Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Interface RefreshablePropertyObjectOwner

All Known Implementing Classes:
Attribute, BasicContainer, BasicControl, BasicFontContainer, BasicFontControl, BBCommandButton, BBCommandLink, BBCommandMenuItem, BBConvertDateTime, BBForm, BBImage, BBInputDate, BBInputNumberSpinbox, BBInputText, BBIterator, BBOutputText, BBPanelFormLayout, BBPanelGroupLayout, BBPanelLabelAndMessage, BBProgressIndicator, BBSelectBooleanCheckbox, BBSelectOneChoice, BBSpacer, BBSubMenu, BBTable, CommandButton, CommandLink, CommandMenuItem, Component, Container, Control, ConvertDateTime, ConvertNumber, Form, FromToActionListener, Image, InputDate, InputNumberSpinbox, InputText, Iterator, ListOfValues, ListOfValuesItem, LoadBundle, Menu, MenuBase, MenuControl, MenuGroup, NonrenderableComponent, OutputText, PanelFormLayout, PanelGroupLayout, PanelLabelAndMessage, ProgressIndicator, RenderableComponent, RootComponent, Scanner, SelectBooleanCheckbox, SelectionChangeListener, SelectItem, SelectItemOld, SelectItemOld.From, SelectItemOld.Select, SelectItems, SelectOneChoice, Spacer, SubMenu, Table, TableColumn, View

public interface RefreshablePropertyObjectOwner

An interface to register new instances of properties with the component that contains them, and refresh those properties in a single call. This provides an alternative to coding explicit null checks and refreshes in derived objects for each of their individual property members.

Method Summary
 void propertyInstanceCreated(Property propInstance)
          Called back on the owner when a Property instance is created, so the owner can add the instance to its refreshable properties collection.
 void refreshProperties()
          Force any properties registered via propertyInstanceCreated to refresh themselves

Method Detail


void propertyInstanceCreated(Property propInstance)
Called back on the owner when a Property instance is created, so the owner can add the instance to its refreshable properties collection. Works in conjunction with a Property constructor that takes a PropertyOwner parameter.

propInstance - The new Property instance


void refreshProperties()
Force any properties registered via propertyInstanceCreated to refresh themselves

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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