Interface MessageType

public interface MessageType

A MessageType represents a single mapping from a JMSType to a message bean type. The message bean type is represented as a DynamicBeanInfo. All relevant information about the message bean type, including its class and properties, can be obtained from the DynamicBeanInfo.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
static java.lang.String REQUEST_CONTEXT
          Returned by getMessageContext() to indicate that the message originates in a Dynamo request thread, and that both request-specific and session-specific objects may be resolved via JNDI.
static java.lang.String SESSION_CONTEXT
          Returned by getMessageContext() to indicate that the message originates in a Dynamo session context, and that session-specific objects including the user profile may be resolved via JNDI.
Method Summary
 DynamicBeanInfo getBeanInfo()
          Returns the DynamicBeanInfo of the message bean type
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Returns verbal description of the message for a GUI
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          Returns display name used to represent the message in a GUI
 java.lang.String getJMSType()
          Returns the JMSType identifying this message type
 java.lang.String getMessageContext()
          Returns type of context in which the message is originated
 boolean isExpert()
          Returns true if this message type should be hidden from non-expert users in a GUI.
 boolean isHidden()
          Returns true if this message type should generally be hidden in a GUI.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SESSION_CONTEXT
Returned by getMessageContext() to indicate that the message originates in a Dynamo session context, and that session-specific objects including the user profile may be resolved via JNDI.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String REQUEST_CONTEXT
Returned by getMessageContext() to indicate that the message originates in a Dynamo request thread, and that both request-specific and session-specific objects may be resolved via JNDI.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.String getJMSType()
Returns the JMSType identifying this message type


DynamicBeanInfo getBeanInfo()
Returns the DynamicBeanInfo of the message bean type


java.lang.String getMessageContext()
Returns type of context in which the message is originated


java.lang.String getDisplayName()
Returns display name used to represent the message in a GUI


java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns verbal description of the message for a GUI


boolean isHidden()
Returns true if this message type should generally be hidden in a GUI.


boolean isExpert()
Returns true if this message type should be hidden from non-expert users in a GUI.