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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class TextTabber

  extended by oracle.javatools.editor.TextTabber

public final class TextTabber
extends java.lang.Object

A class to highlight a number of sections of text in an editor. The user can then quickly tab forward and backwards through these sections with each section becoming the editor selection in turn.

To use: create an instance, add ranges of text to it via calls to addRange, then call setActive(true) to start the tabbing effect.

The effect is automatically removed when either:
- The caret is repositioned before the start offset of the valid range
- The caret is repositioned after the end offset of the valid range
- or by a call to setActive(false).
- or by the user hitting cancel (the escape key by default)

The sections of text can be added in any order, the TextTabber works out the order of tabbing based on current caret location and start offset.

The offsets for the ranges are automatically adjusted if the text in the editor is changed.

Internally the class uses editor resources. Once created a TextTabber must either be started or manually disposed otherwise the resources will not be freed.

Ranges are currently not allowed to touch. If a change in the document occurs such that two ranges are immediately adjacent then the InvalidRangeAction occurs, this can be set to either stop the tabber, or to remove invalid ranges.

Nested Class Summary
static class TextTabber.InvalidRangeAction
 class TextTabber.TabTextRange
          A TextRange that also contains a key to identify it to clients


Field Summary
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_ACTIVE
          Property for when the TextTabber becomes active or not
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_RANGE_CHANGE
          Property for when the active range is changed.


Constructor Summary
TextTabber(BasicEditorPane editor)
          Create a TextTabber for the specified editor


Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
 TextTabber.TabTextRange addRange(int startOffset, int endOffset)
          Add a range of text to the TextTabber so that is involved in the tabbing.
 TextTabber.TabTextRange addRange(java.lang.Object key, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          Add a range of text to the TextTabber so that is involved in the tabbing.
 void dispose()
          As the TextTabber uses editor resources these resources need to be released when no longer needed.
Note: disposal is automatic once the TextTabber has been activated via setActive(true).
 TextTabber.InvalidRangeAction getInvalidRangeAction()
 java.util.Collection<TextTabber.TabTextRange> getTextRanges()
 void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
 void removeRange(TextTabber.TabTextRange textRange)
          Remove a previously added TabTextRange, This range no longer participates in the tabbing.
 void setActive(boolean isActive)
          Start or stop the tabbing effect.
 void setInvalidRangeAction(TextTabber.InvalidRangeAction invalidRangeAction)
          The action to take when the TextTabber discovers a change in the document that makes at least one range invalid (e.g.
 void setValidRange(int startValidOffset, int endValidOffset)
          Manually set the first and last offset between which the TextTabber will remain active.
 java.lang.String toString()


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_ACTIVE
Property for when the TextTabber becomes active or not
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_RANGE_CHANGE
Property for when the active range is changed. The old range value currently isn't reported in these events. If the new range is null then the user has tabbed past the end field to a non-existing field, and the tabber is about to stop. This would be a good opportunity to set a final post-tabber location offset.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public TextTabber(BasicEditorPane editor)
Create a TextTabber for the specified editor
editor -

Method Detail


public TextTabber.TabTextRange addRange(int startOffset,
                                        int endOffset)
Add a range of text to the TextTabber so that is involved in the tabbing. The added range has no key
startOffset -
endOffset -
a TextRange, useful if the range needs to be removed.


public TextTabber.TabTextRange addRange(java.lang.Object key,
                                        int startOffset,
                                        int endOffset)
Add a range of text to the TextTabber so that is involved in the tabbing.
key - the key is set in the returned TabTextRange for clients to identify the range
startOffset -
endOffset -
a TextRange, useful if the range needs to be removed.


public void removeRange(TextTabber.TabTextRange textRange)
Remove a previously added TabTextRange, This range no longer participates in the tabbing.
textRange -


public void setValidRange(int startValidOffset,
                          int endValidOffset)
Manually set the first and last offset between which the TextTabber will remain active. If the caret moves outside of these marks the tabbing is automatically stopped.

Note: The valid range is automatically set by the text tabber to match the first and last offsets in the added ranges. This method is only needed to be called if wider valid offset bounds are needed.
startValidOffset -
endValidOffset -


public void setActive(boolean isActive)
Start or stop the tabbing effect. Once stopped the tabbing cannot be restarted. by this instance.
isActive -


public java.util.Collection<TextTabber.TabTextRange> getTextRanges()
a collection of active ranges sorted by increasing start offsets.


public void dispose()
As the TextTabber uses editor resources these resources need to be released when no longer needed.
Note: disposal is automatic once the TextTabber has been activated via setActive(true). Manual disposal is only needed if the TextTabber was never started.


public void setInvalidRangeAction(TextTabber.InvalidRangeAction invalidRangeAction)
The action to take when the TextTabber discovers a change in the document that makes at least one range invalid (e.g. it overlaps or touches another range). Defaults to InvalidRangeAction.REMOVE_RANGES
invalidRangeAction -


public TextTabber.InvalidRangeAction getInvalidRangeAction()


public void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)


public void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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