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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use JavaHasType The parser API. The parser's class file reader. Classes common to model implementations. The parser model API. The parser model API for doc elements. The parser model API for expressions. Various utilities for use with the parser. Public implementations of the JavaFileProvider interface. 


Uses of JavaHasType in


Methods in that return JavaHasType
abstract  JavaHasType CallerContext.resolveAmbiguousName(JavaHasType lhs, java.lang.String name)
          Looks up the given AmbiguousName with a lhs value in the given scope.
abstract  JavaHasType CallerContext.resolveAmbiguousName(java.lang.String name)
          Looks up the given AmbiguousName in the given scope.
abstract  JavaHasType CallerContext.resolveExpressionName(JavaHasType lhs, java.lang.String name)
          Looks up the given ExpressionName with a lhs value in the given scope.
abstract  JavaHasType CallerContext.resolveExpressionName(java.lang.String name)
          Looks up the given ExpressionName in the given scope.


Methods in with parameters of type JavaHasType
abstract  CallerContext.Output CallerContext.listMethods(JavaHasType lhs, java.lang.String name, JavaType[] tArguments, CallerContext.InputOptions options)
          List all matching methods that are both visible and accessible in this caller context.
abstract  CallerContext.Output CallerContext.listNames(JavaHasType lhs, CallerContext.InputOptions options)
          List all elements that are both visible and accessible in this caller context.
abstract  JavaHasType CallerContext.resolveAmbiguousName(JavaHasType lhs, java.lang.String name)
          Looks up the given AmbiguousName with a lhs value in the given scope.
abstract  JavaHasType CallerContext.resolveExpressionName(JavaHasType lhs, java.lang.String name)
          Looks up the given ExpressionName with a lhs value in the given scope.
 JavaMethod CallerContext.resolveMethod(JavaHasType lhs, java.lang.String name, JavaType[] arguments)
          Looks up a method.
abstract  JavaMethod CallerContext.resolveMethod(JavaHasType lhs, java.lang.String name, JavaType[] typeArguments, JavaType[] arguments)
          Looks up a method.
abstract  JavaType CallerContext.resolveTypeName(JavaHasType lhs, java.lang.String name)
          Looks up the given TypeName with a lhs value in the given scope.


Uses of JavaHasType in


Classes in that implement JavaHasType


Uses of JavaHasType in


Classes in that implement JavaHasType
 class AbstractAnnotation
          TODO: Is this class really necessary?
 class AbstractClass
          An abstract implementation of JavaClass.
 class AbstractField
          An abstract implementation of JavaField.
 class AbstractMethod
          An abstract implementation of JavaMethod.
 class AbstractType
          An abstract implementation of JavaType.
 class AbstractVariable
          An abstract implementation of JavaVariable.
 class CastedMethod
          A "casted method" represents a method invocation followed by a type cast.
 class PrimitiveType
          Represents a primitive type JavaClass.
 class QuickComponent
          A QuickComponent is a special type of JavaVariable that refers to an annotation member (method!).
 class QuickHasType
          A lightweight object that knows how to retrieve its resolved type when asked for it.
 class QuickLocalVariable
          A light-weight implementation of JavaLocalVariable, particularly useful for constructing formal parameter objects for use with QuickMethod.
 class QuickMethod
          A lightweight implementation of JavaMethod.
 class SignatureHasType
          This JavaHasType gets its name in that it's used for signature parsing.
 class Value
          Represents a value in the java language.
 class WrapperClass
          Skeleton implementation of an object wrapping a class.
 class WrapperField
          Skeleton implementation of an object wrapping a field.
 class WrapperLocalVariable
          Skeleton implementation of an object wrapping a local variable.
 class WrapperMethod
          Skeleton implementation of an object wrapping a method.


Fields in with type parameters of type JavaHasType
protected  java.util.List<JavaHasType> SignatureHasType.arguments
          The type arguments applied to this type.


Methods in with parameters of type JavaHasType
static QuickLocalVariable QuickLocalVariable.createLocalVariable(JavaHasType hasType, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a local variable for a type that is not known at construction time.
static Value Value.createValue(JavaHasType hasType)


Uses of JavaHasType in


Subinterfaces of JavaHasType in
 interface JavaAnnotation
          An instance of an annotation type.
 interface JavaClass
          A JavaClass is mostly the equivalent of java/lang/Class.
 interface JavaField
          The JavaField is the compiled representation of a java field.
 interface JavaIsGeneric
          A generic declaration declares type parameters.
 interface JavaLocalVariable
          A compile-time local variable (or formal parameter).
 interface JavaMember
          The JavaField is the compiled representation of a java field.
 interface JavaMethod
          The JavaMethod is the compiled representation of a java method or constructor, including the implicit <clinit> method.
 interface JavaType
          JavaType is the common base interface for JavaClass, JavaTypeVariable, and JavaWildcardType.
 interface JavaTypeVariable
          The TypeVariable is a new concept in jdk 1.5.
 interface JavaVariable
          The JavaVariable is the compiled representation of a local variable, including formal parameters.
 interface JavaWildcardType
          The WildcardType is a new concept in jdk 1.5.
 interface SourceAnnotation
          An annotation (not to be confused with annotation type).
 interface SourceClass
          A SourceClass is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java class: classes, enums, interfaces, and annotation types.
 interface SourceClassInitializer
          The SourceMember represents a member declaration for a type.
 interface SourceEnumConstant
          An enum constant.
 interface SourceFieldDeclaration
          A field (or enum constant) declaration.
 interface SourceFieldVariable
          A field variable.
 interface SourceFormalParameter
          A formal parameter.
 interface SourceLocalVariable
          A local variable or formal parameter.
 interface SourceMember
          The SourceMember represents a member declaration for a type.
 interface SourceMemberVariable
          A field (or enum constant) variable.
 interface SourceMethod
          A SourceMethod is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java method or constructor declaration.
 interface SourceTypeArgument
          A type argument for a type reference.
 interface SourceTypeParameter
          A type parameter.
 interface SourceTypeReference
          A type reference.
 interface SourceVariable
          A SourceVariable is the syntactic (aka symbolic) representation of a java variable, including: field variables, enum constant variables, local variables, and formal parameters.


Fields in declared as JavaHasType
static JavaHasType[] JavaHasType.EMPTY_ARRAY


Methods in that return JavaHasType
 JavaHasType CompiledImport.getImportedElementAt(int index)


Uses of JavaHasType in


Methods in that return JavaHasType
 JavaHasType CompiledDocReference.getResolvedObject()
          Gets the Java class, construct, method, field, or parameter to which this reference resolves.


Uses of JavaHasType in


Subinterfaces of JavaHasType in
 interface CompiledAccessExpression
          The type of a compiled access expression.
 interface CompiledExpression
          The type of a compiled expression.
 interface CompiledInvokeExpression
          The type of a compiled invocation expression.
 interface CompiledSelfVariable
          The type of a compiled self variable.
 interface CompiledTmpVariable
          The type of a compiled tmp variable.
 interface SourceAnnotationExpression
          An AnnotationExpression is a final expression representing an annotation that is also an expression operand (and therefore must be a subclass of Expression).
 interface SourceArrayAccessExpression
          An ArrayAccessExpression is a final expression representing an array access expression.
 interface SourceAssignmentExpression
          An AssignmentExpression is a final expression representing infix operations that are assignments.
 interface SourceDereferenceExpression
          A SourceDereferenceExpression is a common base expression representing an operator that performs a dereference.
 interface SourceDotExpression
          A DotExpression is a final expression representing a selector.
 interface SourceExpression
          The SourceExpression is essentially the union of all the various operators and primaries.
 interface SourceInfixExpression
          An InfixExpression is a final expression representing an infix operation that is not an assignment.
 interface SourceInvokeExpression
          A SourceInvokeExpression is a common base expression representing any invocation expression.
 interface SourceListExpression
          A ListExpression is a final expression representing non-operation expressions that have a variable number of operands.
 interface SourceLiteralExpression
          A LiteralExpression is a final expression representing a lexical literal.
 interface SourceMethodCallExpression
          A MethodCallExpression is a final expression representing a method invocation or an explicit constructor invocation.
 interface SourceNewArrayExpression
          An ArrayAccessExpression is a final expression representing an array access expression.
 interface SourceNewClassExpression
          A ClassCreatorExpression is a final expression representing an instance creation expression.
 interface SourceOperatorExpression
          An OperatorExpression is a common base expression representing a multi-operand expression that performs an operation.
 interface SourceQuestionExpression
          A QuestionExpression is a final expression representing the ternary operator x? x: x.
 interface SourceSimpleNameExpression
          A SimpleNameExpression is a final expression representing an unqualified name access.
 interface SourceTypecastExpression
          A TypecastExpression is a final expression representing a type cast.
 interface SourceTypeExpression
          A TypeExpression is a final expression representing a type that is also an expression operand (and therefore must be a subclass of Expression).
 interface SourceUnaryExpression
          A UnaryExpression is a final expression representing the prefix and postfix operators but not the typecast operator.
 interface SourceWrapperExpression
          A WrapperExpression is a final expression that represents wrapping constructs such as parentheses and brackets.


Methods in that return JavaHasType
 JavaHasType CompiledAccessExpression.getResolvedLhs()
 JavaHasType CompiledExpression.getResolvedObject()
          Convenience method.


Uses of JavaHasType in


Methods in with parameters of type JavaHasType
 boolean BindingContext.appendDescription(JavaHasType hasType, boolean simplified, java.lang.StringBuffer buffer)
          Appends a simplified description of a type bound in this context to buffer.
 java.lang.String BindingContext.getSimplifiedDescription(JavaHasType hasType)
          Gets a simplified description of a type bound in this context.


Uses of JavaHasType in


Classes in that implement JavaHasType
protected  class BaseFileProvider.BaseClass
          Our ClCass implementation to override handling of inner class searching and source file hints for SourceClass searching.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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