Interface IPTSField

public interface IPTSField

A single field that might appear in a search result or as part of a search query.

Obtain instances of IPTSField from factory methods in IPTSearchFactory, IPTSPlumtreeCollection, IPTSPortalCollection, IPTSCollabCollection, and IPTSContentCollection. These factory methods return all the fields in items indexed by the various Plumtree applications.

Fields in IPTSearchFactory and IPTSPlumtreeCollection can generally appear in any item indexed in the search server. Fields in IPTSPortalCollection, IPTSCollabCollection, and IPTSContentCollection appear in items indexed by that specific application.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns an internal unique name for this field.
 PTSFieldType getType()
          Returns the type of this field.
 boolean isRetrievable()
          Returns whether this field may be retrieved as part of a search result.
 boolean isSearchable()
          Returns whether this field may be used in search queries.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
Returns an internal unique name for this field.

an internal unique name for this field.


boolean isSearchable()
Returns whether this field may be used in search queries. (IPTSSearchableCollection.Rank is an example of a retrievable, but non-searchable, field.)

whether this field may be used in search queries.


boolean isRetrievable()
Returns whether this field may be retrieved as part of a search result. (IPTSSearchableCollection.TextQueryDefault is an example of a searchable, but non-retrievable, field.)

whether this field may be retrieved as part of a search result.


PTSFieldType getType()
Returns the type of this field. Return value will be one of PTSFieldType.STRING, PTSFieldType.INT, PTSFieldType.FLOAT, PTSFieldType.BOOLEAN, PTSFieldType.DATETIME.

the type of this IPTSField.