specified type
See Also:


protected final void unregisterValidator(java.lang.String type)
Removes a registered Validator. If no Builder is registered for this object type then the object cache for this type will be cleared.
type - a string containing the object type whose validator should be removed
See Also:
registerValidator(java.lang.String, oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectValidator), DBObject.getType()


protected final DBObjectValidator getValidatorForType(java.lang.String type)
Retrieves the DBObjectValidator registered for a type of object.
type - a string containing the object type
the DBObjectValidator registered for the type, or null if no validator is registered


protected SystemObject findObject(java.lang.String type,
                                  Schema schema,
                                  java.lang.String name)
Looks for the specified object in the cache.
type - a string containing the type of object
schema - the schema owning the object
name - a string containing the name of the object
the previously created SchemaObject representing the specified object, or null>/code> if the object does not exist in the cache


protected final SystemObject findObject(DBObjectID id)
Looks for the specified object id in the cache.
id - the id of the object
the previously created SystemObject representing the specified object, or null if the object does not exist in the cache


public void destroyCache()
Destroys the object cache. Use clearCaches() unless you are changing the supported object types.


protected final void clearCache(java.lang.String type)
Clears the cache of objects of the specified type.
type - a string containing the type of object for which the cache should be cleared


protected final void clearAllCaches()
Clears all the object caches.


public SchemaObjectManager getCascadeManager()
By default creates a SchemaObjectManager. Override to customise.
Specified by:
getCascadeManager in interface DBObjectProvider


public final SchemaObjectManager getObjectManager()
Specified by:
getObjectManager in interface DBObjectProvider


protected SchemaObjectManager createObjectManager()
Creates the object manager for this provider. Override if a custom object manager is needed.


protected void cacheObject(SystemObject object,
                           boolean loadOperation)
Adds an object to the cache. If an object of the same type, schema, and name as the specified object is already in the cache, it will be replaced.
object - the SchemaObject needing to be cached
loadOperation - this is a load of the object, not a create or update.


protected final void uncacheObject(SystemObject object)
Removes an object from the cache.
object - the SchemaObject needing to be removed from the cache


protected java.lang.String[] listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String type,
                                             Schema schema,
                                             java.lang.String ref)
                                      throws DBException
Retrieves the list of objects by using a registered builder. If no builder has been registered for the object type, an empty array of names will be returned. Subclasses can use this method to delegate the list of objects to builders.
type - a string containg the type of object to list
schema - the schema
ref - a string containing a pattern to match object names against
an array of object names


protected java.util.Collection<SystemObject> listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String[] objectTypes,
                                                             Schema schema,
                                                             java.lang.String ref)
                                                      throws DBException
Internal listObjects implementation. By default this simply calls listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria) and shouldn't be overridden.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected abstract <T extends SystemObject> java.util.Collection<T> listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
                                                                         throws DBException
Internal listObjects implementation. All listObjects methods call through to this.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected final <T extends SystemObject> java.util.Collection<T> listObjectsFromCache(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
Lists the objects that are in the internal memory cache for this provider. Not really useful as a listObjectsImpl implementation as you need to list what is in the actual dictionary for that.


protected <T extends SystemObject> T getObjectImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
                                        throws DBException


protected <T extends SystemObject> T checkCachedObject(T object)
                                            throws DBException
Use by getObjectImpl to verify that the given object in the cache is still valid. By default timestamping is used to check the object if available.
object - the cached object to check
schema -
an object ready to return from getObjectImpl, or null if the cached object was invalid and has been removed.


public Schema[] listSchemas()
                     throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider regardless of their visibility to the user.
Specified by:
listSchemas in interface DBObjectProvider
an array of schemas
See Also:


public Schema[] listSchemas(boolean showAll)
                     throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider. The list is optionally restricted to those schemas containing objects belonging (or visible to) the user.
Specified by:
listSchemas in interface DBObjectProvider
showAll - if false, only schemas containing objects belonging to (or visible to) the user are returned
an array of schemas
DBException - if an error is encountered listing the schemas.


public Schema getSchema(java.lang.String name)
                 throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the Schema object associated with a specific name.
Specified by:
getSchema in interface DBObjectProvider
name - a string containing the name of the schema
a Schema representing the schema
DBException - if an error is encountered getting the schema


protected Schema findSchema(java.lang.String name)
                     throws DBException
Method for use within the provider that retrieves a schema and doesn't check the database if the schema is found in the cache. This should only be used withing operations where the existence of the schema is implied or unnecessary.


public final void resumeTimestampQueries(java.lang.String key)
Resumes the calls to get the external timestamp for a given object. The key passed in must match that passed into suspendTimestampQueries and the number of keys must reach zero before timestamping will resume.


public final void suspendTimestampQueries(java.lang.String key)
Limits the call to get the external timestamp for a given object to once until resumeTimestampQueries() is called. This means that once queried the first time, if an object is changed in the database the API will not notice.


protected final java.lang.Object getCachedTimestamp(java.lang.Object obj)
Use to check whether timestamps are suspended and that the given object is a key in the cache of timestamp values. If it is a key, its value is returned.
the - key in the timestamp cache to lookup
the value from the timestamp cache for the given key if there was one, and only if timestamps are currently suspended


protected final java.lang.Object putCachedTimestampKey(java.lang.Object obj,
                                                       java.lang.Object value)
Checks that timestamps are suspended, and if they are caches the given key and value in the timestamp cache. Access to the cache is only possible while timestamps are suspended, and the cache is cleared when timestamps are not suspended.
obj - the key for the timstamp cache
value - the value to put against the given key
any existing value that was in the cache already for the given key


public boolean supportsTimestamps(java.lang.String objectType)
Returns true if this provider supports object timestamping for the given object type. An object's timestamp is set in the property map ( getProperties() ) under the TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY key.

Returns false by default.


public boolean supportsTimestamps()
Deprecated. replaced by supportsTimestamps(String)


public final java.lang.Long getTimestamp(java.lang.String type,
                                         Schema schema,
                                         java.lang.String objectName)
                                  throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the timestamp representing the last modification time of the specified object's metadata. If the provider does not provide timestamp information for metadata, a null value should be returned.
Specified by:
getTimestamp in interface DBObjectProvider
type - a String containing the type of the object
schema - the Schema containing the object
objectName - a String containing the name of the object
the timestamp as a Long value
DBException - if an error is encountered getting the timestamp


public final java.lang.Long getTimestamp(DBObjectID id)
                                  throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the timestamp for the object represented by the given ID.
Specified by:
getTimestamp in interface DBObjectProvider
id - the ID for the object
the timestamp
DBException - if an error is encountered getting the timestamp
See Also:


protected DBObject findByID(DBObjectID id)
                     throws DBException


protected void resetObject(SystemObject object,
                           SystemObject listed,
                           java.lang.Long timestamp)
If it has been noticed that the timestamp has changed on an object, or we have updated it in the database, we want to turn it back into an object that needs building again. This method resets an object back to a pre-built state.
object - the object we want to have cached and reset
listed - an object returned by a list/find which is potentially in the cache, and potentially has a different id.
timestamp - the timestamp for the new object (can be null)


protected SystemObject createObjectImpl(java.lang.String type,
                                        Schema schema,
                                        java.lang.String name)
                                 throws DBException
Uses listObjectsImpl to find or create an object with the given type, schema and name. If an object exists in the cache it will be returned (assuming it still exists in the underlying provider) otherwise a new object (lazy loaded) will be created.


protected boolean isRequestedObject(SystemObject object,
                                    java.lang.String type,
                                    Schema schema,
                                    java.lang.String name)
Returns true if SchemaObject object is of type type, owned by schema schema, and named name. This default implementation matches name exactly. It should be overridden when a looser name match is required, e.g. Oracle database links.
object - the object to be matched
type - the type of the requested object
schema - the owner of the requested object
name - the name of the requested object


protected SystemObject createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
                               throws DBException


protected java.lang.Long getExternalTimestampImpl(SystemObject object)
                                           throws DBException
Retrieves the external timestamp for the specified object. The external timestamp represents the last modification time for the object in the backend store (database, file system, or whatever else this provider is representing).
object -


protected final java.lang.Long getExternalTimestamp(SystemObject object)
                                             throws DBException


protected final void markForLazyInit(AbstractBuildableObject object)


protected final void markForLazyInit(AbstractBuildableObject object,
                                     DBObjectBuilder builder)


public static java.lang.String convertObject(DBObject obj)
Converts a DBObject into a String representation of the object name.
obj - the DBObject
a String representing the object name; if the object is null, an empty String is returned.


public java.lang.String getIdentifierQuoteString()
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the string used to quote identifiers. By default, the quote string is assumed to be ". If the quoting of identifiers is not supported by a subclass, that subclass should return null.
Specified by:
getIdentifierQuoteString in interface DBObjectProvider
the string containing the character or characters used to quote an identifier.


public java.lang.String[] listObjectTypes()
Returns a sorted array of the object types supported in this provider. If overridden the returned array must be sorted by the natural ordering of the elements (i.e. so that Arrays.binarySearch will work).
Specified by:
listObjectTypes in interface DBObjectProvider
an array of strings containing the supported types of objects
See Also:


public boolean supportsObjectType(java.lang.String type)
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Convinience method to check whether this provider supports the given object type - i.e. whether it is contained in the array returned by listObjectTypes().
Specified by:
supportsObjectType in interface DBObjectProvider
See Also:


public final java.lang.String[] listObjects(java.lang.String objectType,
                                            Schema schema)
                                     throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
Specified by:
listObjects in interface DBObjectProvider
objectType - the type of objects to list
schema - the schema to list from
an array of object names


public final java.lang.String[] listObjects(java.lang.String objectType,
                                            Schema schema,
                                            java.lang.String ref)
                                     throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
Specified by:
listObjects in interface DBObjectProvider
objectType - the type of objects to list
schema - the schema to list from
ref - a pattern to match against.
an array of object names


public final SchemaObject[] listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes,
                                        Schema schema)
                                 throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
Specified by:
listObjects in interface DBObjectProvider
objectTypes - an array of Strings representing the desired types
schema - the Schema to list from
an array of SchemaObjects representing the objects
DBException - if an error is encountered listing the objects


public final SchemaObject[] listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes,
                                        Schema schema,
                                        java.lang.String ref)
                                 throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
Specified by:
listObjects in interface DBObjectProvider
objectTypes - an array of Strings representing the desired types
schema - the Schema to list from
ref - a pattern to match against.
an array of SchemaObjects representing the objects
DBException - if an error is encountered listing the objects


public final <T extends SystemObject> java.util.Collection<T> listObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
                                                               throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Lists the objects from this provider that match the given criteria.


   // list Tables beginning with E in a given schema
   DBObjectProvider pro = ...
   Schema schema = ...
   SystemObject obj = pro.listObjects(
     DBObjectCriteria.createCriteria( Table.TYPE, schema, "E%" ) );

   // list all objects that have columns and constraints in schema HR
   DBObjectCriteria<Relation> c = new DBObjectCriteria<Relation>(Relation.class);
   c.setSchemaName( "HR" );
   Collection<Relation> rels = pro.listObjects( c );

   // list all the schemas in this provider
   Collection<Schema> schemas = pro.listObjects(
      new DBObjectCriteria<Schema>(Schema.class) );
Specified by:
listObjects in interface DBObjectProvider
criteria - the filter to use for listing objects (cannot be null)
a collection of objects
DBException - if an error is encountered listing the objects


public final <T extends SystemObject> T getObject(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
                                       throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the SystemObject representing a specific database object. The given criteria must match only one object.


   // find EMP in a given provider and schema
   DBObjectProvider pro = ...
   Schema schema = ...
   SystemObject obj = pro.getObject(
     DBObjectCriteria.createCriteria( Table.TYPE, schema, "EMP" ) );

   // find Table HR.EMPLOYEES
c = new DBObjectCriteria(Table.class); c.setNameLike( "EMPLOYEES" ); c.setSchemaName( "HR" ); Table employees = pro.getObject( c );
Specified by:
getObject in interface DBObjectProvider
the SystemObject matching the specified criteria
DBException - if an error is encountered retrieving the object


public final SchemaObject getObject(java.lang.String objectType,
                                    Schema schema,
                                    java.lang.String name)
                             throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the SchemaObject representing a specific database object.
Specified by:
getObject in interface DBObjectProvider
objectType - the type of object desired.
schema - the name of the schema containing the object
name - the name of the object
the SchemaObject matching the specified criteria
DBException - if an error is encountered retrieving the object
See Also:


public boolean hasPriviledge(java.lang.String type,
                             Schema schema,
                             java.lang.String priv)
Checks to see whether the user has the requisite permissions to perform the specified operation. For example, whether the user has permission to create a new table in a specific schema. The default implementation is to permit all priviledges.
Specified by:
hasPriviledge in interface DBObjectProvider
type - the object type on which the operation is being performed.
schema - the schema to check. A value of null checks for the current schema.
priv - a pre-defined operation.
whether the specified operation can be completed.


public final void createObject(SystemObject obj,
                               boolean replace)
                        throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Causes the creation of the object described by the specified meta data.
Specified by:
createObject in interface DBObjectProvider
obj - the SystemObject describing the object to create.
replace - whether to replace an existing object. If replace is false and the object exists, createObject will fail.
DBException - if an error is encountered creating the object.


public final void deleteObject(SystemObject obj,
                               boolean cascade)
                        throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Deletes the object.
Specified by:
deleteObject in interface DBObjectProvider
obj - the object to delete
cascade - whether to delete dependent objects
DBException - if an error is encountered performing the delete


public final void updateObject(SystemObject oldObject,
                               SystemObject newObject)
                        throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Updates the definition of an object.
Specified by:
updateObject in interface DBObjectProvider
oldObject - the old version of the object
newObject - the new version of the object
DBException - if the update fails


public final void updateObjects(SystemObject[] oldObjects,
                                SystemObject[] newObjects)
                         throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Updates the definition of a set of objects.
Specified by:
updateObjects in interface DBObjectProvider
DBException - if the update fails


public void createSchema(Schema schema,
                         boolean replace)
                  throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Causes the creation of a new Schema in the persistent storage.
Specified by:
createSchema in interface DBObjectProvider
schema - the schema being created
replace - whether to replace an existing schema
DBException - if an error is encountered creating the schema


public void deleteSchema(Schema schema,
                         boolean cascade)
                  throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Deletes the schema.
Specified by:
deleteSchema in interface DBObjectProvider
schema - the schema to delete
cascade - whether to delete dependent objects (i.e. all SchemaObjects contained in the Schema).
DBException - if an error is encountered performing the delete


public void updateSchema(Schema oldSchema,
                         Schema newSchema)
                  throws DBException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Updates the definition of a Schema.
Specified by:
updateSchema in interface DBObjectProvider
oldSchema - the old version of the schema
newSchema - the new version of the schema
DBException - if the update fails


public PropertyManager getPropertyManager()
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Gets the PropertyManager (if available) for this provider. The property manager provides information about which properties are supported on which objects, and what operations (create/replace/update/delete) are supported for any particular object or property.
Specified by:
getPropertyManager in interface DBObjectProvider
this provider's property manager, or null if no property manager exists.


protected final int getCasePolicy()
Retrieves the provider's case policy for unquoted names.
the Database's case policy for unquoted names.
See Also:


protected final int getQuotedNameCasePolicy()
Retrieves the provider's case policy for quoted names.
the Database's case policy for quoted names.
See Also:


public final boolean isValidName(java.lang.String name)
Deprecated. - use isValidName( String type, String name )
Checks to see whether a name is valid. Note that a valid name does not guarantee uniqueness. The default implementation is allow all names.
Specified by:
isValidName in interface DBObjectProvider
name - the name to check
whether the name is valid
See Also:
DBObjectProvider.isValidName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public final boolean isValidName(java.lang.String type,
                                 java.lang.String name)
Checks to see whether a name is valid. Note that a valid name does not guarantee uniqueness. The default implementation is allow all names.
Specified by:
isValidName in interface DBObjectProvider
name - the name to check
type - the type of object the name is intended for
whether the name is valid


public final void validateName(java.lang.String name)
                        throws InvalidNameException
Deprecated. - use validateName( String type, String name )
Checks to see whether a name is valid. Note that a valid name does not guarantee uniqueness. Override validateName( String type, String name ) to customise validation.
Specified by:
validateName in interface DBObjectProvider
name - the name to check
InvalidNameException - with appropriate message if the name is invalid.
See Also:
DBObjectProvider.validateName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public final void validateName(java.lang.String type,
                               java.lang.String name)
                        throws InvalidNameException
Checks to see whether a name is valid. Note that a valid name does not guarantee uniqueness. The default implementation is allow all names.
Specified by:
validateName in interface DBObjectProvider
type - the type of object the name is itended for
name - the name to check
InvalidNameException - with appropriate message if the name is invalid.


public final java.lang.String quoteIdentifier(java.lang.String internalName,
                                              boolean force)
                                       throws DBException
Determines if internalName needs quoting to make it a valid external name, and if so returns a quoted copy of it. If it doesn't need quoting, it returns the name unquoted. If internalName is empty, or quoted names aren't supported by the provider and the name isn't valid, it returns null.
Specified by:
quoteIdentifier in interface DBObjectProvider
internalName -
force - Always quote the name


public final java.lang.String getInternalName(java.lang.String name,
                                              java.lang.String objectType)
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Converts the specified name into the format used internally within the metadata. Generally, internal names are not quoted; quoted names have the quotes removed. Unquoted names may be converted to a single case if the underlying provider does not support mixed case identifiers.
Specified by:
getInternalName in interface DBObjectProvider
name - a String containing the name to convert
objectType - a String containing the type of object being named
the internal version of the name


public final java.lang.String getInternalName(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Converts the specified name into the format used internally within the metadata. Generally, internal names are not quoted; quoted names have the quotes removed. Unquoted names may be converted to a single case if the underlying provider does not support mixed case identifiers.
Specified by:
getInternalName in interface DBObjectProvider
name - a String containing the name to convert
the internal version of the name


public final java.lang.String getExternalName(java.lang.String name,
                                              java.lang.String objectType)
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Converts the specified name into the format used externally to represent the identifier. In most case, this is equivalent to calling quoteIdentifier, specifying false for the force argument. Note, however, that exceptions are not thrown; rather, the original name will be returned.
Specified by:
getExternalName in interface DBObjectProvider
name - a String containing the name to externalize
objectType - a String containing the type of object being named
a String containing the externalized name


public final java.lang.String getExternalName(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Converts the specified name into the format used externally to represent the identifier. In most case, this is equivalent to calling quoteIdentifier, specifying false for the force argument. Note, however, that exceptions are not thrown; rather, the original name will be returned.
Specified by:
getExternalName in interface DBObjectProvider
name - a String containing the name to externalize
a String containing the externalized name


public DataType[] listSupportedDataTypes()
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the list of datatypes supported by this provider.
Specified by:
listSupportedDataTypes in interface DBObjectProvider
an array of DataType objects representing the supported datatypes.


public DataType getDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the datatype represented by a specific name.
Specified by:
getDataType in interface DBObjectProvider
typeName - a String containing the name of the datatype.
the DataType represented by the specified name or null if none can be found.


public DataType getOrCreateDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Retrieves the datatype represented by a specific name.
Specified by:
getOrCreateDataType in interface DBObjectProvider
typeName - a String containing the name of the datatype.
the DataType represented by the specified name. If none can be found, creates a UserDataType and registers this with the provider.


public void validateObject(DBObject object)
                    throws ValidationException
Validates the given object using the DBObjectValidator registered against that object's type. A ValidationException is thrown if the object fails to validate, or if no DBObjectValidator is registered for that object type.
Specified by:
validateObject in interface DBObjectProvider
object - The object to validate
ValidationException - if the object is not valid. The exception will describe the validation failure. A MissingValidatorException is thrown if the provider has no validator for the given object type.


public final void validateObject(DBObject object,
                                            java.lang.String property)
                          throws ValidationException
Specified by:
validateObject in interface DBObjectProvider


public final void validateObjectProperty(DBObject object,
                                                    java.lang.Object property)
                                  throws ValidationException
Specified by:
validateObjectProperty in interface DBObjectProvider


public void validateObjectProperty(DBObject object,
                                   java.lang.String property)
                            throws ValidationException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Checks to see if the children of a given object are valid. If the object has no children of the given type a MissingValidatorException will be thrown. This is a convinience method to perform validation to a specific property on an object - all properties will be validated if DBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject) is called.
Specified by:
validateObjectProperty in interface DBObjectProvider
object - The object to validate
property - An identifier for a specific property to validate
ValidationException - if the object is not valid. The exception will describe the validation failure. A MissingValidatorException is thrown if the provider has no validator for the given object type, or property.


public void validateSchema(Schema schema)
                    throws ValidationException
Deprecated. - use validateObject( DBObject object )
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Checks to see if the Schema is valid.
Specified by:
validateSchema in interface DBObjectProvider
schema - The Schema to validate
ValidationException - if the Schema is not valid. The exception will describe the validation failure.


public void validateObject(DBObject original,
                           DBObject update)
                    throws ValidationException
Validates the given object update using the DBObjectValidator registered against that object's type. A ValidationException is thrown if the update fails to validate, or if no DBObjectValidator is registered for that object type.
Specified by:
validateObject in interface DBObjectProvider
ValidationException - if the updated object is not valid. The exception will describe the validation failure. A MissingValidatorException is thrown if the provider has no validator for the given object type.


public final void validateObject(DBObject original,
                                            DBObject update,
                                            java.lang.String property)
                          throws ValidationException
Specified by:
validateObject in interface DBObjectProvider


public final void validateObjectProperty(DBObject original,
                                                    DBObject updated,
                                                    java.lang.Object property)
                                  throws ValidationException
Specified by:
validateObjectProperty in interface DBObjectProvider


public void validateObjectProperty(DBObject original,
                                   DBObject update,
                                   java.lang.String property)
                            throws ValidationException
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Checks to see if the updated children of a given object are valid. If the object has no children of the given type a MissingValidatorException will be thrown. This is a convinience method to perform validation to a specific property on an object - all properties will be validated if DBObjectProvider.validateObject(DBObject,DBObject) is called.
Specified by:
validateObjectProperty in interface DBObjectProvider
original - The original version of the edited object
update - The edited object to validate
property - An identifier for a specific property to validate
ValidationException - if the object is not valid. The exception will describe the validation failure. A MissingValidatorException is thrown if the provider has no validator for the given object type, or property.


public void validateSchema(Schema original,
                                      Schema update)
                    throws ValidationException
Deprecated. use validateObject( DBObject original, DBObject update )
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Checks to see if the schema update is valid.
Specified by:
validateSchema in interface DBObjectProvider
ValidationException - if the updated schema is not valid. The exception will describe the validation failure.


public void validateUniqueName(java.lang.String type,
                               DBObject contextObject,
                               java.lang.String name)
                        throws NameInUseException
Validates that a name is not used within the context DBObject, and throws NameInUseException if it is. This default implementation throws the exception if : 1. type is a SchemaObject and name matches the name of one of contextObject's owned objects. 2. type is an Index and name matches the name of an index of one of contextObject's owned objects. 3. type is a Constraint and name matches the name of a contraint of one of contextObject's owned objects. In all cases NameInUseException.getUserObject() will return the matching owned object.
Specified by:
validateUniqueName in interface DBObjectProvider
type - : the type of name being validated
contextObject - : the database object context to use when determining the uniqueness of the name
name - : the name to be checked


public java.lang.String getUniqueName(java.lang.String type,
                                      DBObject contextObject,
                                      java.lang.String base)
Returns a unique name for an object of given type within contextObject using base name. This default implementation ensures that you cannot have two SchemaObjects of any type with the same name, two indexes with the same name or two constraints with the same name, within contextObject.
Specified by:
getUniqueName in interface DBObjectProvider
type - is the type of object to get the name for
contextObject - is the database object context to use when determining the uniqueness of the name
base - is the base name to use. If base is null or zero length, the type name suffixed with 1 is used.
a unique name for the given object type.


protected java.lang.String normaliseType(java.lang.String type)


public DiffEngine getDiffEngine()
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Returns a diff engine setup with the appropriate set of differs for object updating.

Providers which do not support object updating should return null.

Specified by:
getDiffEngine in interface DBObjectProvider


protected java.util.logging.Logger getLogger()
Gets the logger to use in this provider.


protected void logEvent(java.lang.String msg,
                        java.lang.Object... params)
Use to log provider events.


protected abstract java.lang.String getName()
Returns an identifier for this provider.


public boolean isEditable(DBObject object)
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Returns whether or not the object can be edited
Specified by:
isEditable in interface DBObjectProvider


public DBObject getDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type)
Returns the default template object for the given type, or null if none defined
Specified by:
getDefaultTemplateForType in interface DBObjectProvider


public void setDefaultTemplateForType(java.lang.String type,
                                      DBObject template)
Sets the default template object for the given type. Default (online) implementation throws a RuntimeException.
Specified by:
setDefaultTemplateForType in interface DBObjectProvider


public boolean isNewFromTemplateType(java.lang.String type)
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Test whether the given type is the pseudo type used for new objects that are being created from a template.
Specified by:
isNewFromTemplateType in interface DBObjectProvider
type - the type to test
true if the type is a "new from template" type


protected abstract void registerExpanders()


protected void registerSchemaObjectExpander(SchemaObjectExpander expander)


protected SchemaObjectExpander[] getSchemaObjectExpanders()


public DBObjectFactory getObjectFactory()
Description copied from interface: DBObjectProvider
Get the object factory for this provider.
Specified by:
getObjectFactory in interface DBObjectProvider

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