Package com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.editor

Interface Summary
IEditorModelRO This is the interface for the read-only Model.

Class Summary
EditorAS This is the Activity Space class for the Editor Framework.
EditorDP This is class is used to print out the form tag, some hidden input and the postToSelf Javascript function.
EditorHeaderView This class implements the HTML to print out the Editor header.
EditorHelperModel This class is a helper class for the EditorModel.
EditorHelperRepostControl This class is a helper class for the EditorRepostControl.
EditorModel This is the Model class for the Editor Framework.
EditorRepostControl This repost control implements the repost actions for Editor pages.
EditorStartControl This start control is called anytime an Editor is started.
EditorView This is the View class for the Editor Framework.
LeftNavMenu This is helper class that contains the implementation of the left navigation menu as well as two inner classes.

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