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Interface AttestationOperationsIntf

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public interface AttestationOperationsIntf
extends tcUtilityOperationsIntf

Method Summary
 void attestSpecificTask(java.lang.String[] attestationTaskKeys, long attestationTaskKey)
          This API attests the specific tasks and initiates any work flow setup.
 void attestTask(long attestationTaskKey)
          This API attests the specified task and initiates any work flow setup.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getAttestationProcessExecutionHistory(long processDefKey)
          Returns all the attestation requests created for a given attestation process.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getAttestationRecordDelegatedPath(long recordKey)
          Returns all the delegation that occurred for a specific record
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getAttestationRequestDetails(long attestationRequestKey, java.util.Map attributes, int startRow, int pageSize)
          Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getAttestationRequestDetails(long attestationRequestKey, java.util.Map attributes, int startRow, int pageSize, java.lang.String[] order, boolean ascendingOrder)
          Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request.
 int getAttestationRequestTasksCount(long attestationRequestKey)
          Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request.
 com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataSet getAttestationTaskDetailKeys(long attestationRequestKey)
          Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request.
 com.thortech.xl.vo.UDFormData getEntitlementRecordDetails(long recordKey)
          Returns the process form data given a record key.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getOwnerAttestationProcesses()
          Returns the attestation processes that are owned by the groups the logged in user is member of.
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getPendingAttestationTasks(long userKey)
          Returns all the pending attestation tasks assigned to the specified user
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getPendingAttestationTasks(long userKey, java.util.Map searchCriterion)
          Returns all the pending attestation tasks assigned to the specified user
 Thor.API.tcResultSet getRequestDetailsForDashBoard(long attestationRequestKey, java.util.Map attributes, int startRow, int pageSize)
          Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request.
 void initiateAttestationProcess(java.lang.String processName)
          Initiates the specified attestation process by creating the attestation tasks
 void sendWarningEmails(java.util.List lstKeys)
          Sends the warning emails
 void submitReponses(long attestationTaskKey, com.thortech.xl.vo.AttestationItemResponse[] responses, java.lang.String defaultDelegate, java.lang.String defalutComment)
          Submits the specified responses on the records of a attestation task
 void updateResponses(java.lang.String[] atd_keys, java.lang.String apd_key, java.lang.String apt_key)
          Submits the attestation task when the grace period expires and response for each task is to be set to delegated and the process is thus to be delegated to some other user


Methods inherited from interface Thor.API.Base.tcUtilityOperationsIntf
close, getName, setCountry, setLanguage, setVariant


Method Detail


void initiateAttestationProcess(java.lang.String processName)
                                throws tcAPIException,
Initiates the specified attestation process by creating the attestation tasks
processName, - Name of the Attestation Process to be instantiated
AttestationProcessNotFoundException, - If the specified attestation process name does not exist
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while querying or creating attestation requests
tcInvalidPermissionsException, - If the process is not instantiated by scheduler or process owner


void submitReponses(long attestationTaskKey,
                    com.thortech.xl.vo.AttestationItemResponse[] responses,
                    java.lang.String defaultDelegate,
                    java.lang.String defalutComment)
                    throws TaskAlreadyAttestedException,
Submits the specified responses on the records of a attestation task
attestationTaskKey, - Attestation task key on which responses to be submitted
responses, - Value object containing the record keys and responses to be submitted for each of the records
defaultDelegate, - If the response for a record is 'Delegate' and corresponding delegate value is not provided, this value will be used. Value should be a user login
defalutComment, - Uses this value for all the records where comment is not provided
TaskAlreadyAttestedException, - If responses for all the records are already provided and task is already sumbmitted for attestation
tcAPIException, - If any of the records do not belong to the spcified attestation task or user to delegate is not specified for one or more attestation records where the response specified is delegate
tcInvalidPermissionsException, - if the logged in user is not same as the attestation task reviewer
UnknownAttestationRecordResponse, - If responses provided for one or more records is not Certify/Reject/Decline/Delegate


void attestTask(long attestationTaskKey)
                throws MissingResponsesException,
This API attests the specified task and initiates any work flow setup. This should be called after responses responses are provided to all the records in the attestation task
attestationTaskKey, - Task to be attested
MissingResponsesException, - If response is not provided to one or more records in the task
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while querying for the data
tcInvalidPermissionsException, - if the logged in user is not same as the attestation task reviewer


void attestSpecificTask(java.lang.String[] attestationTaskKeys,
                        long attestationTaskKey)
                        throws MissingResponsesException,
This API attests the specific tasks and initiates any work flow setup. This should is called when the process owner delegates some of the recors from the attestation run
attestationTaskKeys - tasks to be attested
MissingResponsesException, - If response is not provided to one or more records in the task
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while querying for the data
tcInvalidPermissionsException, - if the logged in user is not same as the attestation task reviewer


Thor.API.tcResultSet getPendingAttestationTasks(long userKey,
                                                java.util.Map searchCriterion)
                                                throws tcAPIException,
Returns all the pending attestation tasks assigned to the specified user
userKey, - User for whom the tasks are assigned
A tcResultSet that contains the following information:
  • Attestation Definition.Key, Key of the attestation process that generated the task
  • Attestation Definition.Process Name, Name of the attestation process that generated the task
  • Attestation Definition.Process Code, Code of the attestation process that gerenated the task
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Type, Attestation process scope type
  • Attestation Tasks.Delegated By, Key of the delegator if the task is delegated
  • Attestation Task.Delegator User Id , Login of the delegator user if the task is delegated
  • Attestation Task.Delegator First Name , First Name of the delegator if the task is delegated
  • Attestation Task.Delegator Last Name, Last name of the delegaor if the task is delegated
  • Attestation Requests.Execution Time, Date and time at which the task created
  • Attestation Requests.Key, Attestation request key form which the task belongs to
  • Attestation Tasks.Key , Attestation Task Key
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while retrieving the task data


Thor.API.tcResultSet getPendingAttestationTasks(long userKey)
                                                throws tcAPIException,
Returns all the pending attestation tasks assigned to the specified user
userKey, - User for whom the tasks are assigned
A tcResultSet that contains the following information:
  • Attestation Definition.Key, Key of the attestation process that generated the task
  • Attestation Definition.Process Name, Name of the attestation process that generated the task
  • Attestation Definition.Process Code, Code of the attestation process that gerenated the task
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Type, Attestation process scope type
  • Attestation Tasks.Delegated By, Key of the delegator if the task is delegated
  • Attestation Task.Delegator User Id , Login of the delegator user if the task is delegated
  • Attestation Task.Delegator First Name , First Name of the delegator if the task is delegated
  • Attestation Task.Delegator Last Name, Last name of the delegaor if the task is delegated
  • Attestation Requests.Execution Time, Date and time at which the task created
  • Attestation Requests.Key, Attestation request key form which the task belongs to
  • Attestation Tasks.Key , Attestation Task Key
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while retrieving the task data


com.thortech.xl.vo.UDFormData getEntitlementRecordDetails(long recordKey)
                                                          throws tcAPIException,
Returns the process form data given a record key.
recordKey, - Attestation Record Key
A value object containing the process form data at the time the attestation record is created
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while retrieving the data


int getAttestationRequestTasksCount(long attestationRequestKey)
                                    throws tcAPIException,
Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request. Results are sorted by the following columns in the order Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Provisioned User.Key, Objects.Key
attestationRequestKey, - Attestation Request key
attributes, - Values to filter the results on. Only supported filter column are 'Attestation Tasks.Key' and 'Attestation Data.Record Status'
startRow, - the start row to retrieve the data
pageSize, - Number of rows to retrieve
A tcResultSet that contains the following information:
  • Attestation Tasks.Key , Attestation Task for which the current record belongs to
  • Provisioned User.Key, key of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.First Name, First Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.Last Name, Last Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.User Id, Login of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data, The descriptive data field for the provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested By, Key of the user who last attested this provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested On, Date and Time at which this provisioned resource instance is last attested
  • Attestation Data.Record Comment, Comments provided by the reviewer for the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Status, Status of the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Response, Response provided by the reviewer for the current record
  • Objects.Key, Key of the resource object
  • Objects.Name, Name of the resource object that is basis for current record
  • Attestation Data.Record Delegated To, Key of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.User Id, Login of the user for whom the record is deletaed to if the record is delegated
  • Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Key of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.User Id, Login of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • User Profile Audit.Key, Key to provisioned user profile information at the time attestation task is created.
  • Attestation Data.Record Key, Record Key
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while retrieving the data


Thor.API.tcResultSet getAttestationRequestDetails(long attestationRequestKey,
                                                  java.util.Map attributes,
                                                  int startRow,
                                                  int pageSize)
                                                  throws tcAPIException,
Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request. Results are sorted by the following columns in the order Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Provisioned User.Key, Objects.Key
attestationRequestKey, - Attestation Request key
attributes, - Values to filter the results on. Only supported filter column are 'Attestation Tasks.Key' and 'Attestation Data.Record Status'
startRow, - the start row to retrieve the data
pageSize, - Number of rows to retrieve
A tcResultSet that contains the following information:
  • Attestation Tasks.Key , Attestation Task for which the current record belongs to
  • Provisioned User.Key, key of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.First Name, First Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.Last Name, Last Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.User Id, Login of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data, The descriptive data field for the provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested By, Key of the user who last attested this provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested On, Date and Time at which this provisioned resource instance is last attested
  • Attestation Data.Record Comment, Comments provided by the reviewer for the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Status, Status of the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Response, Response provided by the reviewer for the current record
  • Objects.Key, Key of the resource object
  • Objects.Name, Name of the resource object that is basis for current record
  • Attestation Data.Record Delegated To, Key of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.User Id, Login of the user for whom the record is deletaed to if the record is delegated
  • Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Key of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.User Id, Login of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • User Profile Audit.Key, Key to provisioned user profile information at the time attestation task is created.
  • Attestation Data.Record Key, Record Key
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while retrieving the data


Thor.API.tcResultSet getAttestationRequestDetails(long attestationRequestKey,
                                                  java.util.Map attributes,
                                                  int startRow,
                                                  int pageSize,
                                                  java.lang.String[] order,
                                                  boolean ascendingOrder)
                                                  throws tcAPIException,
Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request. Results are sorted by the following columns in the order Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Provisioned User.Key, Objects.Key
attestationRequestKey, - Attestation Request key
attributes, - Values to filter the results on. Only supported filter column are 'Attestation Tasks.Key' and 'Attestation Data.Record Status'
startRow, - the start row to retrieve the data
pageSize, - Number of rows to retrieve
order, - The order in which the result set is based since only a subset of the whole matching set is returned, the caller will not be able to sort accurately with only that subset.
ascendingOrder,A - boolean value if the sorting is to be ascending or descending
A tcResultSet that contains the following information:
  • Attestation Tasks.Key , Attestation Task for which the current record belongs to
  • Provisioned User.Key, key of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.First Name, First Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.Last Name, Last Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.User Id, Login of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data, The descriptive data field for the provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested By, Key of the user who last attested this provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested On, Date and Time at which this provisioned resource instance is last attested
  • Attestation Data.Record Comment, Comments provided by the reviewer for the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Status, Status of the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Response, Response provided by the reviewer for the current record
  • Objects.Key, Key of the resource object
  • Objects.Name, Name of the resource object that is basis for current record
  • Attestation Data.Record Delegated To, Key of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.User Id, Login of the user for whom the record is deletaed to if the record is delegated
  • Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Key of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.User Id, Login of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • User Profile Audit.Key, Key to provisioned user profile information at the time attestation task is created.
  • Attestation Data.Record Key, Record Key
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while retrieving the data


Thor.API.tcResultSet getRequestDetailsForDashBoard(long attestationRequestKey,
                                                   java.util.Map attributes,
                                                   int startRow,
                                                   int pageSize)
                                                   throws tcAPIException,
Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request. Results are sorted by the following columns in the order Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Provisioned User.Key, Objects.Key This API returns responses for only the records that are submitted and returns null otherwise This also filters all the submitted records where the response id 'Delegate'
attestationRequestKey, - Attestation Request key
attributes, - Values to filter the results on. Only supported filter column are 'Attestation Tasks.Key' and 'Attestation Data.Record Status'
startRow, - the start row to retrieve the data
pageSize, - Number of rows to retrieve
A tcResultSet that contains the following information:
  • Attestation Tasks.Key , Attestation Task for which the current record belongs to
  • Provisioned User.Key, key of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.First Name, First Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.Last Name, Last Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.User Id, Login of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data, The descriptive data field for the provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested By, Key of the user who last attested this provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested On, Date and Time at which this provisioned resource instance is last attested
  • Attestation Data.Record Comment, Comments provided by the reviewer for the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Status, Status of the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Response, Response provided by the reviewer for the current record if corresponding task is submitted. Null, otherwise
  • Objects.Key, Key of the resource object
  • Objects.Name, Name of the resource object that is basis for current record
  • Attestation Data.Record Delegated To, Key of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.User Id, Login of the user for whom the record is deletaed to if the record is delegated
  • Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Key of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.User Id, Login of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • User Profile Audit.Key, Key to provisioned user profile information at the time attestation task is created.
  • Attestation Data.Record Key, Record Key
  • Attestation Data.Record Delegated From, Key of the user from whom the record is delegated from if the record is delegated
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while retrieving the data


Thor.API.tcResultSet getAttestationProcessExecutionHistory(long processDefKey)
                                                           throws tcAPIException,
Returns all the attestation requests created for a given attestation process.
processDefKey, - Attestation process definition key
A tcResultSet and returned columns vary based on the attestation scope type.

For the scope type Provisioned Users, the returned columns are
  • Attestation Requests.Key, Attestation request key this instance belongs to
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Type, Scope type defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Parameter, Scope parameter defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Reviewer Type, Reviewer type defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Reviewer, Reviewer key defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Execution Time, Date and Time at which the current request is initiated on
  • Attestation Requests.Completion Time, Date and time at which the current request is completed on
  • Objects.Name, Resource object name of the scope parameter value
  • Reviewer.First Name, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user
  • Reviewer.Last Name, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user
  • Reviewer.User Id, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user

For the scope type Group Users, the returned columns are
  • Attestation Requests.Key, Attestation request key this instance belongs to
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Type, Scope type defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Parameter, Scope parameter defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Reviewer Type, Reviewer type defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Reviewer, Reviewer key defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Execution Time, Date and Time at which the current request is initiated on
  • Attestation Requests.Completion Time, Date and time at which the current request is completed on
  • Groups.Group Name, Group name of the scope parameter value
  • Reviewer.First Name, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user
  • Reviewer.Last Name, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user
  • Reviewer.User Id, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user

For the scope type Organization Users, the returned columns are
  • Attestation Requests.Key, Attestation request key this instance belongs to
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Type, Scope type defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Parameter, Scope parameter defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Reviewer Type, Reviewer type defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Reviewer, Reviewer key defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Execution Time, Date and Time at which the current request is initiated on
  • Attestation Requests.Completion Time, Date and time at which the current request is completed on
  • Organizations.Organization Name, Organization name of the scope parameter value
  • Reviewer.First Name, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user
  • Reviewer.Last Name, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user
  • Reviewer.User Id, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user

For the scope type Managed Users, the returned columns are
  • Attestation Requests.Key, Attestation request key this instance belongs to
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Type, Scope type defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Scope Parameter, Scope parameter defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Reviewer Type, Reviewer type defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Reviewer, Reviewer key defined for the corresponding attestation process at the time the current instance is run
  • Attestation Requests.Execution Time, Date and Time at which the current request is initiated on
  • Attestation Requests.Completion Time, Date and time at which the current request is completed on
  • Attestation Manager Scope. Manager User Id, Login of the scope parameter value
  • Attestation Manager Scope. Manager First Name, First name of the scope parameter value
  • Attestation Manager Scope. Manager Last Name, Last name of the scope paramater value
  • Reviewer.First Name, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user
  • Reviewer.Last Name, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user
  • Reviewer.User Id, this column is only populated if the reviewer type is a specific user

tcAPIException - if an error occurs while retrieving the attestation request data
AttestationProcessNotFoundException, - If the specified attestation process key does not exist


Thor.API.tcResultSet getAttestationRecordDelegatedPath(long recordKey)
                                                       throws tcAPIException,
Returns all the delegation that occurred for a specific record
recordKey, - Record for which to retrieve the delegation path
A tcResultSet that contains the following information:
  • Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Key of the user who was assigned the provisioned instance for attestation
  • Reviewer.First Name, First Name of the user who was assigned the provisioned instance for attestation
  • Reviewer.Last Name, Last of the user who was assigned the provisioned instance for attestation
  • Reviewer.User Id, Login of the user who was assigned the provisioned instance for attestation
  • Attestation Tasks.Completion Time, Date and time on which reviewer provided the attestation response
  • Attestation Data.Record Comment, Comments reviewer has provided
  • Attestation Data.Record Response, Response reviewer has provided
  • Attestation Data.Record Delegated To, Key of the user for whom the record is delegated to
  • Attestation Requests.Key, Request Key for which the records belong to
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while getting the delegation path
AttestationRecordNotDelegatedException, - If the specified record is not delegated


Thor.API.tcResultSet getOwnerAttestationProcesses()
                                                  throws tcAPIException,
Returns the attestation processes that are owned by the groups the logged in user is member of. Returns only the processes that are not Disabled or Deleted. Along with process information API also returns information about last request for this process and a request prior to the last one.
A tcResultSet that contains the following information:
  • Attestation Definition.Key, Key of the attestation process owned
  • Attestation Definition.Process Name, Name of the attestation process owned
  • Attestation Definition.Process Code, Code of the attestation process owned
  • Attestation Requests.Key, Attestation request key
  • Attestation Requests.Execution Time, Date and time at which the last instance of the process was executed
  • Attestation Requests.Completion Time, Date and time at which last instance execution was completed
  • Attestation Requests.Total Rcords, Total number of provisioned instances identified for attestation and covered by as part of last process instance
  • Attestation Requests.Certified Records, Number of certified records in this last process instance
  • Attestation Requests.Rejected Records, Number of rejected records in this last process instance
  • Attestation Requests.Declined Records, Number of declined records in this last process instance
  • Attestation Requests.Delegated Records, Number of delegated records in this last process instance
  • Attestation Requests.Previous Request Execution Time, Date and Time at which the instance before the latest one was executed
  • Attestation Requests.Previous Request Completion Time, Date and Time at which the instance before the latest one was completed
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while getting the attestation requests


com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataSet getAttestationTaskDetailKeys(long attestationRequestKey)
                                                               throws tcAPIException,
Returns the attestation records associated with an attestation request. Results are sorted by the following columns in the order Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Provisioned User.Key, Objects.Key
attestationRequestKey, - Attestation Request key
attributes, - Values to filter the results on. Only supported filter column are 'Attestation Tasks.Key' and 'Attestation Data.Record Status'
startRow, - the start row to retrieve the data
pageSize, - Number of rows to retrieve
A tcResultSet that contains the following information:
  • Attestation Tasks.Key , Attestation Task for which the current record belongs to
  • Provisioned User.Key, key of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.First Name, First Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.Last Name, Last Name of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Provisioned User.User Id, Login of user whose provisioned resource instance being attested
  • Process Instance.Descriptive Data, The descriptive data field for the provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested By, Key of the user who last attested this provisioned resource instance
  • Users-Object Instance For User.Last Attested On, Date and Time at which this provisioned resource instance is last attested
  • Attestation Data.Record Comment, Comments provided by the reviewer for the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Status, Status of the record
  • Attestation Data.Record Response, Response provided by the reviewer for the current record
  • Objects.Key, Key of the resource object
  • Objects.Name, Name of the resource object that is basis for current record
  • Attestation Data.Record Delegated To, Key of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the record is delegated to if the record is delegated
  • Delegated User.User Id, Login of the user for whom the record is deletaed to if the record is delegated
  • Attestation Tasks.Reviewer, Key of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.First Name, First Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.Last Name, Last Name of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • Reviewer.User Id, Login of the user for whom the attestation task is assigned where the current record is part of
  • User Profile Audit.Key, Key to provisioned user profile information at the time attestation task is created.
  • Attestation Data.Record Key, Record Key
tcAPIException, - If an error occurs while retrieving the data


void updateResponses(java.lang.String[] atd_keys,
                     java.lang.String apd_key,
                     java.lang.String apt_key)
                     throws com.thortech.xl.orb.dataaccess.tcDataAccessException,
Submits the attestation task when the grace period expires and response for each task is to be set to delegated and the process is thus to be delegated to some other user
atd_keys -
apd_key -
apt_key -


void sendWarningEmails(java.util.List lstKeys)
                       throws tcAPIException,
Sends the warning emails
lstKeys - List of APT Keys for ehich mail is to be sent

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