Class Cache

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.service.cache.Cache
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener,, java.util.EventListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Cache
extends GenericService

This service is a general-purpose LRU cache.

Clients of this service must first implement CacheAdapter, which will be called by this class to maintain elements as related to keys. The Cache class will then take care of maintaining the cache.

Most recent changes address multithreading problems. Specifically, when multiple threads are all requesting the object for a single key for the first time, the adapter is only asked to do the work once. Likewise, the same object is guaranteed to be returned to each thread in this scenario.

This cache class may be used in non-pass-through manner, by simply not setting the cacheAdapter property. Memory restrictions will be ignored, and get() calls will return null Previously, if multiple threads all asked for an object that wasn't in cache and all used the same key, each thread would receive functionally similar but unique objects from the cache. This is a performance hit, and can also cause havoc with applications that expect all threads to receive a single object from cache.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean contains(java.lang.Object pKey)
          Checks for the presence of the object with the specified key, without invoking the CacheAdapter.
 boolean contains(java.lang.Object[] pKeys)
          Returns false unless all specified keys refer to objects in the cache.
 java.lang.String dump()
 void dump( aStream)
          meant to be a debugging aid, will print current key/value pairs the mMap hashtable to the supplied PrintStream, a prime example of which is System.out
 void flush()
          Flushes all entries from the cache, leaving it empty.
 java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object pKey)
          Searches the cache for the object with the specified key.
 java.lang.Object[] get(java.lang.Object[] pKeys)
          Searches the cache for the objects with the specified keys.
 int getAccessCount()
          Returns the total number of accesses
 java.util.Iterator getAllElements()
          Returns all elements in this Cache.
 java.util.Iterator getAllKeys()
          Returns all elements in this Cache.
 java.util.Iterator getAllKeysOrdered(boolean pLatestFirst)
          Returns all elements in this Cache ordered by entry creation time.
 CacheAdapter getCacheAdapter()
          The Adapter used to create entries in the cache
 atg.service.cache.CacheRemovalListener getCacheRemovalListener()
          The CacheRemovalListener notified when objects are removed from this cache
 boolean getEnablePartialKeyInvalidation()
          Whether this cache should invalidate by part of the key.
 int getHitCount()
          Returns the number of cache hits
 double getHitRatio()
          Returns the number of cache hits / total number of cache accesses
 int[] getKeyPartsForInvalidation()
          Which key parts should be used for invalidation.
 int getMaximumCacheEntries()
          Returns the maximum number of elements in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited
 int getMaximumCacheSize()
          Returns the maximum memory size of the cache.
 long getMaximumEntryLifetime()
          Returns the maximum number of msec that an entry will live in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited
 int getMaximumEntrySize()
          Returns the maximum memory size of a single entry in the cache.
 int getNumCacheEntries()
          Returns the number of entries currently in the cache
 int getNumKeyParts()
          The number of key parts this cache expects.
 int getSize()
          Returns the number of entries currently in the cache
 int getTimeoutCount()
          Returns the number of times entries were invalidated because they were out-of-date.
 double getUsedCapacity()
          Returns the ratio of cache entries to maximum cache entries.
 int getUsedMemory()
          Returns the amount of memory taken up by the entries in the cache (includes keys).
 double getUsedMemoryCapacity()
          Returns the ratio of memory size to maximum memory size
 java.util.Iterator getValidKeysOrdered(boolean pLatestFirst)
          Returns all elements in this Cache ordered by entry creation time.
protected  boolean isExpiredValueStillGood(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object pValue)
          Return whether the expired value is still good.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 void put(java.lang.Object pKey, java.lang.Object pValue)
          Puts an entry into the cache, placing that entry at the front of the LRU list.
 boolean remove(java.lang.Object pKey)
          Invalidates the entry with the given key.
 boolean remove(java.lang.Object pKey, java.lang.Object pNewValue)
          Invalidates the entry with the given key.
 int removeByPartialKey(int pPartialKeyIndex, java.lang.Object pPartialKeyValue)
          Removes by partial key.
 void setCacheAdapter(CacheAdapter pAdapter)
          The Adapter used to create entries in the cache
 void setCacheRemovalListener(atg.service.cache.CacheRemovalListener pRemovalListener)
          The CacheRemovalListener notified when objects are removed from this cache
 void setEnablePartialKeyInvalidation(boolean pEnablePartialKeyInvalidation)
          Whether this cache should invalidate by part of the key.
 void setKeyPartsForInvalidation(int[] pKeyPartsForInvalidation)
          Which key parts should be used for invalidation.
 void setMaximumCacheEntries(int pMaximumCacheEntries)
          Sets the maximum number of elements in the cache.
 void setMaximumCacheSize(int pMaximumCacheSize)
          Sets the maximum memory size of the cache.
 void setMaximumEntryLifetime(long pMaximumEntryLifetime)
          Sets the maximum number of msec that an entry will live in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited
 void setMaximumEntrySize(int pMaximumEntrySize)
          Sets the maximum memory size of a single entry in the cache.
 void setNumKeyParts(int pNumKeyParts)
          The number of key parts this cache expects.
 java.lang.Object setWaiterAndGetValue(java.lang.Object pKey, boolean pCacheIt)
          this method just gets an object from a cacheadapter, but in addition sets waiter semaphores to prevent the duplication of cache adapter work.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStartService, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, reResolveThis, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Cache()

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object setWaiterAndGetValue(java.lang.Object pKey,
                                             boolean pCacheIt)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
this method just gets an object from a cacheadapter, but in addition sets waiter semaphores to prevent the duplication of cache adapter work.

pKey - the key to use for fetching from the CacheAdapter
pCacheIt - whether to put the object in the cache.
the object from the appropriate cacheAdapter


public boolean contains(java.lang.Object pKey)
Checks for the presence of the object with the specified key, without invoking the CacheAdapter. No exceptions!


public boolean contains(java.lang.Object[] pKeys)
Returns false unless all specified keys refer to objects in the cache.


public void dump( aStream)
meant to be a debugging aid, will print current key/value pairs the mMap hashtable to the supplied PrintStream, a prime example of which is System.out


public java.lang.String dump()


public java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object pKey)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Searches the cache for the object with the specified key. If not found, then it uses the CacheAdapter to retrieve one. Returns null if unable to obtain the cached object.



public java.lang.Object[] get(java.lang.Object[] pKeys)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Searches the cache for the objects with the specified keys. Any not found in the cache are retrieved by the CacheAdapter. Returns an array of all retrieved items (null for any which could not be retrieved). The array of objects returned is ordered to correspond with the order of the array of keys passed in.



protected boolean isExpiredValueStillGood(java.lang.Object key,
                                          java.lang.Object pValue)
Return whether the expired value is still good. May be overridden by subclasses.

pKey - the key the corresponds to the value
pValue - the value to check


public void put(java.lang.Object pKey,
                java.lang.Object pValue)
Puts an entry into the cache, placing that entry at the front of the LRU list.


public boolean remove(java.lang.Object pKey)
Invalidates the entry with the given key. (Called on get when the entry has timed out, on put if the entry is pre-existing in the cache, and also on put for each lru entry until max size and max entries requirements are met.)

true if the item was found and removed


public boolean remove(java.lang.Object pKey,
                      java.lang.Object pNewValue)
Invalidates the entry with the given key. (Called on get when the entry has timed out, on put if the entry is pre-existing in the cache, and also on put for each lru entry until max size and max entries requirements are met.)

true if the item was found and removed


public void flush()
Flushes all entries from the cache, leaving it empty.


public int removeByPartialKey(int pPartialKeyIndex,
                              java.lang.Object pPartialKeyValue)
Removes by partial key.

pPartialKeyIndex - index of the partial key to remove, should be >= 0 and < numKeyParts
pPartialKeyValue - value of the partial key to remove
the number of items removed


public CacheAdapter getCacheAdapter()
The Adapter used to create entries in the cache


public void setCacheAdapter(CacheAdapter pAdapter)
The Adapter used to create entries in the cache


public atg.service.cache.CacheRemovalListener getCacheRemovalListener()
The CacheRemovalListener notified when objects are removed from this cache


public void setCacheRemovalListener(atg.service.cache.CacheRemovalListener pRemovalListener)
The CacheRemovalListener notified when objects are removed from this cache


public int getMaximumCacheEntries()
Returns the maximum number of elements in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited


public void setMaximumCacheEntries(int pMaximumCacheEntries)
Sets the maximum number of elements in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited


public int getMaximumCacheSize()
Returns the maximum memory size of the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited


public void setMaximumCacheSize(int pMaximumCacheSize)
Sets the maximum memory size of the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited


public int getMaximumEntrySize()
Returns the maximum memory size of a single entry in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited


public void setMaximumEntrySize(int pMaximumEntrySize)
Sets the maximum memory size of a single entry in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited


public long getMaximumEntryLifetime()
Returns the maximum number of msec that an entry will live in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited


public void setMaximumEntryLifetime(long pMaximumEntryLifetime)
Sets the maximum number of msec that an entry will live in the cache.
0 = Cache nothing, but continue to get objects from the CacheAdapter
-1 = Unlimited


public boolean getEnablePartialKeyInvalidation()
Whether this cache should invalidate by part of the key. When set to true, MultiPartCacheKey objects should be passed in as keys.


public void setEnablePartialKeyInvalidation(boolean pEnablePartialKeyInvalidation)
Whether this cache should invalidate by part of the key. When set to true, MultiPartCacheKey objects should be passed in as keys.


public int getNumKeyParts()
The number of key parts this cache expects. Only used if enablePartialKeyInvalidation == true;


public void setNumKeyParts(int pNumKeyParts)
The number of key parts this cache expects. Only used if enablePartialKeyInvalidation == true;


public int[] getKeyPartsForInvalidation()
Which key parts should be used for invalidation. For example, setting to [0, 2, 3] would use first, third, and fourth key parts for invalidation. Leaving this null means that all parts are available for invalidation. Empty array means no parts are available.


public void setKeyPartsForInvalidation(int[] pKeyPartsForInvalidation)
Which key parts should be used for invalidation. For example, setting to [0, 2, 3] would use first, third, and fourth key parts for invalidation. Leaving this null means that all parts are available for invalidation. Empty array means no parts are available.


public int getSize()
Returns the number of entries currently in the cache


public int getNumCacheEntries()
Returns the number of entries currently in the cache


public double getUsedCapacity()
Returns the ratio of cache entries to maximum cache entries.


public int getUsedMemory()
Returns the amount of memory taken up by the entries in the cache (includes keys).


public double getUsedMemoryCapacity()
Returns the ratio of memory size to maximum memory size


public int getAccessCount()
Returns the total number of accesses


public int getHitCount()
Returns the number of cache hits


public double getHitRatio()
Returns the number of cache hits / total number of cache accesses


public int getTimeoutCount()
Returns the number of times entries were invalidated because they were out-of-date.


public java.util.Iterator getAllElements()
Returns all elements in this Cache.


public java.util.Iterator getAllKeys()
Returns all elements in this Cache.


public java.util.Iterator getValidKeysOrdered(boolean pLatestFirst)
Returns all elements in this Cache ordered by entry creation time.


public java.util.Iterator getAllKeysOrdered(boolean pLatestFirst)
Returns all elements in this Cache ordered by entry creation time.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
                 throws java.lang.InterruptedException