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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.javatools.ui.table

Interface Summary
DisplayableTable Interface that is used to display the table cells values in a readable text form.
EditableTableModel EditableTableModel supports addding, removing and duplicating row and columns.
GenericTableModel TableModel that determines the alignment of the table column and also whether the column can be hidden or not.
ReorderableTableModel TableModel that supports reordering of rows should implement this interface.


Class Summary
BasicRowHeaderModel A basic model for use with the RowHeader component.
DefaultRowHeaderRenderer A default renderer for use by the row header component.
GenericTable GenericTable is a subclass of JTable with a number of nice and enhanced features and a cleaner UI.
GenericTableCellRenderer Default cell renderer for GenericTable.
GenericTableHeaderRenderer GenericTableHeaderRenderer has a flatter, cleaner, more modern appearance than the default "button-like" header renderer used by Swing.
ReorderableTable ReorderableTable abstracts the reordering communication between a reorderable table and the controller that reorders it.
ReorderableTableWithTitleBar ReorderableTableWithTitleBar is a container for a table with a TableToolbar at top and a Reorderablebar at the right side.
RolloverTableRenderer A TableCellRenderer decorator to add rollover highlighting to table cell renderers
RowHeader A component to appear in a JTable's scrollpane at the head of each row.
RowHeaderSelectionModel A selection model for the RowHeader component to adapt to the table selection
TableHelper TableHelper is a decorator class for JTable with a number of nice and enhanced features and a cleaner UI, which are available as static helper methods.
TableToolbar This toolbar component can be used at the top of the table with various tools like Add, Edit, Delete, Clear, Copy, Paste and Duplicate which supports actions like adding row, adding column, deleting row, deleting column, clearing cell data, copying or pasting data and duplicating a row in the table.


Enum Summary
TableToolbar.ToolAction Action Keys to get some of the default action for the table


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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