Class DynamoHttpServletRequest

  extended by atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
      extended by atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameResolver, ApplicationLogging, atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingHandler, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletRequest

public class DynamoHttpServletRequest
extends MutableHttpServletRequest
implements NameResolver, atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingHandler, ApplicationLogging

This is an HttpServletRequest implementation that wrappers another HttpServletRequest object providing an enhanced API for Dynamo programmers. It extends HttpServletRequest and provides additional functionality for:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ATTRIBUTE_NAME
          The name used to store this request as an attribute of the underlying request
static java.lang.String CERTIFICATES_ATTRIBUTE
          The attribute name used to store the parsed X509 certificates
static java.lang.String CIPHER_SUITE_ATTR
          The attribute name used to store the cipher suite
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_DISPATCH_SERVLET
          This attribute will contains the default servlet to be used to dispatch servlets from a request dispatcher.
          Default URL Parameter Delimiter
static int ENCODE_NONE
static java.lang.String ERROR_EXCEPTION_ATTRIBUTE
static java.lang.String ERROR_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE
static java.lang.String ERROR_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE
static java.lang.String ERROR_SERVLET_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
static java.lang.String ERROR_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE
static java.lang.String FORM_EVENTS_SENT_ATTRIBUTE
static java.lang.String GLOBAL_SCOPE
          The attribute name used to store the context path of an include
static java.lang.String INCLUDE_PATH_INFO_ATTRIBUTE
          The attribute name used to store the path info of an include
          The attribute name used to store the path translated of an include
          The attribute name used to store the query string of an include
          The attribute name used to store the request uri of an include
          The attribute name used to store the servlet path of an include
static java.lang.String INVALID_REMOTEADDR
          bug 75571, if we enable VerifyRemoteAddr, we need to set this attribute to true if the remote address is invalid.
static java.lang.String KEY_SIZE_ATTR
          The attribute name used to store the size of the key
          This attribute is used to contain a map used for web app layering.
 NameContext mWebAppRequestScope
          The RequestScope for the local (web app) Nucleus
 NameContext mWebAppWindowScope
          The request attribute used to hold object parameteryres
static int PAGE_EVENT_MASK
          Flag indicating that page-related JMS events should be fired w/r/t this request.
          This attribute contains the PageFragmentSubstituter.
static java.lang.String PATH_TRANSLATOR
          The name of the attribute to use for translating paths.
          Flag indicating that profile-related JMS events should be fired w/r/t this request.
static java.lang.String REQUEST_CONTEXT_NAME
          The name of the request in the request scope tree.
static java.lang.String REQUEST_SCOPE
          Flag indicating that session-related JMS events should be fired w/r/t this request.
static java.lang.String SESSION_INVALIDATED
          bug 72198, workaround weblogic session backup problem.
static java.lang.String SESSION_SCOPE
static java.lang.String URL_PARAMETER_ARGNAME
          The constant used to identify the Scrambled parameter in the URL string
static java.lang.String URL_PARAMETER_SPECIFIER
static java.lang.String WINDOW_CONTEXT_NAME
          The name of the window in the window scope tree.
static java.lang.String WINDOW_ID_PARAM_NAME
static java.lang.String WINDOW_SCOPE
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new DynamoHttpServletRequest.
Method Summary
 void addPersistentQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey, java.lang.String pValue)
          Adds a persistent query parameter which will be encoded in all subsequent calls to encodeURL.
 void addQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey, java.lang.String pValue)
          Adds a query parameter which will be encoded in the next call to encodeURL
 void addURLParameter(java.lang.String pKey, java.lang.String pValue)
          Adds a URL parameter which will be encoded in the next call to encodeURL
 java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL)
          Encodes a URL with all the accumulated parameters.
 java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL, boolean pClearParameters)
          Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
 java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL, boolean pEncodeParameters, boolean pClearParameters, boolean pIsImageURL)
          Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
 java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL, boolean pEncodeParameters, boolean pClearParameters, boolean pIsImageURL, boolean pInterpretURIs)
          Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
 java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL, boolean pEncodeParameters, boolean pClearParameters, boolean pIsImageURL, boolean pInterpretURIs, boolean pDoExitTracking)
          Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
 java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL, boolean pEncodeParameters, boolean pClearParameters, boolean pIsImageURL, boolean pInterpretURIs, boolean pDoExitTracking, int pPrependMode)
          Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters.
 void endRequest()
          Clean up after the request once it has finished.
 java.lang.String getBaseDirectory()
          Returns the current base directory or null if it is not set
 BrowserTyper getBrowserTyper()
          Returns the BrowserTyper
 java.lang.String getCookieParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns the first parameter matching the given key from the HTTP Cookies sent by the browser.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.
 java.lang.String getCookieParameter(java.lang.String pKey, int pIndex)
          Returns the nth Cookie parameter matching the given key and index.
 int getCookieParameterCount(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns the number of Cookie parameters that have the same key.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.
 java.util.Enumeration getCookieParameterNames()
          Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the Cookie parameter names.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.
 java.lang.String[] getCookieParameterValues(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns an array of Strings of all the Cookie parameter values for the given name.
Causes the cookie headers to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] getCookies()
          Gets the array of cookies found in this request.
 boolean getDisableExitTracking()
 java.lang.String getDocRootServicePrefix()
 int getEncodeContextPathMode()
          Returns the EncodeContextPathMode property.
 boolean getEncodeServletPath()
          Returns the EncodeServletPath property.
 boolean getEncodeURL()
          Returns the flag that indicates whether or not this request is currently encoding URLs
 int getEventFlags()
 atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingHandler getExitTrackingHandler()
          Returns the exit tracking handler
 java.lang.String getExitTrackingParameterName()
          Returns the parameter name which holds the URL to redirect to as part of the exit tracking process.
 boolean getFormEventsSent()
 boolean getGenerateRequestLocales()
          This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
 java.lang.String getLinkEncoding()
 java.lang.Object getLocalParameter(ParameterName pName)
          Get the parameter associated with the current parameter frame ( the one associated with the current droplet, or the top-level if there is no droplet).
 java.lang.Object getLocalParameter(java.lang.String pName)
 ApplicationLogging getLog()
          Returns the Log property
 java.util.Map getMapForCurrentFrame()
          Return a Map that represents the current frame of the param stack.
 java.lang.String getMimeType()
          Returns the mimetype of this particular request file
 MimeTyper getMimeTyper()
          Returns the MimeTyper property
 Nucleus getNucleus()
          Returns the Nucleus
static java.lang.Object getNullParameterObject()
          Returns the parameter Object that represents a null value when placed into a parameter dictionary.
 java.lang.Object getObjectParameter(ParameterName pName)
          Returns the parameter with the given name.
 java.lang.Object getObjectParameter(java.lang.String pName)
          Returns the parameter with the given name.
 java.lang.Object getObjectURLParameter(java.lang.String pKey, int pIndex)
          Returns the nth URL parameter matching the given key and index as an object.
 java.lang.String getParameter(ParameterName pName)
          Returns a parameter of the request given the specified name.
 java.lang.String getParameter(java.lang.String pName)
          Returns a parameter of the request given the specified name.
 java.lang.String getParameterDelimiter()
          Returns the parameterDelimiter property
 java.util.Enumeration getParameterNames()
          Returns an enumeration of strings representing the parameter names for this request.
 java.util.Enumeration getParameterNamesInStack()
          This method iterates through the mParameterStack and returns an enumeration of all of the parameter names which are defined in the current scope, i.e.
 java.lang.String[] getParameterValues(java.lang.String pName)
          Returns the values of the specified parameter for the request as an array of strings, or null if the named parameter does not exist.
 java.util.Map getParamMapForTopFrame()
          Return a Map representing the parameters in the current frame of the droplet parameter stack.
 java.lang.String getPostParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns the first parameter matching the given key from the Post data, or null if the key is not found.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.lang.String getPostParameter(java.lang.String pKey, int pIndex)
          Returns the nth Post parameter matching the given key and index.
 int getPostParameterCount(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns the number of Post parameters that have the same key.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.util.Enumeration getPostParameterNames()
          Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the Post parameter names.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.lang.String[] getPostParameterValues(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns an array of Strings of all the Post parameter values for the given name.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.lang.String getQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns the first parameter matching the given key from the Query String, or null if the key is not found.
 java.lang.String getQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey, int pIndex)
          Returns the nth Query parameter matching the given key and index.
 int getQueryParameterCount(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns the number of Query parameters that have the same key.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.util.Enumeration getQueryParameterNames()
          Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the Query parameter names.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.lang.String[] getQueryParameterValues(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns an array of Strings of all the Query parameter values for the given name.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.lang.String getRealPath(java.lang.String pPath)
          Wraps the call to getRealPath
 javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(javax.servlet.ServletContext pContext, java.lang.String pPath)
          Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path and in the given servlet context.
 javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(java.lang.String pPath)
          Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path.
 java.lang.String getRequestedSessionId()
          Gets the session id specified with this request.
 DynamoHttpServletRequest getRequestForComparison()
          Returns a reference to this.
 atg.servlet.RequestLocale getRequestLocale()
          Returns the request locale
 ComponentName getRequestLocalePath()
          This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
 NameContext getRequestScope()
 RequestScopeManager getRequestScopeManager()
          Returns the RequestScopeManager
 java.lang.String getRequestURI()
          Overrides MutableHttpServletRequest to check whether we are returning requestURI according to the specification or whether we returning Dynamo's "old style" requestURI, which included query args.
 java.lang.String getRequestURIWithQueryString()
          Returns the first line of the HTTP request.
 DynamoHttpServletResponse getResponse()
 java.lang.String getRestorableSessionIdFromURL()
          Gets the session id taken from the URL which, if it differs from requestedSessionID, indicates the need to restore a session.
 byte[] getScrambleKey()
          Returns the Scramble Key property
 javax.servlet.http.HttpSession getSession()
          Returns the current session associated with this request, or if the request does not have a session, creates one.
 javax.servlet.http.HttpSession getSession(boolean create)
          Gets the current valid session associated with this request, if create is false or, if necessary, creates a new session for the request, if create is true.
 long getSessionConfirmationNumber()
          Get the session confirmation number.
 NameContext getSessionNameContext()
          Return the session name context.
 HttpSessionRequest getSessionRequest()
 HttpSessionRequest getSessionRequest(boolean pCreate)
 java.lang.String getURLParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns the first parameter matching the given key from Dynamo's special scrambled URL Parameter string, or null if the key is not found.
Causes the URL Parameter string to be parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.lang.String getURLParameter(java.lang.String pKey, int pIndex)
          Returns the nth URL parameter matching the given key and index.
 int getURLParameterCount(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns the number of URL parameters that have the same key.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.util.Enumeration getURLParameterNames()
          Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the URL parameter names.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.lang.String getURLParameterString()
          Returns the URL Parameter String property string
 java.lang.String[] getURLParameterValues(java.lang.String pKey)
          Returns an array of Strings of all the Dynamo's special scrambled URL parameter values for the given name.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.
 java.lang.String getURLSessionIdSpecifier()
          Returns the URL Session ID Specifier
 UserAuthenticator getUserAuthenticator()
          Returns the user authenticator to use if we are running in DAF getUserPrincipal()
           Overrides getUserPrincipal in MutableHttpServletRequest.
 atg.servlet.minimal.WebApplicationInterface getWebApplication()
          Return the J2EE WebApplicationInterface associated with this request (if any).
 atg.servlet.WebPools getWebPools()
          Return the WebPools object associated with this request.
 NameContext getWindowScope()
 atg.nucleus.WindowScopeManager getWindowScopeManager()
          Returns the WindowScopeManager
 java.lang.String getWorkingDirectory()
          Returns the current request's working directory, which always ends in "/"
 javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper getWrapper()
          Returns the ServletRequestWrapper wrapping this request.
 boolean hasRequestScope()
          Returns true if this request has had a request scope created for it yet.
 boolean isAfterGetsClaimed()
 boolean isBrowserType(java.lang.String pFeature)
          Returns true if the browser supports the given feature
 boolean isDelayedRequest()
          Returns the isDelayedRequest property
 boolean isDynamoPipeline()
 boolean isInitialized()
          Returns true if this object is initialized.
 boolean isInTemplatePage()
 boolean isLoggingDebug()
          This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingError()
          This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingInfo()
          This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingWarning()
          This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()
          Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as a cookie.
 boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl()
          Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as part of the URL.
 boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid()
          Checks whether this request is associated with a session that is valid in the current session context.
 boolean isUserInRole(java.lang.String pRole)
          Overrides isUserInRole in MutableHttpServletRequest.
 void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an debug event with the specified message
 void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logDebug(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
 void logError(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an error event with the specified message
 void logError(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logError(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
 void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an info event with the specified message
 void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logInfo(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
 void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an warning event with the specified message
 void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logWarning(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
 java.lang.String performExitTracking(java.lang.String pURL)
          Returns an encoded URL that can be decoded by the exit tracking handler
 void popDefaultParameters()
          Pops the first dictionary for this frame off the stack.
 void popFrame()
          When the frame is complete, this pops the parameter stack back to the state before the pushFrame.
 void popParameters()
          Pops the dictionary of parameters on top of the stack.
 void printRequest( pOut)
          Prints all the elements of the request
 void pushDefaultParameters(java.util.Dictionary pDict)
          This sets a new dictionary of parameters at the top of the current frame.
 void pushFrame()
          A frame is defined for each droplet invocation.
 void pushParameters(java.util.Dictionary pDict)
          Adds a dictionary to the list of parameters to check.
 java.lang.Object removeParameter(java.lang.String pName)
          Removes the definition of the parameter specified.
 void removePersistentQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
          Removes a persistent query parameter, which will no longer be encoded in any subsequent calls to encodeURL.
 void removeSessionFromRequest()
 java.lang.Object resolveGlobalName(ComponentName pName)
          Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to globally scoped components.
 java.lang.Object resolveGlobalName(java.lang.String pName)
          Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to globally scoped components.
 java.lang.Object resolveName(ComponentName pName)
          Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, window and request scopes.
 java.lang.Object resolveName(ComponentName pName, boolean pCreate)
          Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, window and request scopes.
 java.lang.Object resolveName(java.lang.String pName)
          Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, and request scopes.
 java.lang.Object resolveName(java.lang.String pName, boolean pCreate)
          Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, and request scopes.
 java.lang.Object resolveRequestName(ComponentName pName)
          Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to request scoped components.
 java.lang.Object resolveRequestName(java.lang.String pName)
          Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to request scoped components.
 java.lang.Object resolveSessionName(ComponentName pName)
          Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to session scoped components.
 java.lang.Object resolveSessionName(java.lang.String pName)
          Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to session scoped components.
 java.lang.String reverseMapContextRootForLayering(java.lang.String strFinalURL)
 boolean serviceLocalParameter(ParameterName pName, javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq, javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes)
          This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
 boolean serviceLocalParameter(java.lang.String pName, javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq, javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes)
          This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
 boolean serviceParameter(ParameterName pName, javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq, javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes)
          This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
 boolean serviceParameter(ParameterName pName, javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq, javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes, TagConverter pCvt, java.util.Properties pCvtArgs)
          This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
 boolean serviceParameter(java.lang.String pName, javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq, javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes)
          This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
 boolean serviceParameter(java.lang.String pName, javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq, javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes, TagConverter pCvt, java.util.Properties pCvtArgs)
          This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream.
 void setAfterGetsClaimed(boolean pAfterGetsClaimed)
          Flag indicating if someone in the request has taken responsibility for calling the afterGets methods.
 void setBaseDirectory(java.lang.String pBaseDir)
          Sets the base directory.
 void setBrowserTyper(BrowserTyper pBrowserTyper)
          Sets the BrowserTyper
 void setDisableExitTracking(boolean pDisableExitTracking)
          If true, forces exit tracking to not be performed on this request.
 void setDocRootServicePrefix(java.lang.String pDocRootServicePrefix)
 void setDynamoPipeline(boolean pDynamoPipeline)
          Sets the property dynamoPipeline.
 void setEncodeContextPathMode(int pEncodeMode)
          Sets the EncodeContextPathMode property.
 void setEncodeServletPath(boolean pEncode)
          Sets the EncodeServletPath property.
 void setEncodeURL(boolean pEncodeURL)
          Enables or disables the rewriting of subsequent URLs that are processed by this request.
 void setEventFlags(int pEventFlags)
          Change the set of JMS events that are enabled for firing with respect to this request.
 void setExitTrackingHandler(atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingHandler pExitTrackingHandler)
          Sets the exit tracking handler
 void setFormEventsSent(boolean pFormEventsSent)
          Sets the property FormEventsSent.
 void setGenerateRequestLocales(boolean pValue)
          This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
 void setInitialized(boolean pInitialized)
          Sets the property Initialized.
 void setInTemplatePage(boolean pInTemplatePage)
          Sets the property InTemplatePage.
 void setLinkEncoding(java.lang.String pLinkEncoding)
          Sets the property LinkEncoding.
 void setLog(ApplicationLogging pLog)
          Sets the Log property
 void setLoggingDebug(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingError(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingInfo(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingWarning(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
 void setMimeType(java.lang.String pMimeType)
          Sets the mime type in the request.
 void setMimeTyper(MimeTyper pMimeTyper)
          Sets the MimeTyper property
 void setNucleus(Nucleus pNucleus)
          Sets the Nucleus
 void setParameter(java.lang.String pName, java.lang.Object pValue)
          Sets the value of a request parameter.
 void setParameter(java.lang.String pName, java.lang.Object pValue, TagConverter pCvt, java.util.Properties pCvtArgs)
          Sets the value of a request parameter.
 void setParameterDelimiter(java.lang.String pParameterDelimiter)
          Sets the parameterDelimiter property
 void setParameterHandler(atg.servlet.ParameterHandler pParameterHandler)
          Sets the parameter handler
 void setRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest pRequest)
          Sets the HttpServletRequest embedded by this
 void setRequestLocale(atg.servlet.RequestLocale pLocale)
          Sets the request locale
 void setRequestLocalePath(ComponentName pValue)
          This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.
 void setRequestScope(NameContext pRequestScope)
          Sets the property RequestScope.
 void setRequestScopeManager(RequestScopeManager pRequestScopeManager)
          Sets the RequestScopeManager
 void setRequestURIHasQueryString(boolean pRequestURIHasQueryString)
          The servlet specification requires that the requestURI not contain query args.
 void setResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse)
          Sets the property Response.
 void setRestorableSessionIdFromURL(java.lang.String pRestorableSessionIdFromURL)
          Sets the session id taken from the URL which, if it differs from requestedSessionID indicates the need to restore a session.
 void setScrambleKey(byte[] pScrambleKey)
          Sets the Scramble Key property
 void setSessionRequest(HttpSessionRequest pSessionRequest)
 void setupLoopbackTemplateEmailRequest()
          Determines if this request is a loopback request made by the template email system, and if so, alters its state appropriately.
 void setURLSessionIdSpecifier(java.lang.String pURLSessionIdSpecifier)
          Sets the URL Session ID Specifier
 void setUserAuthenticator(UserAuthenticator pUserAuthenticator)
          Sets the user authenticator to use if we are running in DAF
 void setWebApplication(atg.servlet.minimal.WebApplicationInterface pWebApplication)
          Set the J2EE WebApplicationInterface associated with this request.
 void setWebPools(atg.servlet.WebPools pWebPools)
          Set the WebPools object associated with this request.
 void setWindowScopeManager(atg.nucleus.WindowScopeManager pScopeManager)
          Sets the WindowScopeManager
 void setWrapper(javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper pWrapper)
          Sets the ServletRequestWrapper wrapping this request.
 boolean shouldExitTrack(java.lang.String pURL)
          Returns true if the supplied URL should be exit tracked
protected  void swapRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest pRequest)
          Swaps in a new wrapped request objet without reseting this request.
 boolean tamperedURLParameters()
          Returns true if the special Dynamo URL parameters could not be properly decoded.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Return the string representation.
Methods inherited from class atg.servlet.MutableHttpServletRequest
getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributeNames, getAuthType, getCharacterEncoding, getContentLength, getContentType, getContextPath, getDateHeader, getHeader, getHeaderNames, getHeaders, getInputStream, getIntHeader, getLocalAddr, getLocale, getLocales, getLocalName, getLocalPort, getMethod, getParameterMap, getPathInfo, getPathTranslated, getPermanentAttribute, getProtocol, getQueryString, getReader, getRemoteAddr, getRemoteHost, getRemotePort, getRemoteUser, getRequest, getRequestURL, getScheme, getServerName, getServerPort, getServletPath, isRequestedSessionIdFromURL, isSecure, removeAttribute, setAttribute, setAttributeFactory, setAuthType, setCharacterEncoding, setContentLength, setContentType, setContextPath, setInputStream, setMethod, setPathInfo, setPathTranslated, setProtocol, setQueryString, setRemoteAddr, setRemoteHost, setRemoteUser, setRequestURI, setScheme, setServerName, setServerPort, setServletPath
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ATTRIBUTE_NAME
The name used to store this request as an attribute of the underlying request

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String INCLUDE_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE
The attribute name used to store the request uri of an include

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String INCLUDE_CONTEXT_PATH_ATTRIBUTE
The attribute name used to store the context path of an include

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH_ATTRIBUTE
The attribute name used to store the servlet path of an include

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String INCLUDE_PATH_INFO_ATTRIBUTE
The attribute name used to store the path info of an include

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String INCLUDE_QUERY_STRING_ATTRIBUTE
The attribute name used to store the query string of an include

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String INCLUDE_PATH_TRANSLATED_ATTRIBUTE
The attribute name used to store the path translated of an include

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CERTIFICATES_ATTRIBUTE
The attribute name used to store the parsed X509 certificates

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String KEY_SIZE_ATTR
The attribute name used to store the size of the key

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CIPHER_SUITE_ATTR
The attribute name used to store the cipher suite

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ERROR_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ERROR_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ERROR_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ERROR_EXCEPTION_ATTRIBUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ERROR_SERVLET_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ERROR_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CURRENT_SERVLET_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FORM_EVENTS_SENT_ATTRIBUTE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OBJECT_PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME
The request attribute used to hold object parameteryres

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PATH_TRANSLATOR
The name of the attribute to use for translating paths. An upstream servlet adds this attribute with request.addAttribute so that the implementation of getRealPath by this class can use a configurable mechanism for translating a "path info" into a "path translated".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LAYERING_REMAP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME
This attribute is used to contain a map used for web app layering. It's referenced when encoding URLs that are context root relative. The key of the map specifies a context root that should be remapped. The value of the map specifies the target context root that should be used in place of the original.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WINDOW_ID_PARAM_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_DISPATCH_SERVLET
This attribute will contains the default servlet to be used to dispatch servlets from a request dispatcher.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static java.lang.String INVALID_REMOTEADDR
bug 75571, if we enable VerifyRemoteAddr, we need to set this attribute to true if the remote address is invalid. If we enable session backup, we need to check this property first before restore the session.


public static final java.lang.String REQUEST_CONTEXT_NAME
The name of the request in the request scope tree. It is referenced as /originatingRequest

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WINDOW_CONTEXT_NAME
The name of the window in the window scope tree. It is referenced as /window

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String URL_PARAMETER_ARGNAME
The constant used to identify the Scrambled parameter in the URL string

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String URL_PARAMETER_SPECIFIER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static java.lang.String SESSION_INVALIDATED
bug 72198, workaround weblogic session backup problem. Set this attribute to true when invalidating a session, then SessionSaverServlet will not do backup operation.


public static final int PAGE_EVENT_MASK
Flag indicating that page-related JMS events should be fired w/r/t this request.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SESSION_EVENT_MASK
Flag indicating that session-related JMS events should be fired w/r/t this request.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PROFILE_EVENT_MASK
Flag indicating that profile-related JMS events should be fired w/r/t this request.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ENCODE_NONE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ENCODE_CONTEXT_PATH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ENCODE_IF_NOT_THERE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_PARAMETER_DELIMITER
Default URL Parameter Delimiter

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String GLOBAL_SCOPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SESSION_SCOPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WINDOW_SCOPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String REQUEST_SCOPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PAGE_FRAGMENT_SUBSTITUTER_ATTRIBUTE
This attribute contains the PageFragmentSubstituter.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public NameContext mWebAppRequestScope
The RequestScope for the local (web app) Nucleus


public NameContext mWebAppWindowScope
Constructor Detail


public DynamoHttpServletRequest()
Constructs a new DynamoHttpServletRequest.

Method Detail


protected void swapRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest pRequest)
Swaps in a new wrapped request objet without reseting this request.

swapRequest in class MutableHttpServletRequest


public void setRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest pRequest)
Sets the HttpServletRequest embedded by this

setRequest in class MutableHttpServletRequest


public void endRequest()
Clean up after the request once it has finished.


public void setResponse(DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse)
Sets the property Response. This gets set to refer to a particular response object that this request is associated with. It is here since the encodeURL method is part of the HttpServletResponse method in standard j2ee.

pResponse - new value to set


public DynamoHttpServletResponse getResponse()
The value of the property Response.


public void setUserAuthenticator(UserAuthenticator pUserAuthenticator)
Sets the user authenticator to use if we are running in DAF


public UserAuthenticator getUserAuthenticator()
Returns the user authenticator to use if we are running in DAF


public void setLog(ApplicationLogging pLog)
Sets the Log property


public final ApplicationLogging getLog()
Returns the Log property


public atg.servlet.minimal.WebApplicationInterface getWebApplication()
Return the J2EE WebApplicationInterface associated with this request (if any).

the J2EE WebApplicationInterface associated with this request, or "none" if none exists (as is the case for regular Dynamo requests).


public atg.servlet.WebPools getWebPools()
Return the WebPools object associated with this request. The WebPools object contains various pools which are used to fulfill request-related requests for resources.


public java.lang.String getURLParameterString()
Returns the URL Parameter String property string


public void setParameterDelimiter(java.lang.String pParameterDelimiter)
Sets the parameterDelimiter property


public java.lang.String getParameterDelimiter()
Returns the parameterDelimiter property


public void setScrambleKey(byte[] pScrambleKey)
Sets the Scramble Key property


public byte[] getScrambleKey()
Returns the Scramble Key property


public void setMimeTyper(MimeTyper pMimeTyper)
Sets the MimeTyper property


public MimeTyper getMimeTyper()
Returns the MimeTyper property


public boolean isDelayedRequest()
Returns the isDelayedRequest property


public void setParameterHandler(atg.servlet.ParameterHandler pParameterHandler)
Sets the parameter handler


public void setExitTrackingHandler(atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingHandler pExitTrackingHandler)
Sets the exit tracking handler


public atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingHandler getExitTrackingHandler()
Returns the exit tracking handler


public HttpSessionRequest getSessionRequest()

Returns the Session Request property

See Also:


public HttpSessionRequest getSessionRequest(boolean pCreate)

Returns the Session Request property

See Also:


public void setSessionRequest(HttpSessionRequest pSessionRequest)


public void removeSessionFromRequest()

Removes the current session from this request. This is called automatically when you invalidate the session for a particular request.

See Also:


public void setRequestScopeManager(RequestScopeManager pRequestScopeManager)
Sets the RequestScopeManager


public RequestScopeManager getRequestScopeManager()
Returns the RequestScopeManager


public void setWindowScopeManager(atg.nucleus.WindowScopeManager pScopeManager)
Sets the WindowScopeManager


public atg.nucleus.WindowScopeManager getWindowScopeManager()
Returns the WindowScopeManager


public void setRequestScope(NameContext pRequestScope)
Sets the property RequestScope.


public NameContext getRequestScope()
The value of the property RequestScope.


public boolean hasRequestScope()
Returns true if this request has had a request scope created for it yet.


public NameContext getWindowScope()


public DynamoHttpServletRequest getRequestForComparison()
Returns a reference to this.

a reference to this


public Nucleus getNucleus()
Returns the Nucleus


public void setNucleus(Nucleus pNucleus)
Sets the Nucleus


public BrowserTyper getBrowserTyper()
Returns the BrowserTyper


public void setBrowserTyper(BrowserTyper pBrowserTyper)
Sets the BrowserTyper


public boolean getGenerateRequestLocales()
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.

A value of false for this property will turn of the creation of RequestLocale objects. No RequestLocale objects will be created for any requests. Calling DynamoHttpServletRequest.getRequestLocale() will return null if this property is set to false. You must set this value to true if you are serving content of a different language than the server runs in.


public void setGenerateRequestLocales(boolean pValue)
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.

A value of false for this property will turn of the creation of RequestLocale objects. No RequestLocale objects will be created for any requests. Calling DynamoHttpServletRequest.getRequestLocale() will return null if this property is set to false. You must set this value to true if you are serving content of a different language than the server runs in.


public ComponentName getRequestLocalePath()
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.

The path to the request locale component.


public void setRequestLocalePath(ComponentName pValue)
This value gets set by the HeadPipelineServlet when the request is initially created.

The path to the request locale component.


public atg.servlet.RequestLocale getRequestLocale()
Returns the request locale

RequestLocale or null if RequestLocale cannot be located.


public void setRequestLocale(atg.servlet.RequestLocale pLocale)
Sets the request locale


public void setInitialized(boolean pInitialized)
Sets the property Initialized.

pInitialized - true if this object is initialized


public boolean isInitialized()
Returns true if this object is initialized.

true if this object is initialized; false otherwsie


public java.lang.String getRequestURI()
Overrides MutableHttpServletRequest to check whether we are returning requestURI according to the specification or whether we returning Dynamo's "old style" requestURI, which included query args. Default is to follow the specification.

Specified by:
getRequestURI in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
getRequestURI in class MutableHttpServletRequest
java.lang.String the requestURI


public java.lang.String getRequestURIWithQueryString()
Returns the first line of the HTTP request. This is the RequestURI including the query parameters (all of those followed by the ? in the URL if any). If there is an embedded session id or any of the old style "URL parameters" (those specified with a ;$urlparam$), those will not be returned by this method.


public java.util.Enumeration getParameterNamesInStack()
This method iterates through the mParameterStack and returns an enumeration of all of the parameter names which are defined in the current scope, i.e. the list of names (keys) contained in the set of dictionaries found in the mParameterStack.


public java.lang.String getQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns the first parameter matching the given key from the Query String, or null if the key is not found.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.lang.String getQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey,
                                          int pIndex)
Returns the nth Query parameter matching the given key and index. Returns null if the key is not found or if there were not enough parameters with the same key.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter
pIndex - The index of the parameter


public java.lang.String[] getQueryParameterValues(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns an array of Strings of all the Query parameter values for the given name.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.util.Enumeration getQueryParameterNames()
Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the Query parameter names.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.


public int getQueryParameterCount(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns the number of Query parameters that have the same key.
Causes the Query String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.lang.String getPostParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns the first parameter matching the given key from the Post data, or null if the key is not found.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.lang.String getPostParameter(java.lang.String pKey,
                                         int pIndex)
Returns the nth Post parameter matching the given key and index. Returns null if the key is not found or if there were not enough parameters with the same key.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter
pIndex - The index of the parameter


public java.lang.String[] getPostParameterValues(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns an array of Strings of all the Post parameter values for the given name.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.util.Enumeration getPostParameterNames()
Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the Post parameter names.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.


public int getPostParameterCount(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns the number of Post parameters that have the same key.
Causes the Post data to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.lang.String getURLParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns the first parameter matching the given key from Dynamo's special scrambled URL Parameter string, or null if the key is not found.
Causes the URL Parameter string to be parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.lang.String getURLParameter(java.lang.String pKey,
                                        int pIndex)
Returns the nth URL parameter matching the given key and index. Returns null if the key is not found or if there were not enough parameters with the same key.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter
pIndex - The index of the parameter


public java.lang.Object getObjectURLParameter(java.lang.String pKey,
                                              int pIndex)
Returns the nth URL parameter matching the given key and index as an object. Returns null if the key is not found or if there were not enough parameters with the same key.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter
pIndex - The index of the parameter


public java.lang.String[] getURLParameterValues(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns an array of Strings of all the Dynamo's special scrambled URL parameter values for the given name.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.util.Enumeration getURLParameterNames()
Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the URL parameter names.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.


public int getURLParameterCount(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns the number of URL parameters that have the same key.
Causes the URL String to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public boolean tamperedURLParameters()
Returns true if the special Dynamo URL parameters could not be properly decoded.


public boolean getEncodeServletPath()
Returns the EncodeServletPath property. This determines whether or not the ServletPath is encoded into URLs encoded with the encodeURL method that start with '/'.


public void setEncodeServletPath(boolean pEncode)
Sets the EncodeServletPath property. This determines whether or not the ServletPath is encoded into URLs encoded with the encodeURL method that start with '/'.

pEncode - whether to encode the ServletPath into encodeUrl.


public int getEncodeContextPathMode()
Returns the EncodeContextPathMode property. This determines how the ContextPath is encoded into URLs encoded with the simple form of the encodeURL method (all of the versions except for the one which takes an explicit version of the EncodeContextPathMode parameter).


public void setEncodeContextPathMode(int pEncodeMode)
Sets the EncodeContextPathMode property.

pEncodeMode - how to encode the ContextPath into the URL


public java.lang.String getCookieParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns the first parameter matching the given key from the HTTP Cookies sent by the browser.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.lang.String getCookieParameter(java.lang.String pKey,
                                           int pIndex)
Returns the nth Cookie parameter matching the given key and index. Returns null if the key is not found or if there were not enough parameters with the same key.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter
pIndex - The index of the parameter


public java.lang.String[] getCookieParameterValues(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns an array of Strings of all the Cookie parameter values for the given name.
Causes the cookie headers to parsed and cached if it wasn't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public java.util.Enumeration getCookieParameterNames()
Returns an enumeration of Strings of all of the Cookie parameter names.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.


public int getCookieParameterCount(java.lang.String pKey)
Returns the number of Cookie parameters that have the same key.
Causes the cookies headers to be parsed and cached if they weren't already.

pKey - The name of the parameter


public boolean isBrowserType(java.lang.String pFeature)
Returns true if the browser supports the given feature


public java.lang.String toString()
Return the string representation.

toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String getMimeType()
Returns the mimetype of this particular request file


public void setMimeType(java.lang.String pMimeType)
Sets the mime type in the request. If this value is not set explicitly for a request, a mime type is computed by looking up a MimeTyper attribute from the request. This mime typer will return the value of the mime type based on the suffix of the PathInfo of the request.


public java.lang.String getWorkingDirectory()
Returns the current request's working directory, which always ends in "/"


public void setLinkEncoding(java.lang.String pLinkEncoding)
Sets the property LinkEncoding. This property can be set to explicitly define the character encoding used to encode query arguments between pages. By default, the encoding of the current response is used. You can disable this functionality altogether by setting the LinkEncoding property to "ISO-8859-1", "ASCII" or "US-ASCII". Note that this property gets reset to null on every request so if you want this to be set on each request, you'll have to do it in a pipeline servlet.

pLinkEncoding - new value to set


public java.lang.String getLinkEncoding()
The value of the property LinkEncoding.


public void addQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey,
                              java.lang.String pValue)
Adds a query parameter which will be encoded in the next call to encodeURL

pKey - The name of the parameter
pValue - The value of the parameter


public void addURLParameter(java.lang.String pKey,
                            java.lang.String pValue)
Adds a URL parameter which will be encoded in the next call to encodeURL

pKey - The name of the parameter
pValue - The value of the parameter


public void addPersistentQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey,
                                        java.lang.String pValue)
Adds a persistent query parameter which will be encoded in all subsequent calls to encodeURL. This method supplies a key/value pair that will be encoded into all subsequent URLs that are generated by calling the request's encodeURL() method family. This is extremely useful for propagating query args from request to request, particularly query args that are interpreted by pipeline servlets. A servlet that is sensitive to query arg "foo" might call addPersistentQueryParameter() on its request before calling passRequest() so that all URLs encoded later will preserve the value of "foo" that was picked up by the servlet.

The persistent query parameter may be removed using the removePersistentQueryParameter() method.

pKey - The name of the parameter
pValue - The value of the parameter
See Also:


public void removePersistentQueryParameter(java.lang.String pKey)
Removes a persistent query parameter, which will no longer be encoded in any subsequent calls to encodeURL.

pKey - The name of the parameter
See Also:


public java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL)
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated parameters. Parameters are only encoded for relative URLs. Absolute URLs are sent through an exit tracking procedure, if the exitTrackingHandler property is set. Clears accumulated parameters after use.

pURL - The URL to encode


public java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL,
                                  boolean pClearParameters)
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters. Parameters are only encoded for relative URLs. Absolute URLs are sent through an exit tracking procedure, if the exitTrackingHandler property is set.

pURL - The URL to encode
pClearParameters - Flag indicating if the accumulated Parameters should be cleared after this operation (only if pEncodeParameters is true)


public java.lang.String performExitTracking(java.lang.String pURL)
Returns an encoded URL that can be decoded by the exit tracking handler

Specified by:
performExitTracking in interface atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingHandler


public boolean shouldExitTrack(java.lang.String pURL)
Returns true if the supplied URL should be exit tracked

Specified by:
shouldExitTrack in interface atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingHandler
pURL - The URL to check if it should be exit tracked


public java.lang.String getExitTrackingParameterName()
Returns the parameter name which holds the URL to redirect to as part of the exit tracking process. If exit tracking is disabled, this returns null.

Specified by:
getExitTrackingParameterName in interface atg.servlet.exittracking.ExitTrackingHandler


public java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL,
                                  boolean pEncodeParameters,
                                  boolean pClearParameters,
                                  boolean pIsImageURL)
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters. Parameters are only encoded for relative URLs. Absolute URLs are sent through an outlink procedure, if the Outlink URL property is set.

pURL - The URL to encode
pEncodeParameters - Flag indicating if Query and URL Parameters should be encoded
pClearParameters - Flag indicating if the accumulated Parameters should be cleared after this operation (only if pEncodeParameters is true)
pIsImageURL - Flag indicating if this is an ImageURL. We don't do exit tracking or session ids on image URLs.


public java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL,
                                  boolean pEncodeParameters,
                                  boolean pClearParameters,
                                  boolean pIsImageURL,
                                  boolean pInterpretURIs)
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters. Parameters are only encoded for relative URLs. Absolute URLs are sent through an outlink procedure, if the Outlink URL property is set.

pURL - The URL to encode
pEncodeParameters - Flag indicating if Query and URL Parameters should be encoded
pClearParameters - Flag indicating if the accumulated Parameters should be cleared after this operation (only if pEncodeParameters is true)
pIsImageURL - Flag indicating if this is an ImageURL. We don't do exit tracking or session ids on image URLs.
pInterpretURIs - means prepend contextPath (and possibly servletPath, if encodeServletPath is true).


public java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL,
                                  boolean pEncodeParameters,
                                  boolean pClearParameters,
                                  boolean pIsImageURL,
                                  boolean pInterpretURIs,
                                  boolean pDoExitTracking)
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters. Parameters are only encoded for relative URLs. Absolute URLs are sent through an outlink procedure, if the Outlink URL property is set.

pURL - The URL to encode
pEncodeParameters - Flag indicating if Query and URL Parameters should be encoded
pClearParameters - Flag indicating if the accumulated Parameters should be cleared after this operation (only if pEncodeParameters is true)
pIsImageURL - Flag indicating if this is an ImageURL. We don't do exit tracking or session ids on image URLs.
pInterpretURIs - means prepend contextPath (and possibly servletPath, if encodeServletPath is true).
pPrependMode - If pInterpretURIs is true, this mode determines how the contextPath is prepended. It can be set to ENCODE_NONE, ENCODE_IF_NOT_THERE, and ENCODE_CONTEXT_PATH.
pDoExitTracking - if true, outline procedure is implemented so that URLs which leave the site are encoded through an outline URL.


public java.lang.String encodeURL(java.lang.String pURL,
                                  boolean pEncodeParameters,
                                  boolean pClearParameters,
                                  boolean pIsImageURL,
                                  boolean pInterpretURIs,
                                  boolean pDoExitTracking,
                                  int pPrependMode)
Encodes a URL with all the accumulated Parameters. Parameters are only encoded for relative URLs. Absolute URLs are sent through an outlink procedure, if the Outlink URL property is set.

pURL - The URL to encode
pEncodeParameters - Flag indicating if Query and URL Parameters should be encoded
pClearParameters - Flag indicating if the accumulated Parameters should be cleared after this operation (only if pEncodeParameters is true)
pIsImageURL - Flag indicating if this is an ImageURL. We don't do exit tracking or session ids on image URLs.
pInterpretURIs - means prepend contextPath (and possibly servletPath, if encodeServletPath is true).
pPrependMode - If pInterpretURIs is true, this mode determines how the contextPath is prepended. It can be set to ENCODE_NONE, ENCODE_IF_NOT_THERE, and ENCODE_CONTEXT_PATH.
pDoExitTracking - if true, outline procedure is implemented so that URLs which leave the site are encoded through an outline URL.


public java.lang.String reverseMapContextRootForLayering(java.lang.String strFinalURL)


public void setEncodeURL(boolean pEncodeURL)
Enables or disables the rewriting of subsequent URLs that are processed by this request.


public boolean getEncodeURL()
Returns the flag that indicates whether or not this request is currently encoding URLs


public void setURLSessionIdSpecifier(java.lang.String pURLSessionIdSpecifier)
Sets the URL Session ID Specifier


public java.lang.String getURLSessionIdSpecifier()
Returns the URL Session ID Specifier


public void setRestorableSessionIdFromURL(java.lang.String pRestorableSessionIdFromURL)
Sets the session id taken from the URL which, if it differs from requestedSessionID indicates the need to restore a session. No relation to URLSessionIdSpecifier.


public java.lang.String getRestorableSessionIdFromURL()
Gets the session id taken from the URL which, if it differs from requestedSessionID, indicates the need to restore a session. No relation to URLSessionIdSpecifier.


public void setWebApplication(atg.servlet.minimal.WebApplicationInterface pWebApplication)
Set the J2EE WebApplicationInterface associated with this request. This method should only be called by Dynamo itself.

pWebApplication - the WebApplicationInterface to assicate with this request.


public void setWebPools(atg.servlet.WebPools pWebPools)
Set the WebPools object associated with this request. This method should only be called by Dynamo itself.

pWebPools - new value for WebPools.


public boolean isLoggingInfo()
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingInfo in interface ApplicationLogging
boolean true if info log events should be logged
false if info log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingInfo(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingInfo in interface ApplicationLogging


public boolean isLoggingWarning()
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingWarning in interface ApplicationLogging
boolean true if warning log events should be logged
false if warning log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingWarning(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingWarning in interface ApplicationLogging


public boolean isLoggingError()
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingError in interface ApplicationLogging
boolean true if error log events should be logged
false if error log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingError(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingError in interface ApplicationLogging


public boolean isLoggingDebug()
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingDebug in interface ApplicationLogging
boolean true if debug log events should be logged
false if debug log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingDebug(boolean pLogging)
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingDebug in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage)
Logs an info event with the specified message

Specified by:
logInfo in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logInfo(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logInfo in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage,
                    java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logInfo in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage)
Logs an warning event with the specified message

Specified by:
logWarning in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logWarning(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logWarning in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage,
                       java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logWarning in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logError(java.lang.String pMessage)
Logs an error event with the specified message

Specified by:
logError in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logError(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logError in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logError(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logError in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage)
Logs an debug event with the specified message

Specified by:
logDebug in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logDebug(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logDebug in interface ApplicationLogging


public void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logDebug in interface ApplicationLogging


public void printRequest( pOut)
Prints all the elements of the request


public void pushFrame()
A frame is defined for each droplet invocation. The pushFrame call is made right before the droplet is invoked, the popFrame call is made when the droplet invocation is finished.


public void popFrame()
When the frame is complete, this pops the parameter stack back to the state before the pushFrame. Individual popParameters calls that match the pushParameters are not necessary


public void pushParameters(java.util.Dictionary pDict)
Adds a dictionary to the list of parameters to check. Parameters in this dictionary are added to the list of parameters in the request and override any existing parameters. Parameters should be defined as strings.

pDict - the dictionary of parameters to add


public void pushDefaultParameters(java.util.Dictionary pDict)
This sets a new dictionary of parameters at the top of the current frame. A frame occurs for each droplet invocation. This allows the parameter stack defined in the invocation to override a parameter stack defined in the page. The parameter stack in the page will use pushDefaultParameters.


public void popDefaultParameters()
Pops the first dictionary for this frame off the stack. If you used pushDefaultParameters, you should use popDefaultParameters to remove this dictionary.


public void popParameters()
Pops the dictionary of parameters on top of the stack.


public java.util.Map getMapForCurrentFrame()
Return a Map that represents the current frame of the param stack.


public void setBaseDirectory(java.lang.String pBaseDir)
Sets the base directory. This is directory is prepended onto all relative URLs that are encoded. This is used when one page includes another page that is in a different directory.

pBaseDir - the new base directory.


public java.lang.String getBaseDirectory()
Returns the current base directory or null if it is not set


public void setParameter(java.lang.String pName,
                         java.lang.Object pValue)
Sets the value of a request parameter. This value will automatically be popped in the next call to popParameters which is done around servlet invocations.

pName - the name of the parameter to set
pValue - the value of the new parameter


public void setParameter(java.lang.String pName,
                         java.lang.Object pValue,
                         TagConverter pCvt,
                         java.util.Properties pCvtArgs)
                  throws javax.servlet.ServletException
Sets the value of a request parameter. This value will automatically be popped in the next call to popParameters which is done around servlet invocations.

pName - the name of the parameter to set
pValue - the value of the new parameter
pCvt - tag converter used to convert String to object values
pCvtArgs - tag converter args


public java.lang.Object removeParameter(java.lang.String pName)
Removes the definition of the parameter specified. This will only remove the definition of a parameter at the top of the stack (i.e. one that was set with setParameter with a matching number of subsequent calls to pushParameters and popParameters).

the value that used to correspond to this name (or null if this entry was not found)


public java.lang.Object resolveGlobalName(ComponentName pName)
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to globally scoped components.

Resolves a global name in the nucleus component hierarchy.


public java.lang.Object resolveSessionName(ComponentName pName)
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to session scoped components.

Resolves a session name.


public java.lang.Object resolveRequestName(ComponentName pName)
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to request scoped components.

Resolves a request name.


public java.lang.Object resolveName(ComponentName pName)
Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, window and request scopes. If the component does not yet exist and its configuration is defined, it is created automatically by this call.

pName - the nucleus component path name to resolve. This can be either an absolute path name, or a path name relative to where the current PathInfo of the request is.
the requested component or null. Null is returned if the we were unable to create the component.


public java.lang.Object resolveName(ComponentName pName,
                                    boolean pCreate)
Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, window and request scopes.

pName - the nucleus component path name to resolve. This can be either an absolute path name, or a path name relative to where the current PathInfo of the request is.
pCreate - true if we should create the component if it does not yet exist.
the requested component or null. Null is returned if the component either does not exist yet and pCreate is false or if pCreate is true and we were unable to create the component.


public java.lang.Object resolveGlobalName(java.lang.String pName)
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to globally scoped components.

Resolves a global name in the nucleus component hierarchy.


public java.lang.Object resolveSessionName(java.lang.String pName)
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to session scoped components.

Resolves a session name.


public java.lang.Object resolveRequestName(java.lang.String pName)
Deprecated. You should use resolveName to resolve references to request scoped components.

Resolves a request name.


public java.lang.Object resolveName(java.lang.String pName)
Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, and request scopes. If the component does not yet exist and its configuration is defined, it is created automatically by this call.

Specified by:
resolveName in interface NameResolver
pName - the nucleus component path name to resolve. This can be either an absolute path name, or a path name relative to where the current PathInfo of the request is.
the requested component or null. Null is returned if the we were unable to create the component.


public java.lang.Object resolveName(java.lang.String pName,
                                    boolean pCreate)
Resolves a name in the nucleus hierarchy searching session, global, and request scopes.

pName - the nucleus component path name to resolve. This can be either an absolute path name, or a path name relative to where the current PathInfo of the request is.
pCreate - true if we should create the component if it does not yet exist.
the requested component or null. Null is returned if the component either does not exist yet and pCreate is false or if pCreate is true and we were unable to create the component.


public java.lang.String getParameter(ParameterName pName)
Returns a parameter of the request given the specified name. This request maintains a stack of dictionaries that are searched before the parameters in the request are searched


public java.lang.Object getLocalParameter(ParameterName pName)
Get the parameter associated with the current parameter frame ( the one associated with the current droplet, or the top-level if there is no droplet).

pName - the name of the local parameter to get.
the value of the local parameter or null.


public java.lang.Object getObjectParameter(ParameterName pName)
Returns the parameter with the given name. If the name is of the form "name1.name2", introspection is used to find a name2 property of the object found by name1 and return that value.

If the parameter name starts with a '.' character, only the top most stack of parameters is searched. If the parameter name starts with '..', one frame level up from the current frame is searched, and so on.

This routine searches the same name space as getParameter but returns its value as an Object instead of as a String.

This routine uses a ParameterName object rather than a String name.

See Also:


public boolean serviceParameter(ParameterName pName,
                                javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq,
                                javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes)
                         throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream. It handles parameters that are both servlets and strings.



public boolean serviceParameter(ParameterName pName,
                                javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq,
                                javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes,
                                TagConverter pCvt,
                                java.util.Properties pCvtArgs)
                         throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream. It handles parameters that are both servlets and strings.



public boolean serviceLocalParameter(ParameterName pName,
                                     javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq,
                                     javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes)
                              throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream. It handles parameters that are both servlets and strings.



public java.lang.Object getObjectParameter(java.lang.String pName)
Returns the parameter with the given name. If the name is of the form "name1.name2", introspection is used to find a name2 property of the object found by name1 and return that value.

If the parameter name starts with a '.' character, only the top most stack of parameters is searched. If the parameter name starts with '..', one frame level up from the current frame is searched, and so on.

This routine searches the same name space as getParameter but returns its value as an Object instead of as a String.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getParameter(java.lang.String pName)
Returns a parameter of the request given the specified name. This method will return null if the parameter does not exist.

Specified by:
getParameter in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest
getParameter in class MutableHttpServletRequest


public java.lang.Object getLocalParameter(java.lang.String pName)


public java.lang.String[] getParameterValues(java.lang.String pName)
Returns the values of the specified parameter for the request as an array of strings, or null if the named parameter does not exist. For example, in an HTTP servlet this method would return the values of the specified query string or posted form as an array of strings.

Specified by:
getParameterValues in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest
getParameterValues in class MutableHttpServletRequest
pName - the parameter name


public java.util.Enumeration getParameterNames()
Returns an enumeration of strings representing the parameter names for this request.

Specified by:
getParameterNames in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest
getParameterNames in class MutableHttpServletRequest


public boolean serviceParameter(java.lang.String pName,
                                javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq,
                                javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes)
                         throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream. It handles parameters that are both servlets and strings.



public boolean serviceParameter(java.lang.String pName,
                                javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq,
                                javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes,
                                TagConverter pCvt,
                                java.util.Properties pCvtArgs)
                         throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream. It handles parameters that are both servlets and strings.



public boolean serviceLocalParameter(java.lang.String pName,
                                     javax.servlet.ServletRequest pReq,
                                     javax.servlet.ServletResponse pRes)
                              throws javax.servlet.ServletException,
This is a convenience function for putting the value of a specified parameter to the output stream. It handles parameters that are both servlets and strings.



public java.lang.String getRealPath(java.lang.String pPath)
Description copied from class: MutableHttpServletRequest
Wraps the call to getRealPath

Specified by:
getRealPath in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest
getRealPath in class MutableHttpServletRequest


public void setDocRootServicePrefix(java.lang.String pDocRootServicePrefix)


public java.lang.String getDocRootServicePrefix()


public javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] getCookies()
Gets the array of cookies found in this request.

Specified by:
getCookies in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
getCookies in class MutableHttpServletRequest
the array of cookies found in this request


public javax.servlet.http.HttpSession getSession(boolean create)
Gets the current valid session associated with this request, if create is false or, if necessary, creates a new session for the request, if create is true.

Note: to ensure the session is properly maintained, the servlet developer must call this method (at least once) before any output is written to the response.

Additionally, application-writers need to be aware that newly created sessions (that is, sessions for which HttpSession.isNew returns true) do not have any application-specific state.

Specified by:
getSession in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
getSession in class MutableHttpServletRequest
the session associated with this request or null if create was false and no valid session is associated with this request.


public javax.servlet.http.HttpSession getSession()
Returns the current session associated with this request, or if the request does not have a session, creates one.

Specified by:
getSession in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
getSession in class MutableHttpServletRequest
the HttpSession associated with this request


public java.lang.String getRequestedSessionId()
Gets the session id specified with this request. This may differ from the actual session id. For example, if the request specified an id for an invalid session, then this will get a new session with a new id. On the first request for a new user that does not have a cookie for this server, this will return null since that request did not supply a session id. If you want to get the session id associated with this request, call getSession(true).getId().

Specified by:
getRequestedSessionId in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
getRequestedSessionId in class MutableHttpServletRequest
the session id specified by this request, or null if the request did not specify a session id (i.e. the request does not contain the session id as either a cookie or a URL argument)
See Also:


public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid()
Checks whether this request is associated with a session that is valid in the current session context. If it is not valid, the requested session will never be returned from the getSession method.

Specified by:
isRequestedSessionIdValid in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
isRequestedSessionIdValid in class MutableHttpServletRequest
true if this request is assocated with a session that is valid in the current session context.
See Also:
getRequestedSessionId(), HttpSessionContext, getSession(boolean)


public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()
Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as a cookie. (The requested session may not be one returned by the getSession method.)

Specified by:
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie in class MutableHttpServletRequest
true if the session id specified by this request came in as a cookie; false otherwise
See Also:


public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl()
Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as part of the URL. (The requested session may not be the one returned by the getSession method.)

Specified by:
isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl in class MutableHttpServletRequest
true if the session id specified by the request for this session came in as part of the URL; false otherwise
See Also:


public javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(java.lang.String pPath)
Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path. A RequestDispatcher object can be used to forward a request to the resource or to include the resource in a response. The resource can be dynamic or static.

The pathname specified may be relative, although it cannot extend outside the current servlet context. If the path begins with a "/" it is interpreted as relative to the current context root. This method returns null if the servlet container cannot return a RequestDispatcher.

The difference between this method and ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher(java.lang.String) is that this method can take a relative path.

Specified by:
getRequestDispatcher in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest
getRequestDispatcher in class MutableHttpServletRequest
pPath - a String specifying the pathname to the resource
a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource at the specified path.


public javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(javax.servlet.ServletContext pContext,
                                                            java.lang.String pPath)
Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path and in the given servlet context. A RequestDispatcher object can be used to forward a request to the resource or to include the resource in a response. The resource can be dynamic or static.

The pathname specified may be relative, although it cannot extend outside the given servlet context. If the path begins with a "/" it is interpreted as relative to the given context root. This method returns null if the servlet container cannot return a RequestDispatcher.

pPath - a String specifying the pathname to the resource
pContext - a ServletContext that the given path is relative to.
a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource at the specified path.


public void setEventFlags(int pEventFlags)
Change the set of JMS events that are enabled for firing with respect to this request.


public int getEventFlags()


public void setDisableExitTracking(boolean pDisableExitTracking)
If true, forces exit tracking to not be performed on this request.


public boolean getDisableExitTracking()


public void setupLoopbackTemplateEmailRequest()
Determines if this request is a loopback request made by the template email system, and if so, alters its state appropriately. In particular, this (1) disables the sending of page/session events, (2) disables exit tracking on this request, and (3) sets any template parameters specified in the TemplateEmailInfo.


public void setInTemplatePage(boolean pInTemplatePage)
Sets the property InTemplatePage. This is true if the request processing is currently inside of a template DSP page.

pInTemplatePage - new value to set


public boolean isInTemplatePage()
The value of the property InTemplatePage.


public void setFormEventsSent(boolean pFormEventsSent)
Sets the property FormEventsSent. This is true if the DropletEventServlet has already processed form events for this request.

pFormEventsSent - new value to set


public boolean getFormEventsSent()
The value of the property FormEventsSent.


public void setRequestURIHasQueryString(boolean pRequestURIHasQueryString)
The servlet specification requires that the requestURI not contain query args. However, this property is provided to allow compatibility with older versions of Dynamo that returned the requestURI with query arguments. The default is "false," which will result in the behavior required by the specification.


public javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper getWrapper()
Returns the ServletRequestWrapper wrapping this request. If there are multiple wrappers created in the course of executing the pipeline or filter chain this should be the outermost such wrapper.


public void setWrapper(javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper pWrapper)
Sets the ServletRequestWrapper wrapping this request. If there are multiple wrappers created in the course of executing the pipeline or filter chain this should be the outermost such wrapper.


public boolean isUserInRole(java.lang.String pRole)
Overrides isUserInRole in MutableHttpServletRequest. This version attempts to use the UserAuthenticator property of this request if it has been set. If UserAuthenticator has not been set then the super class method is called instead.

Specified by:
isUserInRole in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
isUserInRole in class MutableHttpServletRequest
pRole - the name of the role to test for
a boolean indicating whether the user making this request belongs to a given role; false if the user has not been authenticated


public getUserPrincipal()

Overrides getUserPrincipal in MutableHttpServletRequest. This version attempts to use the UserAuthenticator property of this request if it has been set. If UserAuthenticator has not been set then the super class method is called instead.

Returns a object containing the name of the current authenticated user. If the user has not been authenticated, the method returns null.

Specified by:
getUserPrincipal in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
getUserPrincipal in class MutableHttpServletRequest
a containing the name of the user making this request; null if the user has not been authenticated


public void setDynamoPipeline(boolean pDynamoPipeline)
Sets the property dynamoPipeline. This is true if the request is proceeding through the Dynamo pipeline, false if the request is proceeding through another pipeline mechanism such as the Dynamo Application Framework pipeline.

pDynamoPipeline - new value to set


public boolean isDynamoPipeline()
The value of the property dynamoPipeline.


public void setAfterGetsClaimed(boolean pAfterGetsClaimed)
Flag indicating if someone in the request has taken responsibility for calling the afterGets methods. This should be set by the first element that encouters the request, which could either be the DropletEventServlet, or a PageTag.

pAfterGetsClaimed - new value to set


public boolean isAfterGetsClaimed()
The value of the property afterGetsClaimed.


public static java.lang.Object getNullParameterObject()
Returns the parameter Object that represents a null value when placed into a parameter dictionary.


public java.util.Map getParamMapForTopFrame()
Return a Map representing the parameters in the current frame of the droplet parameter stack. This is typically all the local parameters for the current droplet.


public NameContext getSessionNameContext()
Return the session name context.


public long getSessionConfirmationNumber()
Get the session confirmation number. Used on form submits.