Interface IPTJob

All Superinterfaces:
IPTLocalizable, IPTObject, IPTServerContext, IPTStorable, IPTUnknown

public interface IPTJob
extends IPTObject

MikeS A scheduled job contains a Schedule and an ordered list of objects that support the IPTScheduledOperation interface. The sequence of operations will be run, in order, by the system at the configured start times.

Method Summary
 void AddJobListEntry(int nIndex, int Class, int ObjectID)
          Adds an operation to the list of items executed within this job
 boolean GetDeleteWhenDone()
          Returns a boolean indicating whether the Job object will be automatically removed upon completion.
 boolean GetIsSuspendable()
          - OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Returns a boolean indicating whether this operation supports suspension, or is capable of serializing its execution state.
 int GetLastStatus()
          Returns an int corresponding to a PT_JOBSTATUS indicating the state of the job when it was run or is running last time.
 IPTSchedule GetSchedule()
          Returns a schedule object indicating the next scheduled launch and recurring interval (if any)
 int GetSettingsAsInt(int JobSetting)
          Returns an int corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes, timeouts, and logging levels
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetSettingsAsXPDateTime(int JobSetting)
          Returns an XPDateTime corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes, timeouts, and logging levels
 int GetStatus()
          - OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Returns an int corresponding to a PT_JOBSTATUS indicating the state of the job (running, interrupted, failed, suspended, etc.)
 IPTQueryResult QueryJobList()
          Returns the list of operations scheduled within this Job
 void RemoveJobListEntry(int nIndex)
          Removes an existing operation from this Job's list
 boolean ResumeJob()
          - OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Launches a previously suspended job.
 boolean SaveCheckpoint()
          - OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - A method used by the server to trigger suspension like action.
 void SetDeleteWhenDone(boolean Value)
          Sets a boolean indicating whether the Job object will be automatically removed upon completion.
 void SetSettings(int Value, int pvValue)
          Sets an int corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes, timeouts, and logging levels
 void SetSettings(int Value, com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime pvValue)
          Sets an XPDateTime corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes or timeouts
 void SetStatus(int Value)
          - OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Sets an int corresponding to a PT_JOBSTATUS indicating the state of the job (running, interrupted, failed, suspended, etc.)
 boolean SuspendJob()
          - OBSELETE, Functionality moved to agents - Forces running job to serialize its state at the next checkpoint.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
GetAdminFolderID, GetClassID, GetCreated, GetImageUUID, GetLastModified, GetObjectProperties, SetAdminFolderID, SetImageUUID, SetLastModified
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
GetDescription, GetIsLocalized, GetLocalizedDescription, GetLocalizedDescriptions, GetLocalizedName, GetLocalizedNames, GetName, GetPrimaryLang, GetSupportsLocalization, SetDescription, SetIsLocalized, SetLocalizedDescriptions, SetLocalizedNames, SetName, SetPrimaryLang
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
GetAccessLevel, GetACL, GetLastModifiedBy, GetLockState, GetObjectID, GetOwnerID, GetServerContextSettings, GetSession, GetSettings, LockObject, SetLastModifiedBy, SetObjectID, SetOwnerID, SetServerContextSettings, UnlockObject
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStorable

Method Detail


int GetSettingsAsInt(int JobSetting)
Returns an int corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes, timeouts, and logging levels

JobSetting - the requested PT_JOB_SETTINGS type
an int value for the requested job setting


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetSettingsAsXPDateTime(int JobSetting)
Returns an XPDateTime corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes, timeouts, and logging levels

JobSetting - the requested PT_JOB_SETTINGS type
an XPDateTime value for the requested job setting


void SetSettings(int Value,
                 int pvValue)
Sets an int corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes, timeouts, and logging levels

Specified by:
SetSettings in interface IPTServerContext
Value - PT_JOB_SETTINGS type
pvValue - an int value for the requested job setting


void SetSettings(int Value,
                 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime pvValue)
Sets an XPDateTime corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes or timeouts

Value - PT_JOB_SETTINGS type
pvValue - an XPDateTime value for the requested job setting


IPTQueryResult QueryJobList()
Returns the list of operations scheduled within this Job

a QueryResult containing the order, object ID, and class ID of this job's operations


void AddJobListEntry(int nIndex,
                     int Class,
                     int ObjectID)
Adds an operation to the list of items executed within this job

nIndex - the position of execution
Class - the Class ID of the desired operation
ObjectID - the Object ID of the desiered operation


void RemoveJobListEntry(int nIndex)
Removes an existing operation from this Job's list

nIndex - the index of the operation to be deleted


IPTSchedule GetSchedule()
Returns a schedule object indicating the next scheduled launch and recurring interval (if any)

an IPTSchedul interface for this Job


boolean GetDeleteWhenDone()
Returns a boolean indicating whether the Job object will be automatically removed upon completion.

a boolean, if true, Job is deleted after execution


void SetDeleteWhenDone(boolean Value)
Sets a boolean indicating whether the Job object will be automatically removed upon completion.

Value - a boolean, if true, Job is deleted after execution


boolean GetIsSuspendable()
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Returns a boolean indicating whether this operation supports suspension, or is capable of serializing its execution state.

a boolean, if true, indicates suspend capability


boolean SuspendJob()
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to agents - Forces running job to serialize its state at the next checkpoint. Suspended jobs can resume where they left off using the ResumeJob method.

a boolean indicating whether the suspension request succeeded.


boolean ResumeJob()
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Launches a previously suspended job.

a boolean indicating whether the resume request succeeded.


boolean SaveCheckpoint()
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - A method used by the server to trigger suspension like action.

a boolean indicating success of checkpoint storage.


int GetStatus()
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Returns an int corresponding to a PT_JOBSTATUS indicating the state of the job (running, interrupted, failed, suspended, etc.)

an int for PT_JOBSTATUS


void SetStatus(int Value)
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Sets an int corresponding to a PT_JOBSTATUS indicating the state of the job (running, interrupted, failed, suspended, etc.)

Value - an int for PT_JOBSTATUS


int GetLastStatus()
Returns an int corresponding to a PT_JOBSTATUS indicating the state of the job when it was run or is running last time. Status can be running, interrupted, failed, suspended, etc.

an int for PT_JOBSTATUS