Interface IObjectTreeModelRO

All Superinterfaces:
IModelRO, IMVCObject, ITreeModelRO
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdminTreeModel, AObjectTreeModel, DirectoryTreeModel, TemplateTreeModel

public interface IObjectTreeModelRO
extends ITreeModelRO

Don Hayler

Method Summary
 int GetAccessLevel()
          This method returns the current access level.
 int[] GetDisplayedClassIDs()
          This method returns the class IDs to be displayed in this tree.
 boolean GetDisplayingSearchResults()
          This method returns whether the tree is displaying search results, or just the normal tree.
 int GetFilterClassID()
          This method returns the class ID to be filtered.
 java.lang.String[] GetFilterCLSID()
          This method returns the CLSID values used in the web service/data source query filter.
 int GetFilterCLSIDPropID()
          This method returns the propid for the CLSID values used in the web service/data source query filter.
 int GetFolderClassID()
          This method returns the class ID of the folders in the tree.
 boolean GetItemDisplayed(int nClassID, int nObjectID)
          This method returns whether or not the given item should be displayed.
 boolean GetItemSelected(int nClassID, int nObjectID)
          This method returns whether or not the given item should be selected.
 int[] GetPortletAlignment()
          This method returns the values used in the gadget alignment query filter.
 int[] GetPortletType()
          This method returns the values used in the gadget type query filter.
 int[] GetPortletWebServiceID()
          This method returns the values used in the gadget web service ID query filter.
 boolean GetSearchEnabled()
          This method returns whether or not search is enabled.
 boolean GetSearchStarted()
          This method returns whether or not a search has been started.
 int[] GetUserTypeFilter()
          This method returns the user type values used in the user query filter.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.tree.ITreeModelRO
GetActionSubTitle, GetAllChecked, GetAllowEmptySubmission, GetDisplayingFlatList, GetHelpEnabled, GetLastExpandedNodeID, GetMultipleSelect, GetOnClickFunction, GetParentFormName, GetParentFormSpaceID, GetParentFormSubmitFunction, GetRootTreeIterator, GetSelectedItems, GetSelectMode, GetSelectOptions, GetShowRoot, GetSubmitMode, GetTitle, GetTreeIsEmpty
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace.IMVCObject

Method Detail


int GetAccessLevel()
This method returns the current access level.

int access level


int[] GetDisplayedClassIDs()
This method returns the class IDs to be displayed in this tree.

int[] the class IDs to display


boolean GetDisplayingSearchResults()
This method returns whether the tree is displaying search results, or just the normal tree.

boolean true implies search results, false implies tree


int GetFolderClassID()
This method returns the class ID of the folders in the tree. I.E. admin folders or card catalogs.

int class ID of folders in the tree.


int[] GetPortletAlignment()
This method returns the values used in the gadget alignment query filter.


int[] GetPortletWebServiceID()
This method returns the values used in the gadget web service ID query filter.


int[] GetPortletType()
This method returns the values used in the gadget type query filter.


int[] GetUserTypeFilter()
This method returns the user type values used in the user query filter.


java.lang.String[] GetFilterCLSID()
This method returns the CLSID values used in the web service/data source query filter.


int GetFilterCLSIDPropID()
This method returns the propid for the CLSID values used in the web service/data source query filter.


int GetFilterClassID()
This method returns the class ID to be filtered.

the class ID to apply the above filter to


boolean GetItemDisplayed(int nClassID,
                         int nObjectID)
This method returns whether or not the given item should be displayed.

int - nClassID
int - nObjectID
boolean true implies display the item


boolean GetItemSelected(int nClassID,
                        int nObjectID)
This method returns whether or not the given item should be selected.

int - nClassID
int - nObjectID
boolean true implies the item is selected


boolean GetSearchStarted()
This method returns whether or not a search has been started. This is used to tell whether or not there should be a tabbed link to the search view (no if it hasn't been started yet).

boolean true implies should add link (search started).


boolean GetSearchEnabled()
This method returns whether or not search is enabled. Search will always be enabled except when displaying a pre-selected list.

boolean true implies the search box should be displayed.

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