Interface IBannerSearchActions

public interface IBannerSearchActions

This interface was created to allow developers the ability to create functions that can be dynamically discovered by the Plumtree application for the purposes of performing some functionality when a particular banner search based event occurs. The functions will allow primarily for the modification of the Search criteria and the available Search Settings.

NOTE: Should this interface be implemented more than once within the Dynamic Discovery process, the implementations will be processed in the order that they are displayed within the representative XML file. All implementations will be called.

NOTE: Developers should be very careful implementing either of these functions as these will be called every single time that a Search is performed and it could hurt performance.

Method Summary
 void CustomizeQueryOnBeforeSearch(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, QueryArguments _qaQueryInfo)
          This function allows for the modification of the query portion of a banner search.
 SearchSettingCollection GetCustomSettingsOnBeforeSearch(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession)
          This function allows for the modification of the settings used for banner search.

Method Detail


void CustomizeQueryOnBeforeSearch(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                  IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                  QueryArguments _qaQueryInfo)
This function allows for the modification of the query portion of a banner search. Implementers of this interface should modify the QueryArguments object that is passed in to change the search that will be run.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_qaQueryInfo - - On entry, this structure will contain: userQuery (String): String that the user typed into the search box basicFields (String): null advancedFilter (IPTFilter): null


SearchSettingCollection GetCustomSettingsOnBeforeSearch(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                                        IPTSession _ptUserSession)
This function allows for the modification of the settings used for banner search. Implementers of this interface should modify the SearchSettingCollection object that is passed in to change the search that will be run.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
SearchSettingCollection that will add or override default settings

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