Interface IPTStringLocalizationManager

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IPTStringLocalizationManager
extends IPTUnknown

This interface is used to download or upload all localized strings in the Server in one batch (that is, localized names and descriptions for Plumtree objects.) Generally, this will be used to employ third party localization firms to localize strings. The steps would be like: 1. Mark Plumtree objects to be localized with the "supports localization" flag in the Plumtree UI 2. Export the list of localized objects via a call to IPTStringLocalizationManager.GetLocalizedStrings (the Plumtree UI calls this and converts the results to XML) 3. Send the strings to a translator (or translators) for converting from the primary language to each of the supported localized languages 4. Reimport the list of localized objects, with the localized names filled in

See Also:

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object[][] GetLocalizedStrings(java.lang.String[] arrLanguages)
          Returns the primary and localized strings for every object in the Plumtree database, as a 2D array.
 void SetLocalizedStrings(java.lang.String[] arrLanguages, java.lang.Object[][] arrStrings)
          Sets the localized strings for every object in the Plumtree database.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown

Method Detail


java.lang.Object[][] GetLocalizedStrings(java.lang.String[] arrLanguages)
Returns the primary and localized strings for every object in the Plumtree database, as a 2D array. The client is responsible for passing in an array of the languages that should be supported, and this function returns the localizations for all supported languages (or placeholders if the objects are not, in fact, translated into the relevant language.) The columns in the result set are described in the PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS constants

arrLanguages - the languages that should be supported in the output.
the output. Each row represents a string (that is, a name or a description), and the columns are described by the PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS constants
See Also:


void SetLocalizedStrings(java.lang.String[] arrLanguages,
                         java.lang.Object[][] arrStrings)
Sets the localized strings for every object in the Plumtree database. Note that this function will overwrite ALL LOCALIZED STRINGS- the arrStrings argument is assumed to contain ALL of the strings that should be in the database. Uploading strings for only certain objects, or only for certain languages, is not supported.

arrLanguages - the languages that correspond to the columns in arrStrings. The number of items in arrLanguages must be equal to the the number of columns in arrStrings minus PT_SLS_TARGET_STRING_START.
arrStrings - the strings to be uploaded, including both primary and localized strings. The columns are described by the PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS constants.
See Also: