Interface ISelectionListProperty

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ISelectionListProperty
extends IBaseProperty

Represents a selection list property, which can be added to an IDataEntryTemplate. A sub-type of IBaseProperty.

A selection list property allows a user to select a pre-defined text value in the associated selection list as the property value in a content item that contains this property.

The value of the property can be retrieved using IContentItem.getSelectionListPropertyValue( and updated using IContentItem.setSelectionListPropertyValue(, java.lang.String).

Method Summary
 ISelectionList getSelectionList()
          Returns the associated selection list.
 void setSelectionList(ISelectionList selectionList)
          Sets the selection list associated with this property.
Methods inherited from interface
getDescription, getDisplayName, getName, setDescription, setDisplayName, setName

Method Detail


public ISelectionList getSelectionList()
                                throws ContentSecurityException,
Returns the associated selection list.

the associated selection list
ContentSecurityException - if the user does not have permission to access the folder in which the selection list resides
ContentException - if the method call resulted in a Publisher exception
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there was a communication problem during the execution of the remote method call


public void setSelectionList(ISelectionList selectionList)
Sets the selection list associated with this property. The new value will not be properly persisted until this property is added to a Data Entry Template and is called on that Data Entry Template. The selection list has to be persisted prior to calling this method otherwise an IllegalStateException will be thrown when is called on the Data Entry Template that contains this selection list property.

selectionList - an existing selection list associated with this property; cannot be null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the selection list has not yet been persisted or has already been removed

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