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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.odi.domain.topology

This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Topology domain model implementation.


Interface Summary
AbstractOdiDataServer.IConnectionSettings Type safety interface that implementation classes will implement to define connectivity settings.


Class Summary
AbstractOdiDataServer Abstract root class for OdiDataServer and OdiRepositoryServer .
AbstractOdiDataServer.Axis2DeploymentSettings Subclass of AbstractOdiDataServer.WsContainerSettings.
AbstractOdiDataServer.DirectoryDeploymentSettings Subclass of AbstractOdiDataServer.WsContainerSettings.
AbstractOdiDataServer.FtpDeploymentSettings Subclass of AbstractOdiDataServer.WsContainerSettings.
AbstractOdiDataServer.JdbcSettings Holds JDBC metadata required to get a JDBC connection from driver manager.
AbstractOdiDataServer.JndiSettings Holds JNDI metadata required to get a JDBC connection from a DataSource configured in an external JNDI provider.
AbstractOdiDataServer.WsContainerSettings Abstract base class related to ODI DataServices deployment.
OdiContext An ODI Context.
OdiContextualAgentMapping Agent mapping between a physical agent and a logical agent applying for an ODI context.
OdiContextualAgentMapping.OdiContextualAgentMappingId Defines the identifier class for OdiContextualAgentMapping class.
OdiContextualSchemaMapping Schema mapping between physical schema and logical schema applying for an ODI context.
OdiContextualSchemaMapping.OdiContextualSchemaMappingId Implements the composite key for OdiContextualSchemaMapping.
OdiDataServer An OdiDataServer is a data server that is defined for a technology into the physical topology of ODI.
OdiDataType An OdiDataType is a domain entity describing a single data type defined for an ODI technology.
OdiEnterpriseScheduler ODI domain object representing an ODI enterprise scheduler.
OdiFlexField An ODI Flex Field enabling generic/flexible definition of custom informations for an ODI entity (aka IOdiEntity).
OdiIndexType An OdiIndexType is a domain entity describing a single type of SGBDR index for an ODI technology.
OdiLogicalAgent An ODI logical agent to be used as reference to an OdiPhysicalAgent for a given OdiContext.
OdiLogicalSchema An ODI logical schema.
OdiMasterRepositoryInfo Metadata about an ODI Master Repository.
OdiOnConnectConfig Holds configuration information related to OnConnect command to be applied to an OdiDataServer's connection when it is obtained.
OdiOnDisconnectConfig Holds configuration information related to OnDisconnect command to be applied to an OdiDataServer's connection when it is released.
OdiPhysicalAgent An ODI physical agent, holding metadata about a deployed runtime agent.
OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource allows to override connection settings of an AbstractOdiDataServer with J2EE DataSource settings for an ODI agent deployed into a J2EE server.
OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource.OdiPhysicalAgentDataSourceId Identifier class for OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource.
OdiPhysicalSchema An OdiPhysicalSchema is a physical schema defined for a data server into the physical topology of ODI.
OdiRepositoryServer An OdiRepositoryServer.
OdiTechnology A technology that is defined within the physical topology provided by ODI.
OdiWorkRepositoryInfo Metadata about an ODI Work Repository.


Enum Summary
OdiFlexField.FlexFieldType Type safe enum for types of OdiFlexField.
OdiTechnology.ExecutionChannel Type safe enum representing the execution channel applying to an OdiTechnology.
OdiTechnology.PartitionCapability Typesafe enum that allow to define Partition capability for an OdiTechnology.
OdiTechnology.SqlJoinCapability Type safe enum representing the Join capability for a technology supporting the SQL dialect.
OdiWorkRepositoryInfo.WorkRepType Type of an ODI Work Repository.


Package oracle.odi.domain.topology Description

This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Topology domain model implementation. Classes in this package allow control of definition of technologies and objects related to them, such as data servers, contexts, logical and physical schemas, but also agents. This package provides also classes to get informations about defined ODI repositories.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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