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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.odi.domain.project

This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Project implementation.


Interface Summary
IOdiScenarioSource Marker interface for objects that can produce OdiScenario.
IOdiScenarioSourceContainer Marker interface for objects that can hold scenario sources such projects and folders.
IOptionValue This represents the value taken by ProcedureOption when the procedure is used (StepProcedure, OdiModel...).
OdiInterface.IPersistenceComparable<T extends OdiInterface.IPersistenceComparable<?>> For internal use only.
StepDataStore.IDataStoreAction Type safety interface that implementation classes will use to define datastore actions.
StepModel.IModelAction Type safety interface that implementation classes will use to define model actions.
StepVariable.IVariableAction Type safety interface that implementation classes will use to define variable actions.


Class Summary
OdiCKM Represents the Control Knowledge Module.
OdiCKMLine Subclass of ProcedureLine providing CKM specific properties used during code generation.
OdiFolder An OdiFolder is a workbench entity that ODI users will use to organize their work related to a single OdiProject.
OdiIKM Represents an Integration Knowledge Module.
OdiIKMLine Subclass of ProcedureLine providing IKM specific properties used during code generation.
OdiInterface An OdiInterface is the main class that implement target datastore feeding, suppling data from several source datastores.
OdiInterface.ColumnSorterId Sorter for TargetColumns by id.
OdiInterface.ColumnSorterPosition Comparator used to sort TargetColumns by position.
OdiJKM Represents a journalization knowledge module.
OdiJKMLine Subclass of ProcedureLine providing JKM specific properties used during code generation.
OdiKM<L extends OdiProcedureLine> Abstract base class that all knowledge modules types subclasses.
OdiKMComparator Class implements a Comparator for sorting KM.
OdiLKM Represents the Loading Knowledge Module.
OdiLKMLine Subclass of ProcedureLine providing LKM specific properties used during code generation.
OdiPackage Represents an ODI package.
OdiProcedure<L extends OdiProcedureLine> Abstract high-level object encompassing ODI User Procedures and ODI Knowledge Modules.
OdiProcedureLine An OdiProcedureLine holds metadata about a task to be executed by ODI Execution Engine.
OdiProcedureLine.OdiProcedureLineId An OdiProcedureLineId represents the identity of an OdiProcedureLine object.
OdiProcedureLineCmd The OdiProcedureLineCmd contains information about the source or target line.
OdiProject An OdiProject is a top level workbench object in ODI.
OdiRKM Represents the Reverse Knowledge Module.
OdiRKMLine Subclass of ProcedureLine providing RKM specific properties used during reverse engineering.
OdiSequence Represents design time metadata about a sequence.
OdiSKM Represents the Service Knowledge Module.
OdiUserFunction Represents design time metadata about a customized function that can be used in expressions of other objects such as OdiInterface, OdiUserProcedure.
OdiUserFunctionImpl Represents metadata of an actual OdiUserFunction implementation for one or several OdiTechnology.
OdiUserProcedure Represents the ODI user procedures.
OdiUserProcedureLine Subclass of ProcedureLine providing User Procedure specific properties.
OdiVariable Represents design time metadata about a variable.
ProcedureOption Represents the option for an OdiProcedure.
Step Abstract base class of package's steps.
StepDataStore Subclass of Step that represent a step based on a datastore.
StepDataStore.ConsistentJournalizeDataStore Consistent CDC action.
StepDataStore.ControlDataStore Implements control action for an StepDataStore.
StepDataStore.SimpleJournalizeDataStore Implements simple journalization action for an StepDataStore.
StepInterface Subclass of Step that will be used inside an OdiPackage to express execution of an OdiInterface.
StepModel Subclass of Step that represents a step based on an OdiModel.
StepModel.ConsistentJournalizeModel Used to encapsulate informations about the consistent journalizing that has to be done over the model related to an StepModel instance.
StepModel.ControlModel Used to encapsulate informations about the control that has to be done over the model related to an StepModel instance.
StepModel.ReverseModel Used to encapsulate informations about the reverse that has to be done over the model related to an StepModel instance.
StepModel.SimpleJournalizeModel Used to encapsulate informations about the simple journalizing that has to be done over the model related to an StepModel instance.
StepOdiCommand Subclass of Step representing a step that contains an ODI command.
StepOsCommand Subclass of Step representing a step that contains an OS (Operating System) command.
StepProcedure Subclass of Step that will be used inside an OdiPackage to express execution of an OdiUserProcedure.
StepSubModel Subclass of Step that will be used to control an OdiSubModel for errors.
StepVariable Subclass of Step that will be used inside an OdiPackage to express usage/action of a variable for further use inside that OdiPackage.
StepVariable.DeclareVariable Implements declare action for an StepVariable.
StepVariable.EvaluateVariable Implements evaluate action for an StepVariable.
StepVariable.RefreshVariable Implements refresh action for an StepVariable.
StepVariable.SetVariable Implements set action for an StepVariable.


Enum Summary
OdiIKMLine.TemporaryIndexLocation Internal Enum that represents the location where temporary indexes can be created by an OdiIKMLine when executed.
Possible values are:
NONE: do not create any temporary index
ON_SOURCE: create temporary index on source
OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema The database schema on which the temporary target datastore is located.
OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation The execution location for Join, Filter, TargetMapping and TargetColumn expressions.
OdiJKMLine.RepeatOrder Defines if the command should be iterated for all the datastores when processing a CDC-related operation on a group of datastores (model or CDC set).
OdiLKMLine.TemporaryIndexLocation Internal Enum that represents the location where temporary indexes can be created by an OdiLKMLine when executed.
OdiProcedureLine.LogCounter Internal Enum that represents the different log counter type an OdiProcedureLine can use.
OdiProcedureLineCmd.CommitMode Commit Mode
OdiProcedureLineCmd.IsolationLevel Isolation Level
OdiSequence.SequenceType Type of an ODI Sequence.
OdiVariable.Action Defines the type of persistence to be applied to an OdiVariable's value at runtime.
OdiVariable.DataType Defines the data type of an OdiVariable.
ProcedureOption.OptionType ProcedureOption locally defines the Enum OptionType which represents the types a ProcedureOption can have.
Step.LogLevel Defines the log level for a Step.


Exception Summary
OdiTechnologyAlreadyImplementedException Thrown when some user function's implementation is including for support the OdiTechnology which is already implemented by that user function (i.e.


Package oracle.odi.domain.project Description

This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Project implementation. Classes in this package allow control of the project object and objects contained by the project. This includes project, folders, packages, interfaces, procedures, scenarios, variables, sequences, user functions, and knowledge modules.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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