The ScheduledOrderHandler is responsible for creating, updating, deleting, activating, and deactivating scheduled orders. ATG Commerce provides an instance of atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ScheduledOrderHandler, which extends atg.repository.servlet.RepositoryFormHandler. It is located in Nucleus at /atg/commerce/order/scheduled/ScheduledOrderFormHandler.

A scheduled Order has some complex properties that are incapable of being mapped directly from the user interface to the value Dictionary defined in the RepositoryFormHandler (of which ScheduledOrderHandler is a subclass). Simple properties, such as name and state, can be handled by the superclass RepositoryFormHandler. However, other complex properties map to a large number of user input fields. For example, the startDate and endDate properties in the value Dictionary are both mapped to Year, Month, Date, and Hour input fields. Similarly, the schedule property maps to a large number of input fields. Each property of a scheduled Order that maps to more then one form element or needs special processing is represented by an instance of the abstract class atg.b2bcommerce.order.scheduled.ComplexScheduledOrderProperty or one of its subclasses. The ComplexScheduledOrderProperty class has two methods that facilitate the mapping between the property in the value Dictionary and the corresponding user input fields in a form, namely remapValueFromScheduledOrder() and remapValueFromUserInputField().

The ScheduledOrderFormHandler.complexScheduledOrderProperties property is a Map that specifies the complex properties in the scheduled Order. The keys to the Map are the names of the complex properties, and the values are the names of the classes that represent those properties, as shown in the following file:


#From RepositoryFormHandler

#From ScheduledOrderFormHandler

Note that the templateOrderId property is represented by the TemplateOrderProperty class, which extends ComplexScheduledOrderProperty. When a user designates an existing Order as a template Order, the existing Order is copied, and the new template Order is assigned a new ID. The templateOrderId property contains a reference to the repository ID of the new template Order. When the user later views the scheduled Order, this property loads the associated template Order represented by the templateOrderId.

Once a scheduled order template has been modified, ScheduledOrderLookup can be used to provide information on scheduled orders for a scheduled order ID (itemId), template ID (templateId) or profile ID (profileId). Output parameters include scheduledOrders and count.

Scheduling information can be displayed in different formats. Using a scheduled order item or ID, ScheduledOrderInfo can provide a reference to scheduled objects, the scheduled order item and a readable string representation of the schedule. Output parameters to ScheduledOrderInfo are scheduledOrderItem, readableSchedule and schedule.

The following table describes the important handle methods of ScheduledOrderFormHandler:




Called when the user wants to review or update a scheduled Order. This method is called before the user interface is rendered to the user.

The method retrieves all of the property values for the scheduled Order with the ID set in ScheduledOrderFormHandler.repositoryId. It then populates the value Dictionary with the properties and finally remaps all the complex properties from the Order Repository to the user interface.


Called when the user wants to review the input data for the scheduled Order before it is created in the Order Repository. This method validates the submitted values, throwing a form exception if one is invalid.


Creates a scheduled Order in the Order Repository.


Updates an existing scheduled Order in the Order Repository.


Deletes an existing scheduled Order from the Order Repository.


Inactivates an existing scheduled Order in the Order Repository by changing the state of the Order from ACTIVE to INACTIVE.


Activates an existing scheduled Order in the Order Repository by changing the state of the Order from INACTIVE to ACTIVE.

Note that the ScheduledOrderFormHandler uses ScheduledOrderTools to fire events for all of the actions that are associated with these handle methods.

Using the scheduledOrderFormHandler is very similar to using the RepositoryFormHandler. (For more information on using the RepositoryFormHandler, see the Using Repository Form Handlers chapter of the ATG Page Developer’s Guide.) Simple properties like name, state, and nextScheduledRun can all be set in the following manner:

<dsp:form action="setName.jsp">
   new name : <dsp:input bean=""
   <dsp:input bean="ScheduledOrderHandler.update" value="update name"

Complex properties of the scheduled Order are set according to the configuration of ScheduledOrderFormHandler.complexScheduledOrderProperties property. As shown in the file above, the startDate and endDate complex properties of a scheduled Order are represented by the DateProperty class. The following JSP example illustrates how to change these properties, using the month in the startDate as an example:

<dsp:form action="setStartDateMonth.jsp">
   New start month : <dsp:input
bean="ScheduledOrderFormHandler.value.startDate.month" type="text"/> <br>
   <dsp:input bean="ScheduledOrderFormHandler.update" value="update month"

You can modify the schedule property of a scheduled Order in a similar manner. Two classes in package atg.commerce.order.scheduled can represent the schedule property of a scheduled Order:

  • atg.commerce.order.scheduled.CalendarScheduleProperty

    If used, the schedule property is represented by a CalendarSchedule, and the schedule property is mapped to the user input form fields used by the CalendarSchedule.

    A CalendarSchedule specifies a task that occurs according to units of the calendar and clock (for example, at 2:30 AM on the 1st and 15th of every month).

  • atg.commerce.order.scheduled.PeriodicScheduleProperty

    If used, the schedule property is represented by a PeriodicSchedule, and the schedule property is mapped to the user input form fields used by the PeriodicSchedule.

    A PeriodicSchedule specifies a task that occurs at regular intervals (for example, every 10 seconds in 20 minutes without catch up).

The following JSP example illustrates how to change the schedule property. In this example, the frequency of a schedule whose scheduledMode is Monthly is updated:

<dsp:form action="setSchedule.jsp">

userInputFields.scheduleMode" size="1" name="select">
  <dsp:option value="onceMonthly"/>once a month.
  <dsp:option value="biMonthly"/>every two months.
  <dsp:option value="quarterly"/>every quarter.


<dsp:input bean="ScheduledOrderFormHandler.update" value="Update"

For more information on CalendarScheduleProperty and PeriodicScheduleProperty, see the ATG API Reference. For more information on CalendarSchedule and PeriodicSchedule, see the Scheduler Services section of the Core Dynamo Services chapter in the ATG Programming Guide.

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