Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class DBTransactionImpl

  extended by oracle.jbo.server.DBTransactionImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
PCollManagerHelper, JboTransAttrValidationManager, JboTransValidationManager, DBTransaction, ValidationManager, Transaction
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DBTransactionImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements DBTransaction, PCollManagerHelper, JboTransValidationManager, JboTransAttrValidationManager

Field Summary
static java.lang.Class CLASS_INSTANCE
protected  ConnectionDetails mConnectionMetaData
protected  int mDMLOperationTimeOut
protected  List mLongRunningDMLOperationHandles
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.server.DBTransaction
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Transaction
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addLongRunningDMLOperationHandle(LongRunningStatementHandle handle)
 void addToValidationListeners(ValidationListener entity)
          Adds an entity validation listener.
 void addTransactionListener(TransactionListener listener)
          Add a TransactionListener.
 void addTransactionListenerNoCheck(TransactionListener listener)
          Internal: Applications should not call this method.
 void addTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
          Adds a listener to the transaction's list of post-phase event subscribers.
 void addTransactionPostListenerNoCheck(TransactionPostListener listener)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void addTransactionStateListener(TransactionStateListener target)
          Add this TransactionListener to the list and notify all such listeners whenever commit and rollback occurs in this transaction.
 void addViewClearCacheListener(ViewClearCacheListener target)
 void applyChangeSet(int id)
          Applies the changes committed by another transaction in order to synchronize caches between root Application Module instances.
 boolean cancelDMLOperations()
          Cancels the currently running Entity Object DML operations.
protected  void checkConnected()
 void clearEntityCache(java.lang.String entityName)
          Clears the cache of the specified Entity Object.
 void closeTransaction()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void commit()
          Commits all changes in this transaction to the database, making them visible to other users and transactions.
 int commitAndSaveChangeSet()
          Commits the transaction and writes updated EntityImpls to the persistent store.
 void connect(ConnectionDetails metaData)
          Connect to the datasource identified by the connection metadata
 void connect(java.lang.String url)
          Attempts to establish a connection to a database identified by a URL.
 void connect(java.lang.String url, Properties info)
          Attempts to establish a connection to a database identified by a URL.
 void connect(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Attempts to establish a connection to a database identified by a URL.
 void connectToDataSource(java.util.Hashtable initialContextEnv, java.lang.String dataSourceName, boolean isXABased)
          Looks up a datasource from a jndi tree and acquires the jdbc connection from the looked up datasource using the javax.sql.Datasource.getConnection(String user, String passwd) method.
 void connectToDataSource(java.util.Hashtable initialContextEnv, java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password, boolean isXABased)
          Looks up a datasource from a jndi tree and acquires the jdbc connection from the looked up datasource using the javax.sql.Datasource.getConnection(String user, String passwd) method.
 void connectToDataSource(java.lang.String nsUrl, java.lang.String nsUser, java.lang.String nsPasswd, java.lang.String dataSourceName)
          Looks up a datasource from Oracle 8i namespace using the jdbc_access protocol and acquires the default jdbc connection from the looked up datasource using the javax.sql.Datasource.getConnection() method.
 void connectToDataSource(java.lang.String nsUrl, java.lang.String nsUser, java.lang.String nsPasswd, java.lang.String dataSourceName, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Looks up a datasource from Oracle 8i namespace using the jdbc_access protocol and acquires the jdbc connection from the looked up datasource using the javax.sql.Datasource.getConnection(String user, String password) method.
 CallableStatement createCallableStatement(java.lang.String str, int noRowsPrefetch)
 PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(java.lang.String sql)
          Create a PreparedStatement on the underlying database connection
 PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(java.lang.String str, int noRowsPrefetch)
          Creates a JDBC PreparedStatement instance.
 java.lang.Object createRef(java.lang.String structName, byte[] data)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Statement createStatement()
          Create a new, empty Statement that can be used to issue SQL queries
 Statement createStatement(int noRowsPrefetch)
          Creates a JDBC Statement instance.
 ViewObject createViewObjectFromQueryClauses(java.lang.String eoName, java.lang.String selectClause, java.lang.String fromClause, java.lang.String whereClause, java.lang.String orderByClause)
          Creates an updatable query definition.
 void disconnect()
          Closes the JDBC connection object and removes this transaction from the root application module.
 void disconnect(boolean retainState)
          Closes the JDBC connection object.
protected  void doCommit()
          Called by the commit method to issue the commit call.
protected  void doRollback()
          Called by the rollback method to issue the rollback call.
 java.lang.String dumpQueryResult(java.lang.String query, java.lang.String dumpClassName, java.lang.String[] data)
          Writes the result of the query to a (potentially very long) string.
 int executeCommand(java.lang.String command)
          Executes a SQL command using a JDBC Statement under the current transaction.
 EntityCache findEntityCache(EntityDefImpl source)
          Finds a Cache table for the entity.
 int getBatchPostExceptionThreshold()
          In case of batch mode post operation, try to post the batched set of entities for each entity type and post operation (Insert/Update/Delete) for this many number of exceptions.
 ConnectionDetails getConnectionMetadata()
          Returns a metdata structure that describes the transaction's JDBC connection.
 int getDMLOperationTimeOut()
          Returns the current Entity Object DML operation time out value.
 EntityCache getEntityCache(EntityDefImpl source)
protected  EntityCache getEntityCache(java.lang.String fullName)
protected  Connection getJdbcConnection()
          Returns the JDBC connection for this transaction.
 int getLockingMode()
          Returns the preferred locking mode for this Transaction.
 Connection getPersistManagerConnection()
 int getPostChangesFlag()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 int getPostThreshold()
 ApplicationModule getRootApplicationModule()
          Returns the root appmodule that owns this transaction.
 Session getSession()
          Gets the session information.
 SQLBuilder getSQLBuilder()
          Get the SQLBuilder class which is used to create SQL statements compatible with the underlying database connection
 java.lang.Object getSyncLock()
 TransactionHandler getTransactionHandler()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  int getTransactionState()
 ArrayList getTransAttrValidationList()
 JboTransAttrValidationManager getTransAttrValidationManager()
 java.util.Hashtable getTransAttrValidations()
 ArrayList getTransValidationList()
 JboTransValidationManager getTransValidationManager()
 java.util.Hashtable getTransValidations()
protected  ApplicationModuleImpl getTxnApplicationModuleImpl()
          Gets the root Application Module to which this transaction belongs.
 int getValidationThreshold()
          Gets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's validation phase.
protected  boolean hasRollbackSavePoint()
 boolean isBundledExceptionMode()
 boolean isClearCacheOnCommit()
          Returns the flag indicating whether all Entity Object caches will be cleared after the transaction is committed.
 boolean isClearCacheOnRollback()
          Returns the flag indicating whether all Entity Object caches will be cleared after the transaction is rolled back.
 boolean isConnected()
          Is this transaction object connected to the underlying database?
 boolean isConnected(boolean pingDatabase)
 boolean isDirty()
          This method is typically called before an attempt is made to post the data.
 boolean isForceDeferValidation()
 boolean isTrackNewAndModifiedRowsOnly()
          Deprecated. since
 EntityCache lookupEntityCache(EntityDefImpl source)
 void postChanges()
          Synchronizes the changes in the middle-tier transaction-cache with the database.
protected  void postChanges(TransactionEvent te)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void putTransAttrValEntry(JboTransValidatorInterface validator, JboValidatorContext valCtx)
 void putTransValEntry(JboTransValidatorInterface validator, JboValidatorContext valCtx)
 void reconnect()
          Reconnect the ApplicationModule to the database, using previously supplied database credentials.
 void reconnect(boolean force)
          Reconnect the application module to the database, if necessary, using previously supplied database credentials.
 void removeChangeSet(int id)
          Removes the change set that defines the changes to EntityImpls within a transaction.
 void removeLongRunningDMLOperationHandle(LongRunningStatementHandle handle)
 void removeTransactionListener(TransactionListener listener)
          Remove a TransactionListener so it is no longer notified of transaction events
 void removeTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
          Removes a subscriber from the transaction's post-events list.
 void removeTransactionStateListener(TransactionStateListener target)
 void removeViewClearCacheListener(ViewClearCacheListener target)
 void rollback()
          Discards all modifications made in this transaction.
 void setBatchModeForEntity(EntityDefImpl def, boolean mode)
          Sets the updatebatching (Batch post operations) mode on or off for a given entity type in this transaction.
 void setBundledExceptionMode(boolean flag)
          Set this transaction into bundled exception mode.
 void setClearCacheOnCommit(boolean val)
          Sets the value of the flag indicating whether all Entity Object caches will be cleared after the transaction is committed.
 void setClearCacheOnRollback(boolean val)
          Sets the value of the flag indicating whether all Entity Object caches will be cleared after the transaction is rolled back.
 void setDMLOperationTimeOut(int timeOutMills)
          Sets the query time out value for the Entity Object's DML operations.
 void setForceDeferValidation(boolean bForceDefer)
 void setLockingMode(int mode)
          Sets the preferred locking mode for this Transaction.
 void setTransactionHandler(TransactionHandler txnHandler)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void setValidationThreshold(int count)
          Sets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's validation phase.
 void validate()
          Starts the validation cycle and validates all subscribers in the ValidationListener list.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.Class CLASS_INSTANCE


protected List mLongRunningDMLOperationHandles


protected int mDMLOperationTimeOut


protected ConnectionDetails mConnectionMetaData


public static final int MAX_CURSORS_UNINITIALIZED
See Also:
Constant Field Values






Constructor Detail


public DBTransactionImpl()
Method Detail


public SQLBuilder getSQLBuilder()
Get the SQLBuilder class which is used to create SQL statements compatible with the underlying database connection

Specified by:
getSQLBuilder in interface DBTransaction
SQLBuilder implementation


public void addTransactionListener(TransactionListener listener)
Add a TransactionListener. TransactionListener's are notified of events generated by this object.

Specified by:
addTransactionListener in interface DBTransaction
listener - New TransactionListener to add


public void connect(ConnectionDetails metaData)
Connect to the datasource identified by the connection metadata

Specified by:
connect in interface DBTransaction
metaData - Identifies datasource (user, name, password, etc.)


public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(java.lang.String sql)
Create a PreparedStatement on the underlying database connection

Specified by:
createPreparedStatement in interface DBTransaction
sql - SQL query to use as the basis for the parameterized statement
A new PreparedStatement object


public Statement createStatement()
Create a new, empty Statement that can be used to issue SQL queries

Specified by:
createStatement in interface DBTransaction
A new Statement object


public boolean isConnected()
Is this transaction object connected to the underlying database?

Specified by:
isConnected in interface DBTransaction
Specified by:
isConnected in interface Transaction
true if connected, false if not


public void removeTransactionListener(TransactionListener listener)
Remove a TransactionListener so it is no longer notified of transaction events

Specified by:
removeTransactionListener in interface DBTransaction
listener - TransactionListener object to remove


public EntityCache findEntityCache(EntityDefImpl source)
Finds a Cache table for the entity. This method will find the internal EntityCache object which is allocated to cache the Entity information. If one is not already present for the type of Entity, then it will be created and returned.

the EntityCache for the Entity in this Transaction.


public EntityCache getEntityCache(EntityDefImpl source)


protected EntityCache getEntityCache(java.lang.String fullName)


public void commit()
Commits all changes in this transaction to the database, making them visible to other users and transactions. This method is called on the Application Module's transaction. For example:

When the commit process begins multiple attempts are made to validate all objects in the list of validation listeners, depending on the setting of the validation threshold. After each attempt, top-level entities that are still invalid will remain in the list. If any remain after the last attempt, a failure exception is thrown.

Each listed TransactionPostListener is notified to post any changes to the database using the postChanges method. Non-transient listeners are notified first, followed by transient listeners. The post phase is repeated, the number of repetitions depending on the setting of the validation threshold. If any invalid objects remain after the last repetition, a failure exception is thrown.

Following validation, no further changes to data should be made until the commit operation is completed.

Finally, beforeCommit events are posted to the listeners, the data is committed, afterCommit events are posted, and transient listeners are deleted from the transaction. For both beforeCommit and afterCommit events, non-transient listeners preceed transient listeners.

Note, if your Application Module is an EJB session bean, a new transaction is started for you automatically after calling commit. You do not have to explicitly start a new transaction.

Specified by:
commit in interface DBTransaction
Specified by:
commit in interface Transaction
See Also:
TransactionListener.beforeCommit(TransactionEvent), TransactionListener.afterCommit(TransactionEvent), DBTransaction, postChanges()


public ApplicationModule getRootApplicationModule()
Returns the root appmodule that owns this transaction.

Specified by:
getRootApplicationModule in interface DBTransaction


public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(java.lang.String str,
                                                 int noRowsPrefetch)
Description copied from interface: DBTransaction
Creates a JDBC PreparedStatement instance.

Applications may use this method to create a JDBC callable statement object to execute application specific SQL statements directly, so that the modifications are committed to the database in a single transaction through this object.

Specified by:
createPreparedStatement in interface DBTransaction
str - the PreparedStatement instance's SQL statement.
noRowsPrefetch - the number of rows to prefetch when executing this statement's query. If this parameter is set to DBTransaction.DEFAULT, then the default value from the jdbc driver is used.
a JDBC PreparedStatement instance.


public void addTransactionStateListener(TransactionStateListener target)
Add this TransactionListener to the list and notify all such listeners whenever commit and rollback occurs in this transaction.

Specified by:
addTransactionStateListener in interface Transaction


public void addViewClearCacheListener(ViewClearCacheListener target)
Specified by:
addViewClearCacheListener in interface Transaction


public void applyChangeSet(int id)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Applies the changes committed by another transaction in order to synchronize caches between root Application Module instances.

This method (along with commitAndSaveChangeSet and removeChangeSet is used to synchronize the cache between root Application Module instances in an Application Module pool.

Call applyChangeSet to apply changes commited by another transaction. The integer id parameter (returned by commitAndSaveChangeSet) identifies the change set to be found in the persistent store.

After this call, this transaction's cache is synchronized with the changes from the change set.

For an example of how to use applyChangeSet, see commitAndSaveChangeSet.

Specified by:
applyChangeSet in interface Transaction
id - an integer representing the change set to apply to the transaction.
See Also:
Transaction.commitAndSaveChangeSet(), Transaction.removeChangeSet(int)


public boolean cancelDMLOperations()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Cancels the currently running Entity Object DML operations.

Specified by:
cancelDMLOperations in interface Transaction
A false is returned if a DML cancel fails.


public void clearEntityCache(java.lang.String entityName)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Clears the cache of the specified Entity Object. A value of null clears the caches of all Entities. If a View Object uses the Entity Object, the View Object's cache will be cleared as well.

Specified by:
clearEntityCache in interface Transaction
entityName - the name of the entity whose cache is to be cleared. If null, caches for all entities are cleared.


public int commitAndSaveChangeSet()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Commits the transaction and writes updated EntityImpls to the persistent store.

This method (along with applyChangeSet and removeChangeSet is used to synchronize the cache between root Application Module instances in an Application Module pool.

commitAndSaveChangeSet commits the transaction, but during the commit process, writes out "changed" EntityImpls to the persistent store. These changes are stored as a "change set". The change set can then be applied to other transactions (that is, to the Entity caches of other root Application Modules).

The integer value returned by this method identifies the change set that is stored in persistent store.

To apply the changes to another transaction (or Application Module cache), call Transaction.applyChangeSet(int) where int is the integer value returned by commitAndSaveChangeSet that represents the change set.

For example, assume you have two root Application Modules, named am1 and am2, in an Application Module pool.

  // The line below commits the transaction in am1 and writes the change
  // set to persistent store (database table).  The returning snapId
  // identifies the (persistent) change set.

  int snapId = am1.getTransaction().commitAndSaveChangeSet();

  // Use that change set and apply the changes to the other Application
  // Module, am2.  That is, apply changes from am1 to am2.


  // When you are done with the change set, remove (free) it.


Specified by:
commitAndSaveChangeSet in interface Transaction
an integer representing an EntityImpl change set in persistent store.
See Also:
Transaction.applyChangeSet(int), Transaction.removeChangeSet(int)


public void connect(java.lang.String url)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Attempts to establish a connection to a database identified by a URL.

The DriverManager attempts to select an appropriate driver from the set of registered JDBC drivers.

Call isConnected to see if the connection was successful.

Specified by:
connect in interface Transaction
url - a database url of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname.


public void connect(java.lang.String url,
                    Properties info)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Attempts to establish a connection to a database identified by a URL.

The DriverManager attempts to select an appropriate driver from the set of registered JDBC drivers.

Call isConnected to see if the connection was successful.

Specified by:
connect in interface Transaction
url - a database url of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname.
info - a list of arbitrary string tag/value pairs to be used as connection arguments. Normally, at least "user" and "password" properties should be included.


public void connect(java.lang.String url,
                    java.lang.String user,
                    java.lang.String password)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Attempts to establish a connection to a database identified by a URL.

The DriverManager attempts to select an appropriate driver from the set of registered JDBC drivers.

Call isConnected to see if the connection was successful.

Specified by:
connect in interface Transaction
url - a database url of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname.
user - the database user on whose behalf the connection is being made.
password - the user's password.


public void connectToDataSource(java.lang.String nsUrl,
                                java.lang.String nsUser,
                                java.lang.String nsPasswd,
                                java.lang.String dataSourceName)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Looks up a datasource from Oracle 8i namespace using the jdbc_access protocol and acquires the default jdbc connection from the looked up datasource using the javax.sql.Datasource.getConnection() method.

Specified by:
connectToDataSource in interface Transaction
nsUrl - Url to the jndi namespace where the datasource is bound
nsUser - User name that is used to access the namespace.
nsPasswd - nsUsers' passwd
dataSourceName - Datasource name as bound in the namespace. Name can be the fully qaultified url such as jdbc_access://test/ds/db1 otherwise the the url prefix jdbc_acess:// is prepended to the datasource name for lookup.


public void connectToDataSource(java.lang.String nsUrl,
                                java.lang.String nsUser,
                                java.lang.String nsPasswd,
                                java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                java.lang.String user,
                                java.lang.String password)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Looks up a datasource from Oracle 8i namespace using the jdbc_access protocol and acquires the jdbc connection from the looked up datasource using the javax.sql.Datasource.getConnection(String user, String password) method.

Specified by:
connectToDataSource in interface Transaction
nsUrl - Url to the jndi namespace where the datasource is bound
nsUser - User name that is used to access the namespace.
nsPasswd - nsUsers' passwd
dataSourceName - Datasource name as bound in the namespace. Name can be the fully qaultified url such as jdbc_access://test/ds/db1 otherwise the the url prefix jdbc_acess:// is prepended to the datasource name for lookup.
user - Username for which the connection is acquired from the datasource
password - User's password.


public void connectToDataSource(java.util.Hashtable initialContextEnv,
                                java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                java.lang.String user,
                                java.lang.String password,
                                boolean isXABased)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Looks up a datasource from a jndi tree and acquires the jdbc connection from the looked up datasource using the javax.sql.Datasource.getConnection(String user, String passwd) method.

Specified by:
connectToDataSource in interface Transaction
initialContextEnv - Envirionment used the create initial context. May be null.
dataSourceName - Datasource name as bound in the namespace.
user - Username for which the connection is acquired from the datasource
password - User's password.
isXABased - True if datasource is XADataSource implementation. If true, the tranasction is assumed to be controlled by an external transaction manager.


public void connectToDataSource(java.util.Hashtable initialContextEnv,
                                java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                                boolean isXABased)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Looks up a datasource from a jndi tree and acquires the jdbc connection from the looked up datasource using the javax.sql.Datasource.getConnection(String user, String passwd) method.

Specified by:
connectToDataSource in interface Transaction
initialContextEnv - Envirionment used the create initial context. May be null.
dataSourceName - Datasource name as bound in the namespace.
isXABased - True if datasource is XADataSource implementation. If true, the tranasction is assumed to be controlled by an external transaction manager.


public java.lang.Object createRef(java.lang.String structName,
                                  byte[] data)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Specified by:
createRef in interface Transaction


public java.lang.String dumpQueryResult(java.lang.String query,
                                        java.lang.String dumpClassName,
                                        java.lang.String[] data)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Writes the result of the query to a (potentially very long) string. It takes three parameters: the first is the SQL query statement. The second is the class that dumps the result to a string. This class must implement the oracle.jbo.server.QueryDump interface. The implementation of this class decides what to do with the third, data parameter (which can be null). This is a utility method for testing and debugging queries and applications.

The following code example uses dumpQueryResult.

 public static void demoSimpleFetch(ApplicationModule appMod) {
       // Define and execute a simple SQL statement.
       String sqlStr = "SELECT Emp.ename FROM EMP Emp ";
       // dumpQueryResult is a utility method for testing queries.
       String result = appMod.getTransaction().dumpQueryResult(sqlStr,

 System.out.println(result);  }

Specified by:
dumpQueryResult in interface Transaction
query - the SQL query statement.
dumpClassName - the class that dumps the result to a string.
data - an array of data items.


public int executeCommand(java.lang.String command)
Executes a SQL command using a JDBC Statement under the current transaction. Applications should use this method to execute application-specific JDBC statements.

This method provides a way of bypassing the framework to query the database directly. Internally, the method passes the specified SQL command to a statement on the JDBC connection and executes it.

The following code example uses executeCommand. The SQL string is designed to update the EMP table. This example passes the string to executeCommand, then prints a message to report how many rows were actually updated.

 public static void demoUpdateColumn(ApplicationModule appMod)
   String sqlStr = "UPDATE EMP " + "SET MGR=7007 " + "WHERE MGR=7698 ";

   int n = appMod.getTransaction().executeCommand(sqlStr);
   System.out.println("Updated " + n + " rows.");

Be careful when using executeCommand, because it will execute any valid SQL statement. For example, you could perform an operation like the following DDL command:

 appMod.getTransaction().executeCommand("DROP TABLE MYTEMPTABLE");

A pending database transaction could be committed inadvertently due to the implicit commit performed by DDL operations, as well as having any row locks released.

Specified by:
executeCommand in interface Transaction
command - a valid SQL statement.
the number of rows affected.
InvalidParamException - if command is empty.
SQLStmtException - if command fails.


public ConnectionDetails getConnectionMetadata()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Returns a metdata structure that describes the transaction's JDBC connection.

Specified by:
getConnectionMetadata in interface Transaction


public int getDMLOperationTimeOut()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Returns the current Entity Object DML operation time out value. The default is DML_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER.

Specified by:
getDMLOperationTimeOut in interface Transaction
the current Entity Object DML operation time out value.


public int getLockingMode()
Returns the preferred locking mode for this Transaction. For example:

The possible return values are:

If not set by setLockingMode(), the locking mode defaults to LOCK_PESSIMISTIC.

Specified by:
getLockingMode in interface Transaction
an integer representing the preferred locking mode. The values can be LOCK_NONE, LOCK_PESSIMISTIC (default), or LOCK_OPTIMISTIC.


public void setBundledExceptionMode(boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Set this transaction into bundled exception mode. In this mode, all exceptions thrown during updates to rows will be cached by the entity-cache. However when the rows are validated either by explicit validation call or when the transaction is committed, these exceptions will be thrown bundled in a RowValException. When in bundledException mode, validation code in setXXX methods on the Entity will be executed and if a ValidationException is thrown from these methods, they're cached by the Entity and thrown later as a detail of RowValException when the Entity is eventually validated.

Specified by:
setBundledExceptionMode in interface Transaction


public final boolean isBundledExceptionMode()
Specified by:
isBundledExceptionMode in interface Transaction


public boolean isClearCacheOnCommit()
Returns the flag indicating whether all Entity Object caches will be cleared after the transaction is committed.

After the transaction is committed, the value of this flag is used to determine whether the Entity Object caches are cleared or not. If this flag value is false, the cache contents are kept. In this case, the cache may contain data that is stale in that it does not match the newest data (changes made by another user and committed).

If this flag is true, the caches are cleared after the transaction is committed. When the user brings in data by traversing row collection, the latest data from the database will be brought into Entity caches.

Specified by:
isClearCacheOnCommit in interface Transaction
the current value of clear-cache-on-commit flag.
See Also:
RowSet.executeQuery(), setClearCacheOnCommit(boolean val), Transaction.isClearCacheOnCommit(), Transaction.setClearCacheOnCommit(boolean val)


public boolean isClearCacheOnRollback()
Returns the flag indicating whether all Entity Object caches will be cleared after the transaction is rolled back.

After the transaction is rolled back, the value of this flag is used to determine whether the Entity Object caches are cleared or not. If this flag value is false, the cache contents are kept. In this case, the cache may contain data that is not in sync with database in that uncommitted changes made this by user (before the transaction was rolled back) will be kept.

If this flag is true, the caches are cleared after the transaction is rolled back. When the user brings in data by traversing row collection, the latest data from the database will be brought into Entity caches.

Specified by:
isClearCacheOnRollback in interface Transaction
the current value of clear-cache-on-roll-back flag.
See Also:
RowSet.executeQuery(), setClearCacheOnRollback(boolean val), Transaction.isClearCacheOnCommit(), Transaction.setClearCacheOnCommit(boolean val)


public boolean isDirty()
This method is typically called before an attempt is made to post the data. For example, this method can be called when the user at the client attempts to close an application. If there is unsaved data, this method can return true. In response, the client can prompt the user to save before closing the application.

Specified by:
isDirty in interface Transaction
trueif any data within this Application Module has been modified but not yet committed; false otherwise.


public void postChanges()
Synchronizes the changes in the middle-tier transaction-cache with the database.

This method bypasses the validation cycle and can allow invalid data to be posted to the database. As a side effect of this method, database triggers or other constraints might be fired as a result of posting data. However, invalid changes cannot be committed, as the commit() method validates all changes before committing them.

Typically, applications should call this method if they must execute SQL operations or queries with the current cached-state of data, before validating the changes.

Specified by:
postChanges in interface Transaction
See Also:


protected void postChanges(TransactionEvent te)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Synchronizes all the changes in this transaction-cache with the database. These changes are still not visible to other users/transaction.

Executes a savepoint before starting to post any changes. Then, all non-transient and transient TransactionPostListeners are notified to post their changes, in that order. In case of any exception, rollsback the transaction to the savepoint. and throws DMLException.

For Entity types that are marked to use batch update in case of oracle jdbc, first a maximal-attribute-changed-set is collected for each entity-type so that batch statements could be created for all changes. Then postChanges() is called on all the entities in the transaction just like in the normal case, but entity does not execute the dml, instead simply adds the DML to a batched statement which is executed after all entities are done adding their changes to the batch. Then for each entity type that has batched statements executes the batches (deletes first, followed by inserts and then updates). On any eror during the batch operations, the entire transaction is rolled back to the savepoint as described earlier.


public void reconnect(boolean force)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Reconnect the application module to the database, if necessary, using previously supplied database credentials. If the parameter is true, then a database disconnect and reconnect is performed, whatever the current connection state. If false, the connect is only performed if the connection has disappeared.

Specified by:
reconnect in interface Transaction
force - force a reconnect, should usually be false.


public void removeChangeSet(int id)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Removes the change set that defines the changes to EntityImpls within a transaction.

This method (along with commitAndSaveChangeSet and applyChangeSet is used to synchronize the cache between root Application Module instances in an Application Module pool.

For an example of how to use removeChangeSet, see commitAndSaveChangeSet.

Specified by:
removeChangeSet in interface Transaction
id - an integer representing the change set to remove from the persistent store.
See Also:
Transaction.commitAndSaveChangeSet(), Transaction.applyChangeSet(int)


public void removeTransactionStateListener(TransactionStateListener target)
Specified by:
removeTransactionStateListener in interface Transaction


public void removeViewClearCacheListener(ViewClearCacheListener target)
Specified by:
removeViewClearCacheListener in interface Transaction


protected void doRollback()
Called by the rollback method to issue the rollback call. This method is called just before the transaction is rolled back on the JDBC connection. Override this method to provide your own handler for the rollback operation.


public void rollback()
Discards all modifications made in this transaction. This method is called on the Application Module's transaction. For example:

When this method is invoked, beforeRollback events are posted to the listeners, the changes are discarded, afterRollback events are posted, and transient listeners are deleted from the transaction. For both events, non-transient listeners preceed transient listeners.

In the following example, a method named updateAttr has been implemented to update a row of a View Object vo with the value newAttrVal. If updateAttr succeeds (returns true), the code commits the transaction; otherwise, it rolls the transaction back:

 // Assume that appMod has been declared and initialized elsewhere.
   if (updateAttr(vo, newAttrVal))
     // Commit changes to the database, making
     // updated data available to other Application Modules.
     System.out.println("\n Transaction committed. \n");
     System.out.println("\n Transaction rolled back. \n");
 catch (Exception e)

Note, if your Application Module is an EJB session bean, a new transaction is started for you automatically after calling rollback. You do not have to explicitly start a new transaction.

Specified by:
rollback in interface Transaction
See Also:
DBTransaction, TransactionListener.afterRollback(TransactionEvent), TransactionListener.beforeRollback(TransactionEvent)


public void setClearCacheOnCommit(boolean val)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Sets the value of the flag indicating whether all Entity Object caches will be cleared after the transaction is committed.

The initial value of this flag is retrieved from the Application Module definition of the root Application Module (an XML attribute value named "ClearCacheOnCommit" in the Application Module definition's XML file). If the Application Module definition does not contain the initial value, the default value is false, i.e., the caches are kept after commit.

The user can override the value of this flag for this Transaction by calling this method. Calling this method does not affect the initial value in the Application Module definition.

Specified by:
setClearCacheOnCommit in interface Transaction
val - the new value of the clear-cache-on-commit flag. true indicates that the Entity Object caches will be cleared after commit.
See Also:


public void setClearCacheOnRollback(boolean val)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Sets the value of the flag indicating whether all Entity Object caches will be cleared after the transaction is rolled back.

The initial value of this flag is retrieved from the Application Module definition of the root Application Module (an XML attribute value named "ClearCacheOnRollback" in the Application Module definition's XML file). If the Application Module definition does not contain the initial value, the default value is true, i.e., the caches are cleared after rollback.

The user can override the value of this flag for this Transaction by calling this method. Calling this method does not affect the initial value in the Application Module definition.

Specified by:
setClearCacheOnRollback in interface Transaction
val - the new value of the clear-cache-on-roll-back flag. true indicates that the Entity Object caches will be cleared after rollback, and will be refreshed with new data from the database.
See Also:


public void setDMLOperationTimeOut(int timeOutMills)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Sets the query time out value for the Entity Object's DML operations. The default is DML_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER (-1), which means that the DML operations will not time out. The user will be able to cancel the long running operations by calling cancelDMLOperations() started by this Transaction during postChanges.

If a positive value of timeout is specified the operation is monitored by a global monitor thread. The monitor thread waits the specified amount of time (approximately) in milli-seconds, and cancels the operation by calling JDBC's Statement.cancel().

Specified by:
setDMLOperationTimeOut in interface Transaction
timeOutMills - if non-negative, number of milli-seconds before the DML operation is timed out.


public void setLockingMode(int mode)
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Sets the preferred locking mode for this Transaction. The possible values are:

Changing the locking mode affects only subsequent locks. Current locks are not affected.

Specified by:
setLockingMode in interface Transaction


public void validate()
Description copied from interface: Transaction
Starts the validation cycle and validates all subscribers in the ValidationListener list. Typically all top-level entities which were invalidated through the framework will be in this list. Listeners are removed as they are validated.

The advantage of calling validate() is that the data stays in the middle tier. Data is not posted to the database, thus avoiding the possible firing of database triggers or constraints.

Specified by:
validate in interface ValidationManager
Specified by:
validate in interface Transaction


public void addToValidationListeners(ValidationListener entity)
Adds an entity validation listener.

The entity listener will be notified to perform its own validation when this validation manager is validated.

This method overrides the ValidationManager.addToValidationListeners(ValidationListener) method.

Specified by:
addToValidationListeners in interface ValidationManager
entity - an entity validation listener.


public void addTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
Description copied from interface: DBTransaction
Adds a listener to the transaction's list of post-phase event subscribers.

Listeners are notified of events spawned by the postChanges() method. The framework adds modified top-level Entity Objects to this list.

Specified by:
addTransactionPostListener in interface DBTransaction
listener - the subscriber to be added.


public void removeTransactionPostListener(TransactionPostListener listener)
Removes a subscriber from the transaction's post-events list.

Specified by:
removeTransactionPostListener in interface DBTransaction
listener - the subscriber to be removed.


protected ApplicationModuleImpl getTxnApplicationModuleImpl()
Gets the root Application Module to which this transaction belongs.

the root Application Module.


public final java.lang.Object getSyncLock()


public boolean isTrackNewAndModifiedRowsOnly()
Deprecated. since

Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Specified by:
isTrackNewAndModifiedRowsOnly in interface DBTransaction


public EntityCache lookupEntityCache(EntityDefImpl source)


public void addTransactionPostListenerNoCheck(TransactionPostListener listener)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Adds a subscriber to the transaction's post-events list, without checking if it is already present.

When postChanges() is invoked, each listed TransactionPostListener is notified to post any changes to the database.

listener - the subscriber to be added.
See Also:


public void addTransactionListenerNoCheck(TransactionListener listener)
Internal: Applications should not call this method.

Adds a listener to the transaction's list, without checking whether the listener was present.

Listeners are notified of the commit and rollback events generated by the commit and rollback methods. The framework adds modified top-level Entity Objects to this list.

Specified by:
addTransactionListenerNoCheck in interface DBTransaction
listener - the subscriber to be added.


public JboTransValidationManager getTransValidationManager()


public java.util.Hashtable getTransValidations()
Specified by:
getTransValidations in interface JboTransValidationManager


public ArrayList getTransValidationList()
Specified by:
getTransValidationList in interface JboTransValidationManager


public JboTransAttrValidationManager getTransAttrValidationManager()


public java.util.Hashtable getTransAttrValidations()
Specified by:
getTransAttrValidations in interface JboTransAttrValidationManager


public ArrayList getTransAttrValidationList()
Specified by:
getTransAttrValidationList in interface JboTransAttrValidationManager


public void putTransValEntry(JboTransValidatorInterface validator,
                             JboValidatorContext valCtx)
Specified by:
putTransValEntry in interface JboTransValidationManager


public void putTransAttrValEntry(JboTransValidatorInterface validator,
                                 JboValidatorContext valCtx)
Specified by:
putTransAttrValEntry in interface JboTransAttrValidationManager


public void setValidationThreshold(int count)
Description copied from interface: DBTransaction
Sets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's validation phase.

When commit() is invoked the framework attempts to validate the transaction's modifications, making count attempts before failing with an exception. This mechanism allows applications to update data in the cache within the validation phase, and validate them before they are posted.

Specified by:
setValidationThreshold in interface DBTransaction
count - the new threshold value.


public int getValidationThreshold()
Description copied from interface: DBTransaction
Gets the threshold value for the commit-cycle's validation phase.

Specified by:
getValidationThreshold in interface DBTransaction


public Connection getPersistManagerConnection()
Specified by:
getPersistManagerConnection in interface PCollManagerHelper


public void setForceDeferValidation(boolean bForceDefer)


public boolean isForceDeferValidation()


public void addLongRunningDMLOperationHandle(LongRunningStatementHandle handle)


public void removeLongRunningDMLOperationHandle(LongRunningStatementHandle handle)


public int getPostThreshold()


public TransactionHandler getTransactionHandler()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Specified by:
getTransactionHandler in interface DBTransaction


public void setTransactionHandler(TransactionHandler txnHandler)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


protected void doCommit()
Called by the commit method to issue the commit call. This method is called just before the transaction is committed on the JDBC connection. Override this method to provide your own handler for the commit operation.


public void setBatchModeForEntity(EntityDefImpl def,
                                  boolean mode)
Sets the updatebatching (Batch post operations) mode on or off for a given entity type in this transaction.

def - - Def for the desired entity type
mode - - whether to turn batch updates on or off. if false rest of the arguments are ignored. If attribute list is null or has no elements, then Def is consulted for any default setting in the def for AttributeLists for these purposes. If Def does not have an attribute list then ALL attributes participate in the concerned operation.


public int getBatchPostExceptionThreshold()
In case of batch mode post operation, try to post the batched set of entities for each entity type and post operation (Insert/Update/Delete) for this many number of exceptions.

See Also:


protected boolean hasRollbackSavePoint()


public final int getPostChangesFlag()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.


public CallableStatement createCallableStatement(java.lang.String str,
                                                 int noRowsPrefetch)


public Statement createStatement(int noRowsPrefetch)
Description copied from interface: DBTransaction
Creates a JDBC Statement instance.

Applications may use this method to create a JDBC statement object to execute application specific SQL statements directly, so that the modifications are committed to the database in a single transaction through this object.

Specified by:
createStatement in interface DBTransaction
noRowsPrefetch - the number of rows to prefetch when executing this statement's query.
a JDBC Statement instance.


protected int getTransactionState()


public ViewObject createViewObjectFromQueryClauses(java.lang.String eoName,
                                                   java.lang.String selectClause,
                                                   java.lang.String fromClause,
                                                   java.lang.String whereClause,
                                                   java.lang.String orderByClause)
Creates an updatable query definition.

Creates an anonymous query definition from an Entity Object and parts of a SQL statement. For more information on anonymous View Objects, see Using Anonymous View Objects

Calling method should also call remove() for the View Object to be properly garbage-collected.

Specified by:
createViewObjectFromQueryClauses in interface DBTransaction
eoName - the name of a EntityObject beaninfo class.
selectClause - an SQL statement SELECT clause.
fromClause - an SQL statement FROM clause.
whereClause - an SQL statement WHERE clause.
orderByClause - an SQL statement ORDERBY clause.


public Session getSession()
Gets the session information.

the session.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the session information cannot be found.


public void disconnect()
Closes the JDBC connection object and removes this transaction from the root application module.

As an alternative, you can also use the disconnect method on the Transaction interface.

Specified by:
disconnect in interface DBTransaction
Specified by:
disconnect in interface Transaction


public void disconnect(boolean retainState)
Closes the JDBC connection object. If disconnect is invoked with retainState equal to false then the JDBC connection will be closed and this transaction will be removed* from the root application module.

If disconnect is invoked with retainState equal to true then this transaction's JDBC connection will be closed but, the root application module will continue to reference this transaction and its state. The transaction state may include unposted database changes and cached result sets. In the middle tier, reconnect on the DBTransaction interface may be invoked to re-establish a JDBC connection for this transaction. If connection pooling is enabled for this middle tier instance this connection may represent a recycled connection.

The developer should take measures to ensure that the following requirements are met before attempting to disconnect a JDBC connection and retain application module state. All of these validations are not currently performed by the disconnection implementation because of performance considerations:

All non-forward only view objects should have fetched in all data

If pessimistic locking is enabled, all pending changes should be commited/rolled back.

All changes that have been posted to the database should be commited/rolled back>/p>

Specified by:
disconnect in interface Transaction


public void closeTransaction()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Closes this transaction's JDBC connection.

Performs rollback on the current transaction to reset all the data in the cache to their initial states and then drops the JDBC connection. This method is invoked by disconnect to terminate the JDBC connection. Applications should use disconnect() instead of closeTransaction() to properly release JDBC resources.


protected Connection getJdbcConnection()
Returns the JDBC connection for this transaction.


public void reconnect()
Reconnect the ApplicationModule to the database, using previously supplied database credentials. This method should only be invoked if the transaction has been previously disconnected using disconnect(boolean) with the retainState parameter equal to true or, if a previous isConnected() request had discovered a stale JDBC connection. If it is invoked otherwise the method will do nothing.

Specified by:
reconnect in interface DBTransaction
Specified by:
reconnect in interface Transaction
See Also:


public boolean isConnected(boolean pingDatabase)


protected void checkConnected()
                       throws NotConnectedException

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile Client
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.