Interface IMigrationUtilityModelRO

All Superinterfaces:
IEditorModelRO, IModelRO, IMVCObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
IMigrationUtilityExportModelRO, IMigrationUtilityImportModelRO
All Known Implementing Classes:
MigrationUtilityExportModel, MigrationUtilityImportModel, MigrationUtilityModel

public interface IMigrationUtilityModelRO
extends IEditorModelRO

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Method Summary
 XPArrayList[] GetAllObjectsInPackage()
          Gets an XPArrayList[] with all objects in the package (indexed by classID).
 IPTMigrationManager GetMigrationManager()
          All classes in the AS should access the migration manager using this method, because the same IPTMigrationManager needs to be used for a given migration.
 int GetMigrationStatus()
          Gets the status of the migration task.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.editor.IEditorModelRO
GetEditorType, GetEnableApplyButton, GetEnableCancelButton, GetHideLeftNav, GetIsEditorReadOnly
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace.IMVCObject

Method Detail


IPTMigrationManager GetMigrationManager()
All classes in the AS should access the migration manager using this method, because the same IPTMigrationManager needs to be used for a given migration.



XPArrayList[] GetAllObjectsInPackage()
Gets an XPArrayList[] with all objects in the package (indexed by classID). Returns an array of IPTMigrationElements. Returns only supported CLASSIDS


int GetMigrationStatus()
Gets the status of the migration task.

int (see PTMigrationTask for status values)

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