Interface IDocumentQuery

public interface IDocumentQuery

Interface that allows querying of documents in the Knowledge Directory. The query can be directed to a specific document folder or narrowed down using a set of filters. An instance of a document query is created with a call to IDocumentManager.createQuery(). Once the desired query parameters are specified, the query can be executed with the execute() method.

Method Summary
 IObjectQuery execute()
          Executes the query and returns query results.
 QueryFilter[] getFilters()
          Gets an array of query filters.
 int getFolderID()
          Gets the folder ID to query.
 int getMaxRows()
          Gets the maximum number of query results to return.
 ObjectProperty getSortProperty()
          Gets the property on which the query results will be sorted.
 int getStartRow()
          Gets an index of the first query result to return.
 boolean isShowUnapproved()
          Gets whether unapproved documents will be returned in query results.
 void setFilters(QueryFilter[] filters)
          Sets an array of filters to narrow down the query.
 void setFolderID(int folderID)
          Sets the folder ID to query.
 void setMaxRows(int maxRows)
          Sets the maximum number of query results to return.
 void setShowUnapproved(boolean showUnapproved)
          Sets whether unapproved documents should be returned in query results.
 void setSortProperty(ObjectProperty sortProperty)
          Sets the property on which the query results will be sorted.
 void setStartRow(int startRow)
          Sets an index of the first query result to return.

Method Detail


public int getFolderID()
Gets the folder ID to query.

the ID of the folder to query


public void setFolderID(int folderID)
Sets the folder ID to query.

folderID - the folder ID to query


public int getStartRow()
Gets an index of the first query result to return.

an index of the first query result to return


public void setStartRow(int startRow)
Sets an index of the first query result to return.

startRow - an index of the first query result to return


public int getMaxRows()
Gets the maximum number of query results to return.

the maximum number of query results to return


public void setMaxRows(int maxRows)
Sets the maximum number of query results to return.

maxRows - the maximum number of query results to return


public boolean isShowUnapproved()
Gets whether unapproved documents will be returned in query results.

true if unapproved documents will be returned in query results, false otherwise


public void setShowUnapproved(boolean showUnapproved)
Sets whether unapproved documents should be returned in query results. Showing unapproved documents requires Edit access on the document folder. If this value is set to true, but the user does not have the required Edit access then it will reset to false.

showUnapproved - true if unapproved documents should be returned in query results, false otherwise


public ObjectProperty getSortProperty()
Gets the property on which the query results will be sorted.

the query results sort property


public void setSortProperty(ObjectProperty sortProperty)
Sets the property on which the query results will be sorted.

sortProperty - the query results sort property


public QueryFilter[] getFilters()
Gets an array of query filters.

an array of query filters


public void setFilters(QueryFilter[] filters)
Sets an array of filters to narrow down the query. The filters are AND'ed; a document must satisfy all the filters to be returned by the query. The ObjectProperty in each filter must be of one of the following allowed types: CrawlerProperty.ImageUUID, DocumentProperty.ContentLanguage, DocumentProperty.CrawlerID, DocumentProperty.DatasourceID, DocumentProperty.DocumentTypeID, DocumentProperty.NumParents,DocumentProperty.ParentFolderID, DocumentProperty.URL, ObjectProperty.Created, ObjectProperty.Description, ObjectProperty.IsLocalized, ObjectProperty.Language, ObjectProperty.LastModified, ObjectProperty.LastModifiedBy ObjectProperty.Name, ObjectProperty.ObjectID, ObjectProperty.OwnerID, or ObjectProperty.UUID.

filters - an array of query filters
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the ObjectProperty in any of the filters is not one of the above properties


public IObjectQuery execute()
                     throws PortalException,
Executes the query and returns query results.

the query results
PortalException - if the operation resulted in an error in the portal
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call

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