Interface IPTClassTypeDesc

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
APTClassTypeDesc, APTClassTypeDesc, APTExtClassTypeDesc, APTExtClassTypeDesc, APTNonExtClassTypeDesc, APTNonExtClassTypeDesc, PTAdminFolders, PTAuthSources, PTCommunities, PTCommunityTemplates, PTCrawlers, PTDataSources, PTDocFolders, PTDocTypes, PTDocuments, PTExternalOperations, PTFilters, PTGlobalObjects, PTGroups, PTGuestLogins, PTInvitations, PTJobs, PTMyPages, PTNetworkedSearches, PTPages, PTPageTemplates, PTPortletBundles, PTPortlets, PTPortletTemplates, PTProfilePages, PTProfileSections, PTProfileSources, PTProperties, PTRemoteServers, PTSavedSearches, PTSiteMapFolders, PTSubPortals, PTTaxonomist, PTUsers, PTWebServices

public interface IPTClassTypeDesc
extends IClassTypeDesc

Interface for PTClassTypeDesc.

John Osborne

Method Summary
 boolean AppearsInGlobalObjPropMap()
          Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type appears in the global object property map utility.
 boolean AppearsInMainCreateNewClassMenu()
          Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type should appear in the main create new object menu.
 java.lang.String ConstructFriendlyURL(FriendlyURL url, AActivitySpace space)
          Generates a friendly URL to the implementing class type.
 int GetClassID()
          Returns the class ID of the class type.
 java.lang.String GetClassTypeLocalizedName(java.lang.String _strLangID)
          Returns the localized name for the class type.
 HTMLImg GetDefaultIcon()
          Returns the default icon for items of this class type.
 int[] GetDependentClassTypeIDs()
          This method lets you specify what kind of PTClassTypes depend on this PTClassType.
 java.lang.String GetObjectLockManagerLocalizedName(java.lang.String strLangID)
          Returns the localized name that will be displayed on the left navigation menu of "Admin UI->Release Item Locks" page.
 Redirect GetRedirectViewObject(IFriendlyURLParser _fURLParser, AActivitySpace _asParent, java.lang.Object _userSession)
          This method is called by the Common Opener in the view mode.
 int[] GetRelatedClassTypeIDs()
          This method lets you associate the class ID for this PTClassType with other class IDs.
 boolean HasGlobalClassTypeMap()
          Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type is on the global class type map.
 boolean HasObjectLockManager()
          Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class included/supported on the "Admin UI->Release Item Locks" page.
 boolean IsExtensible()
          Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type is extensible.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.opener.types.IClassTypeDesc
GetClassKey, GetClassType, GetDefaultOpenerMode, GetRedirectCreateNew, GetRedirectOpenObject, GetRedirectSearchBrowse, GetRedirectSearchEdit, GetRedirectViewObjectMetaData

Method Detail


boolean AppearsInMainCreateNewClassMenu()
Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type should appear in the main create new object menu.

A boolean that tells the client if this class type should appear in the main create new object menu.


boolean AppearsInGlobalObjPropMap()
Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type appears in the global object property map utility.

A boolean that tells the client if this class type appears in the global object property map utility


int GetClassID()
Returns the class ID of the class type. Use the PT_CLASSIDS constant to determine/reference IDs.

The class ID of the class type.


java.lang.String GetClassTypeLocalizedName(java.lang.String _strLangID)
Returns the localized name for the class type. For example, the name for users is "User" in English.

_strLangID - The language to retrieve the name for.
The localized name for the class type.


HTMLImg GetDefaultIcon()
Returns the default icon for items of this class type.

The default icon for items of this class type.


int[] GetRelatedClassTypeIDs()
This method lets you associate the class ID for this PTClassType with other class IDs. One application for this is at the end of the editor creation wizard, it provides shortcut links to create related objets. Return NULL if there are no related class types.

An array of related class IDs. May be NULL.


int[] GetDependentClassTypeIDs()
This method lets you specify what kind of PTClassTypes depend on this PTClassType. One application for this is to make sure to try to delete dependent items before deleting the main item, otherwise the delete may fail because there are dependent items. This method should only return class types that are directly dependent on this class type. For example, Remote Servers should return Web Services, but not Portlets. Web Services should return Portlets. Return NULL if there are no related class types. NOTE: This does not support circular loops of dependencies (I.E. A -> B -> C -> A). This behavior is undefined, and will mostly likely cause deletes of those objects to fail.

An array of dependent class IDs. May be NULL.


boolean HasGlobalClassTypeMap()
Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type is on the global class type map.

A boolean that tells the client if this class type is on the global class type map.


boolean IsExtensible()
Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class type is extensible.

A boolean that tells the client if this class type is extensible.


boolean HasObjectLockManager()
Returns a boolean that tells the client if this class included/supported on the "Admin UI->Release Item Locks" page.

A boolean that tells the client if this class included/supported on the "Admin UI->Release Item Locks" page.


java.lang.String GetObjectLockManagerLocalizedName(java.lang.String strLangID)
Returns the localized name that will be displayed on the left navigation menu of "Admin UI->Release Item Locks" page.

_strLangID - The language to retrieve the name for.
The localized name for the class type.


Redirect GetRedirectViewObject(IFriendlyURLParser _fURLParser,
                               AActivitySpace _asParent,
                               java.lang.Object _userSession)
This method is called by the Common Opener in the view mode. Depending on what class type you are dealing with, the Common Opener will invoke the correct implemented method. Some class types may need to override this so that they can put additional control arguments in.

Specified by:
GetRedirectViewObject in interface IClassTypeDesc
_fURLParser - contains the URL path.
_asParent - The parent activity space.
_userSession - The current session.
A redirect that will bring you to the view activity space for the particular class/object.
An - exception is thrown if the object to be viewed cannot be determined.


java.lang.String ConstructFriendlyURL(FriendlyURL url,
                                      AActivitySpace space)
Generates a friendly URL to the implementing class type. Ideally the object name is provided, otherwise if only the object id is provided, the method has to look up the object name. If both are provided, both the object name and object id is used in the friendly url.

url - FriendlyURL containing the information for the url
Returns the friendly part of the friendly Url, that is, just the part of the Url after including leading slash.

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