Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class RangeBindingImpl

  extended by oracle.adfnmc.bindings.dbf.ControlBindingImpl
      extended by oracle.adfnmc.bindings.dbf.RangeBindingImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
ControlBinding, ICollectionModel, IteratorAttributeValueListener, IteratorCollectionListener, IteratorKeyedAttributeValueListener, IteratorPositionListener, RangeBinding, ELResolver

public class RangeBindingImpl
extends ControlBindingImpl
implements RangeBinding, ICollectionModel, IteratorPositionListener, IteratorCollectionListener, IteratorKeyedAttributeValueListener

Field Summary
static java.lang.Class CLASS_INSTANCE
Fields inherited from class oracle.adfnmc.bindings.dbf.ControlBindingImpl
currentError, dataControl, errors, iterBinding, metadataDef, name, parentBindingContainer
Fields inherited from interface oracle.adfnmc.el.ELResolver
Constructor Summary
RangeBindingImpl(TreeBindingDefinition mdDef, IteratorExecutableBindingImpl iterBinding)
RangeBindingImpl(XmlAnyDefinition mdDef, java.lang.String name, IteratorExecutableBindingImpl iterBinding)
Method Summary
 void addCollectionModelListener(ICollectionModelListener listener)
 void addColumnAttributeBinding(java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.String binds)
 void applySortCriteria()
          -DRM added
 void applySortCriteria(boolean inMemory)
          -DRM added
 void attributeUpdated(java.lang.String attrName)
          Fires when the value of an attribute of the current row pointed to by an iterator is set.
 void attributeUpdated(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.Object key)
          Fires when the value of an attribute of any row on a collection pointed to by an iterator is set.
 void containerInitialized(BindingContainer container)
          Overriding implementations should always call this base implementation before returning to set the parent container
 ControlBinding getBinding()
 ICollectionModel getCollectionModel()
 IndexedAttributeBindingImpl getColumnBinding(java.lang.String name)
 int getCurrentModelIndex()
          Get the current underlying model index.
 int getCurrentRowIndex()
          Returns the index of the current row.
 int getElementCount()
          Get the total count of elements in the underlying model This may load in all possible elements if they have not been already, if the model is page based
 int getEstimatedTotalElementCount()
          Get the total possible count of elements that can be loaded into the underlying model
 int getIndexOfRowFromKey(java.lang.Object key)
 java.lang.String[] getLabelSet()
          Returns the display label or prompt for the all the attributes represented by this binding.
 int getLoadedElementCount()
          Get the count of elements presently loaded into the underlying model
 List getRangeSet()
          Returns a list of Map elements over the range of rows.
 int getRangeSize()
          Get the range size of the underlying page based model collection
 int getRangeStart()
          Get the start index of the range of elements the underlying page based model is positioned on
protected  ELResolver getResolver()
 java.lang.Object getRowKeyAtIndex(int index)
 SortCriterion[] getSortCriteria()
          -DRM added
 boolean hasNextElement()
          Returns false if the collection model is positioned on the last element in the underlying model
 int iterateOverElements(int startIndex, int count, ICollectionModelElementIndexChangeDelegate listener)
          For some number of elements in a collection, position the evaluation index such that it points to the next element and call a notification through the listener interface.
 void positionChanged(int absoluteIndex)
          Fires when the iterator position is changed to point to a different row.
 void rangeRefreshed()
 void refresh()
 void registerForIteratorEvents(IteratorExecutableBindingImpl evtSource)
 void removeCollectionModelListener(ICollectionModelListener listener)
 void rowInserted(java.lang.Object newRow)
 void rowRemoved(java.lang.Object removedRow)
 void setCurrentRowAtIndex(int index)
          Designates a given index as the current row.
 void setModelIndex(int index)
          Set the actual underlying model index to the specified value.
 int setRangeSize(int size)
 void setRangeStart(int index)
          Set the start index of the range of elements to position the underlying page based model on
 void setSortCriteria(SortCriterion[] criteria)
          -DRM added
 void setVariableIndex(int index, ICollectionModelElementIndexChangeDelegate listener)
          Set the evaluation index to the specified index for the length of the call.
 void setVariableName(java.lang.String name)
 void unregisterForIteratorEvents(IteratorExecutableBindingImpl evtSource)
Methods inherited from class oracle.adfnmc.bindings.dbf.ControlBindingImpl
getBindings, getDataControl, getError, getErrors, getIterator, getMetadataDefinition, getName, getPath, getType, getValue, isReadOnly, prepareDeferredIterator, release, reportException, resolvePath, setListener, setValue, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.adfnmc.bindings.ControlBinding
getBindings, getMetadataDefinition, getName, getPath, release, resolvePath, setListener

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.Class CLASS_INSTANCE
Constructor Detail


public RangeBindingImpl(XmlAnyDefinition mdDef,
                        java.lang.String name,
                        IteratorExecutableBindingImpl iterBinding)


public RangeBindingImpl(TreeBindingDefinition mdDef,
                        IteratorExecutableBindingImpl iterBinding)
Method Detail


protected ELResolver getResolver()
Specified by:
getResolver in class ControlBindingImpl


public void containerInitialized(BindingContainer container)
Description copied from class: ControlBindingImpl
Overriding implementations should always call this base implementation before returning to set the parent container

Specified by:
containerInitialized in interface ControlBinding
containerInitialized in class ControlBindingImpl


public void registerForIteratorEvents(IteratorExecutableBindingImpl evtSource)
Specified by:
registerForIteratorEvents in class ControlBindingImpl


public void unregisterForIteratorEvents(IteratorExecutableBindingImpl evtSource)
Specified by:
unregisterForIteratorEvents in class ControlBindingImpl


public void refresh()
Specified by:
refresh in class ControlBindingImpl


public void addColumnAttributeBinding(java.lang.String columnName,
                                      java.lang.String binds)


public IndexedAttributeBindingImpl getColumnBinding(java.lang.String name)


public ICollectionModel getCollectionModel()


public ControlBinding getBinding()
Specified by:
getBinding in interface ICollectionModel


public int getElementCount()
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Get the total count of elements in the underlying model This may load in all possible elements if they have not been already, if the model is page based

Specified by:
getElementCount in interface ICollectionModel


public int getEstimatedTotalElementCount()
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Get the total possible count of elements that can be loaded into the underlying model

Specified by:
getEstimatedTotalElementCount in interface ICollectionModel


public int getLoadedElementCount()
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Get the count of elements presently loaded into the underlying model

Specified by:
getLoadedElementCount in interface ICollectionModel


public boolean hasNextElement()
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Returns false if the collection model is positioned on the last element in the underlying model

Specified by:
hasNextElement in interface ICollectionModel


public int iterateOverElements(int startIndex,
                               int count,
                               ICollectionModelElementIndexChangeDelegate listener)
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
For some number of elements in a collection, position the evaluation index such that it points to the next element and call a notification through the listener interface.

Specified by:
iterateOverElements in interface ICollectionModel
startIndex -
count - - the number of elements to iterate over requested by the caller
listener - - caller supplied delegate
- the number of elements actually iterated over


public int getCurrentModelIndex()
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Get the current underlying model index.

Specified by:
getCurrentModelIndex in interface ICollectionModel


public void setModelIndex(int index)
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Set the actual underlying model index to the specified value.

Specified by:
setModelIndex in interface ICollectionModel


public int getRangeSize()
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Get the range size of the underlying page based model collection

Specified by:
getRangeSize in interface ICollectionModel


public int setRangeSize(int size)
Specified by:
setRangeSize in interface ICollectionModel


public int getRangeStart()
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Get the start index of the range of elements the underlying page based model is positioned on

Specified by:
getRangeStart in interface ICollectionModel
absolute index of the element at the start of the current range


public void setRangeStart(int index)
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Set the start index of the range of elements to position the underlying page based model on

Specified by:
setRangeStart in interface ICollectionModel
index - absolute index of the element to start the next range on


public int getIndexOfRowFromKey(java.lang.Object key)
Specified by:
getIndexOfRowFromKey in interface ICollectionModel


public java.lang.Object getRowKeyAtIndex(int index)
Specified by:
getRowKeyAtIndex in interface ICollectionModel


public void setVariableIndex(int index,
                             ICollectionModelElementIndexChangeDelegate listener)
Description copied from interface: ICollectionModel
Set the evaluation index to the specified index for the length of the call.

Specified by:
setVariableIndex in interface ICollectionModel


public void setVariableName(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
setVariableName in interface ICollectionModel


public void addCollectionModelListener(ICollectionModelListener listener)
Specified by:
addCollectionModelListener in interface ICollectionModel


public void removeCollectionModelListener(ICollectionModelListener listener)
Specified by:
removeCollectionModelListener in interface ICollectionModel


public void positionChanged(int absoluteIndex)
Description copied from interface: IteratorPositionListener
Fires when the iterator position is changed to point to a different row.

Specified by:
positionChanged in interface IteratorPositionListener


public void rangeRefreshed()
Specified by:
rangeRefreshed in interface IteratorCollectionListener


public void rowInserted(java.lang.Object newRow)
Specified by:
rowInserted in interface IteratorCollectionListener


public void rowRemoved(java.lang.Object removedRow)
Specified by:
rowRemoved in interface IteratorCollectionListener


public void attributeUpdated(java.lang.String attrName)
Description copied from interface: IteratorAttributeValueListener
Fires when the value of an attribute of the current row pointed to by an iterator is set.

Specified by:
attributeUpdated in interface IteratorAttributeValueListener
attrName - - Name of the attribute whose value has updated


public void attributeUpdated(java.lang.String attrName,
                             java.lang.Object key)
Description copied from interface: IteratorKeyedAttributeValueListener
Fires when the value of an attribute of any row on a collection pointed to by an iterator is set.

Specified by:
attributeUpdated in interface IteratorKeyedAttributeValueListener
attrName - - Name of the attribute whose value has updated
key - - The primary key of the row the updated attribute


public int getCurrentRowIndex()
Description copied from interface: RangeBinding
Returns the index of the current row.

Specified by:
getCurrentRowIndex in interface RangeBinding
The index of the current row.


public java.lang.String[] getLabelSet()
Description copied from interface: RangeBinding
Returns the display label or prompt for the all the attributes represented by this binding.

Specified by:
getLabelSet in interface RangeBinding
An array of the display label or prompt strings, one per attribute represented by this AttributesBinding.


public List getRangeSet()
Description copied from interface: RangeBinding
Returns a list of Map elements over the range of rows. The elements in this list are wrapper objects over the indexed row in the range that restricts access to only the attributes that this control-binding is bound to. The map exposes the following properties for each row in the range:
  • index - returns index of the row
  • key - returns Key of the row
  • keyStr - returns String format of the key of the row at this index()
  • currencyString - if this row is the current row, returns "*" else returns a space.
  • attributeValues - returns an array of attribute values for attributes that are bound to this row
  • Specified by:
    getRangeSet in interface RangeBinding
    A list of Map elements as described above.


    public void setCurrentRowAtIndex(int index)
    Description copied from interface: RangeBinding
    Designates a given index as the current row.

    Specified by:
    setCurrentRowAtIndex in interface RangeBinding
    index - the index of the new current row.


    public SortCriterion[] getSortCriteria()
    Description copied from interface: RangeBinding
    -DRM added

    Specified by:
    getSortCriteria in interface RangeBinding


    public void setSortCriteria(SortCriterion[] criteria)
    Description copied from interface: RangeBinding
    -DRM added

    Specified by:
    setSortCriteria in interface RangeBinding


    public void applySortCriteria()
    Description copied from interface: RangeBinding
    -DRM added

    Specified by:
    applySortCriteria in interface RangeBinding


    public void applySortCriteria(boolean inMemory)
    Description copied from interface: RangeBinding
    -DRM added

    Specified by:
    applySortCriteria in interface RangeBinding

    Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
    11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


    Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.