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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class DefaultModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>

  extended by oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.DefaultModuleDeploymentListener<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, ModuleDeploymentListener<T>

public class DefaultModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>
extends java.lang.Object
implements ModuleDeploymentListener<T>

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void deploymentCancelled(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called if the deployment is cancelled, either because of an error, or another listener throwing a VetoableDeployException.
 void moduleDistributed(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called after the packaged module has finished distributing successfully to a remote target.
 void modulePackaged(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called after the Packaging Deployer for the Profile has executed.
 void moduleWillDistribute(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called before the packaged module has been sent to an external target.
 void moduleWillPackage(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called before the Packaging Deployer for the Profile executes.
 void profileCreated(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called before a Deployment Profile is opened for editing.
 void profileExpanded(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called after all filegroups have been expanded to actual file URLs.
 void profileWillExpand(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called before the Project and Workspace files are enumerated to determine filegroup matches.
 void profileWillSave(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called after a Profile has been edited, but before it is closed and saved.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public DefaultModuleDeploymentListener()

Method Detail


public void moduleWillPackage(T profile,
                              DeployShell shell)
Description copied from interface: ModuleDeploymentListener
Called before the Packaging Deployer for the Profile executes.
Specified by:
moduleWillPackage in interface ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>


public void modulePackaged(T profile,
                           DeployShell shell)
Description copied from interface: ModuleDeploymentListener
Called after the Packaging Deployer for the Profile has executed.
Specified by:
modulePackaged in interface ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>


public void moduleWillDistribute(T profile,
                                 DeployShell shell)
Description copied from interface: ModuleDeploymentListener
Called before the packaged module has been sent to an external target. This method may not be called if the module is being deployed locally, for e.g. to a local filesytem.
Specified by:
moduleWillDistribute in interface ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>


public void moduleDistributed(T profile,
                              DeployShell shell)
Description copied from interface: ModuleDeploymentListener
Called after the packaged module has finished distributing successfully to a remote target.
Specified by:
moduleDistributed in interface ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>


public void deploymentCancelled(T profile,
                                DeployShell shell)
Description copied from interface: ModuleDeploymentListener
Called if the deployment is cancelled, either because of an error, or another listener throwing a VetoableDeployException.
Specified by:
deploymentCancelled in interface ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>


public void profileCreated(T profile,
                           DeployShell shell)
Description copied from interface: ModuleDeploymentListener
Called before a Deployment Profile is opened for editing. This can be used to pre-populate the Profile with FileGroups specific to the Project or Workspace being edited. Changes to the Profile will be persisted if the user hits Save in the UI.
Specified by:
profileCreated in interface ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>
profile - the Deployment Profile
shell - the context for this Deployment.


public void profileWillSave(T profile,
                            DeployShell shell)
Description copied from interface: ModuleDeploymentListener
Called after a Profile has been edited, but before it is closed and saved. This can be used to add any last minute changes to the Profile that need to take the user's selection into account, before it is persisted.
Specified by:
profileWillSave in interface ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>
shell - the context for the Deployment.


public void profileWillExpand(T profile,
                              DeployShell shell)
Description copied from interface: ModuleDeploymentListener
Called before the Project and Workspace files are enumerated to determine filegroup matches. Same as profileWillClose, but use this to make any changes to fileGroups that should not be persisted as part of the Profile definition.
Specified by:
profileWillExpand in interface ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>
shell - the context for the Deployment.


public void profileExpanded(T profile,
                            DeployShell shell)
Description copied from interface: ModuleDeploymentListener
Called after all filegroups have been expanded to actual file URLs. Use this to add any last minute file URLs, or remove any from the final packaging file set.
Specified by:
profileExpanded in interface ModuleDeploymentListener<T extends ArchiveProfile>
shell - the context for the Deployment.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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