Interface IPTCardPropertyValue

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IPTCardPropertyValue
extends IPTUnknown

Stephen Chang It is important to note that there are a number of GetValueAsType methods designed to return the client the value of a particular property. It is expected that the client will determine the value type corresponding to this property in order to call the appropriate Get method. Currently, card properties support values of type int, float, XPDate, and String. Calling methods incompatible with the property type will result in attempted value conversion which cannot be guaranteed as an accurate representation of the original value. Also, the values returned from the simple GetValue methods represent the dominant value for that property. The dominant value should be understood to be the simple field value unless an override value has been provided for the instance of this propery (in which case it is the override value).

Method Summary
 double GetFieldValueAsDouble()
          Returns the underlying double value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 float GetFieldValueAsFloat()
          Returns the underlying float value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 int GetFieldValueAsInt()
          Returns the underlying int value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 java.lang.String GetFieldValueAsString()
          Returns the underlying String value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetFieldValueAsXPDateTime()
          Returns the underlying XPDateTime value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 IPTProperty GetMetaDataProperty()
          Returns the extended metadata values for this property.
 boolean GetOverrideEnabled()
          Retrieves a boolean indicating whether an override value has been set for the property represented by this object
 double GetOverrideValueAsDouble()
          Gets the overriding double value for the property represented by this object.
 float GetOverrideValueAsFloat()
          Gets the overriding float value for the property represented by this object.
 int GetOverrideValueAsInt()
          Sets the underlying double value for the property represented by this object.
 java.lang.Object GetOverrideValueAsObject()
          Gets the overriding object value for the property represented by this object.
 java.lang.String GetOverrideValueAsString()
          Gets the overriding String value for the property represented by this object.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetOverrideValueAsXPDateTime()
          Gets the overriding XPDateTime value for the property represented by this object.
 int GetPropertyID()
          Returns the property ID for which this object contains value assignments.
 int GetPropertyType()
          Returns the type of the property value.
 double GetValueAsDouble()
          Returns the double value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 float GetValueAsFloat()
          Returns the Float value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 int GetValueAsInt()
          Retrieves the int value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 java.lang.String GetValueAsString()
          Returns the String value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetValueAsXPDateTime()
          Returns the XPDateTime value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
 void SetFieldValue(double Value)
          Sets the underlying double value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetFieldValue(float Value)
          Sets the underlying float value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetFieldValue(int Value)
          Sets the underlying int value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetFieldValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value object The value object will be converted to the appropriate type based on the property type
 void SetFieldValue(java.lang.String Value)
          Sets the underlying String value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetFieldValue(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime Value)
          Sets the underlying XPDateTime value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetOverrideValue(double Value)
          Sets the overriding double value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetOverrideValue(float Value)
          Sets the overriding float value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetOverrideValue(int Value)
          Sets the overriding int value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetOverrideValue(java.lang.Object Value)
          Sets the overriding Object value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetOverrideValue(java.lang.String Value)
          Sets the overriding String value for the property represented by this object.
 void SetOverrideValue(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime Value)
          Sets the overriding XPDateTime value for the property represented by this object.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown

Method Detail


int GetPropertyID()
Returns the property ID for which this object contains value assignments.

an int value for the property ID


int GetValueAsInt()
Retrieves the int value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.

a simple int identifying the property ID.


java.lang.String GetValueAsString()
Returns the String value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.

A String value stored for this card property


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetValueAsXPDateTime()
Returns the XPDateTime value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.

An XPDateTime value stored for this card property.


float GetValueAsFloat()
Returns the Float value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.

A Float value stored for this card property.


double GetValueAsDouble()
Returns the double value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.

A double value stored for this card property.


int GetFieldValueAsInt()
Returns the underlying int value currently assigned to the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

An underlying int field value stored for this card property


java.lang.String GetFieldValueAsString()
Returns the underlying String value currently assigned to the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

An underlying String field value stored for this card property


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetFieldValueAsXPDateTime()
Returns the underlying XPDateTime value currently assigned to the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

An underlying XPDateTime field value stored for this card property


float GetFieldValueAsFloat()
Returns the underlying float value currently assigned to the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

An underlying float field value stored for this card property


double GetFieldValueAsDouble()
Returns the underlying double value currently assigned to the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

An underlying double field value stored for this card property


void SetFieldValue(int Value)
Sets the underlying int value for the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

Value - an int stored as the field value for the property instance


void SetFieldValue(java.lang.String Value)
Sets the underlying String value for the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

Value - a String stored as the field value for the property instance


void SetFieldValue(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime Value)
Sets the underlying XPDateTime value for the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

Value - an XPDateTime stored as the field value for the property instance


void SetFieldValue(float Value)
Sets the underlying float value for the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

Value - a float stored as the field value for the property instance


void SetFieldValue(double Value)
Sets the underlying double value for the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

Value - a double stored as the field value for the property instance


void SetFieldValue(java.lang.Object value)
Sets the value object The value object will be converted to the appropriate type based on the property type

object - representing the value


int GetOverrideValueAsInt()
Sets the underlying double value for the property represented by this object. (ignores any override)

Value - a double stored as the field value for the property instance


java.lang.String GetOverrideValueAsString()
Gets the overriding String value for the property represented by this object.

a String stored as the override value for the property instance


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetOverrideValueAsXPDateTime()
Gets the overriding XPDateTime value for the property represented by this object.

an XPDateTime stored as the override value for the property instance


float GetOverrideValueAsFloat()
Gets the overriding float value for the property represented by this object.

a float stored as the override value for the property instance


double GetOverrideValueAsDouble()
Gets the overriding double value for the property represented by this object.

a double stored as the override value for the property instance


java.lang.Object GetOverrideValueAsObject()
Gets the overriding object value for the property represented by this object.

an object stored as the override value for the property instance


void SetOverrideValue(int Value)
Sets the overriding int value for the property represented by this object.

nValue - an integer stored as the override value for the property instance


void SetOverrideValue(java.lang.String Value)
Sets the overriding String value for the property represented by this object.

strValue - string stored as the override value for the property instance


void SetOverrideValue(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime Value)
Sets the overriding XPDateTime value for the property represented by this object.

dateValue - an XPDateTime stored as the override value for the property instance


void SetOverrideValue(float Value)
Sets the overriding float value for the property represented by this object.

floatValue - a float stored as the override value for the property instance


void SetOverrideValue(double Value)
Sets the overriding double value for the property represented by this object.

doubleValue - a double stored as the override value for the property instance


void SetOverrideValue(java.lang.Object Value)
Sets the overriding Object value for the property represented by this object.

Value - an Object stored as the override value for the property instance


boolean GetOverrideEnabled()
Retrieves a boolean indicating whether an override value has been set for the property represented by this object

boolean, true means override value has been provided


int GetPropertyType()
Returns the type of the property value. This can be used to determine which of the GetValueAsXXX methods to use.

int enumerated value of PT_PROPERTY_TYPE


IPTProperty GetMetaDataProperty()
Returns the extended metadata values for this property. This can be used to get more info about the property.

IPTProperty that gives extended details of this property