Interface IPTSSpellingCorrection

public interface IPTSSpellingCorrection

A single spelling correction done as part of a query request.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getCorrectedTokens()
          Returns an array of strings; each string is a possible correction for the unknown token returned by getOriginalToken.
 int[] getCorrectionFrequencies()
          Returns an array of ints; each int is the number of times the associated entry in the array returned by getCorrectedTokens appeared in the result set.
 java.lang.String getOriginalToken()
          Returns the original search token that could not be found in the search server's lexicon.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getOriginalToken()
Returns the original search token that could not be found in the search server's lexicon.


java.lang.String[] getCorrectedTokens()
Returns an array of strings; each string is a possible correction for the unknown token returned by getOriginalToken.


int[] getCorrectionFrequencies()
Returns an array of ints; each int is the number of times the associated entry in the array returned by getCorrectedTokens appeared in the result set.