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11g Release 1 (


Interface AuditModelListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AuditLogPage, AuditTreeTableModel, CountColumn, SeverityColumn

public interface AuditModelListener
extends java.util.EventListener

A listener for changes to an Audit model.

The following methods report changes to the structure of the model:

The following methods report changes to the visible structure of the model:

The following methods report changes to attributes of rows in a module:

Changes to an Audit model are explicitly triggered by external events. Typically, explicit changes to a row in a model imply visibility and/or count changes to ancestors of that row. The model, after reporting each explicit change to its listeners, propagates the changes to the ancestor rows by traversing from the parent of the changed row to the root, reporting any visibility or count changes to listeners by invoking the #rowRestructured and/or countChanged(oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel, java.lang.Object, oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel.Count, int, int) methods as needed. Count changes are not reported for shown or hidden rows.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void appliedTransformsChanged(AuditModel model, java.lang.Object row, java.util.List<Transform> appliedTransforms)
          Reports that the transforms applied to this model have changed.
 void auditStarted(AuditModel model, java.util.List<Metric> columns, java.util.List<Location> locations, java.lang.Object root, java.lang.Class type)
          Reports that an audit has started on this model.
 void auditStopped(AuditModel model, boolean cancelled)
          Reports that an audit has stopped on this model.
 void countChanged(AuditModel model, java.lang.Object row, AuditModel.Count count, int oldValue, int newValue)
          Reports that a count of a row changed in a model.
 void modelResorted(AuditModel model)
          Reports that the model has been resorted.
 void rowsHidden(AuditModel model, java.util.List<?> rows, java.lang.Object visibleParent, int visibleIndex)
          Reports that rows were shown in a model.
 void rowsInserted(AuditModel model, java.util.List<?> rows, java.lang.Object parent, int index)
          Reports that rows were inserted into a model.
 void rowsRemoved(AuditModel model, java.util.List<?> rows, java.lang.Object parent, int index)
          Reports that rows were removed from a model.
 void rowsRestructureBegin(AuditModel model, java.lang.Object parent, java.lang.Object visibleParent)
          Reports that a restructure of the descendants of a row has begun.
 void rowsRestructureEnd(AuditModel model, java.lang.Object parent, java.lang.Object visibleParent)
          Reports that a restructure of the descendants of a row has ended.
 void rowsShown(AuditModel model, java.util.List<?> rows, java.lang.Object visibleParent, int visibleIndex)
          Reports that rows were shown in a model.
 void valueChanged(AuditModel model, java.lang.Object row, int column, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Reports that a column value of a row changed in a model.


Method Detail


void auditStarted(AuditModel model,
                  java.util.List<Metric> columns,
                  java.util.List<Location> locations,
                  java.lang.Object root,
                  java.lang.Class type)
Reports that an audit has started on this model. Old rows and columns were removed, the new root and columns added. The new root has no children.
model - the affected model.
columns - the columns.
locations - the locations specified.
root - the root.
type -


void auditStopped(AuditModel model,
                  boolean cancelled)
Reports that an audit has stopped on this model.
model - the affected model.
cancelled - whether the audit was cancelled.


void rowsInserted(AuditModel model,
                  java.util.List<?> rows,
                  java.lang.Object parent,
                  int index)
Reports that rows were inserted into a model.

The inserted row is childless and not visible.

The model invokes rowsShown(oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel, java.util.List , java.lang.Object, int) immediately after this method for any of the rows that are visible.

The model propagates visibility or count changes to the parent row and its ancestors as described in the class comment.

model - The changed model.
rows - The shown rows, adjacent if more than one.
parent - The parent of the row.
index - The index of the shown rows in the parent.


void rowsRemoved(AuditModel model,
                 java.util.List<?> rows,
                 java.lang.Object parent,
                 int index)
Reports that rows were removed from a model.

The model invokes rowsHidden(oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel, java.util.List , java.lang.Object, int) immediately before this method for any of the rows that were visible.

The model propagates visibility or count changes to the parent row and its ancestors as described in the class comment.

model - The changed model.
rows - The removed rows, adjacent if more than one.
parent - The parent of the removed rows.
index - The index of the removed rows in the parent.


void rowsShown(AuditModel model,
               java.util.List<?> rows,
               java.lang.Object visibleParent,
               int visibleIndex)
Reports that rows were shown in a model. The model invokes countChanged(oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel, java.lang.Object, oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel.Count, int, int) immediately after this method for each changed count of the parent row.

The model propagates visibility or count changes to the parent row and its ancestors as described in the class comment.

model - The changed model.
rows - The shown rows, adjacent if more than one.
visibleParent - The visible parent row of the shown rows.
visibleIndex - The visible index of the shown rows in the visible parent.


void rowsHidden(AuditModel model,
                java.util.List<?> rows,
                java.lang.Object visibleParent,
                int visibleIndex)
Reports that rows were shown in a model. The model invokes countChanged(oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel, java.lang.Object, oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel.Count, int, int) immediately after this method for each changed count of the parent row.

The model propagates visibility or count changes to the parent row and its ancestors as described in the class comment.

model - The changed model.
rows - The hidden rows, adjacent if more than one.
visibleParent - The visible parent row of the hidden rows.
visibleIndex - The visible index of the hidden rows in the visible parent.


void rowsRestructureBegin(AuditModel model,
                          java.lang.Object parent,
                          java.lang.Object visibleParent)
Reports that a restructure of the descendants of a row has begun.
model - The changed model.
parent - The parent of the restructured rows.
visibleParent - The visible parent row of the restructured rows.


void rowsRestructureEnd(AuditModel model,
                        java.lang.Object parent,
                        java.lang.Object visibleParent)
Reports that a restructure of the descendants of a row has ended.
model - The changed model.
parent - The parent of the restructured rows.
visibleParent - The visible parent row of the restructured rows.


void countChanged(AuditModel model,
                  java.lang.Object row,
                  AuditModel.Count count,
                  int oldValue,
                  int newValue)
Reports that a count of a row changed in a model.

The model propagates visibility or count changes to the parent row and its ancestors as described in the class comment.

model - The changed model.
row - The changed row in the model.
count - The count that change.
oldValue - The old value of the count.
newValue - The new value of the count.


void valueChanged(AuditModel model,
                  java.lang.Object row,
                  int column,
                  java.lang.Object oldValue,
                  java.lang.Object newValue)
Reports that a column value of a row changed in a model. If the change in value affects the index of the row in its parent, the model immediately invokes rowsHidden(oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel, java.util.List , java.lang.Object, int), rowsRemoved(oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel, java.util.List , java.lang.Object, int), rowsInserted(oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel, java.util.List , java.lang.Object, int), and rowsShown(oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service.AuditModel, java.util.List , java.lang.Object, int) as needed.
model - The changed model.
row - The changed row in the model.
column - The column index of the changed value.
oldValue - The old value.
newValue - The new value.


void modelResorted(AuditModel model)
Reports that the model has been resorted.
model - The resorted model.


void appliedTransformsChanged(AuditModel model,
                              java.lang.Object row,
                              java.util.List<Transform> appliedTransforms)
Reports that the transforms applied to this model have changed.
model - The changed model.
row - The row in the model just restructured.
appliedTransforms - The transforms applied to the row.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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