Before you start up a Nucleus-based application, make sure the SQL database you intend to use is running. For evaluation purposes, QuincyFunds.ear is preconfigured to work with the SOLID SQL database included in the ATG software distribution. This database comes fully configured with data for all of the ATG demo applications, including the Quincy Funds demo.

JBoss Note: JBoss by default assumes XA drivers, which some ATG applications use; however, there are no XA drivers for SOLID. To enable multiple non-XA resources in JBoss, add the property in bold text to the jbossjta-properties.xml file, under the <property depends="arjuna" name="jta"> tag:

<property depends="arjuna" name="jta">
  <property name="com.arjuna.ats.jta.allowMultipleLastResources"

You may still see warnings in your log file, but ATG applications will run correctly. To suppress these warnings, add the following to your jboss-log4j.xml file:

<category name="com.arjuna.atg.jta.logging">
  <priority value="ERROR"/>

Note: The SOLID database is not supported on AIX. (See the Configuring Databases and Database Access chapter for information about configuring ATG products to work with other databases.)

To start SOLID:

On Windows:
On the Start go to ATG 9.3 > Tools > Start SOLID Server.

Run the <ATG9dir>/home/bin/startSolid script.

Note: On UNIX, SOLID looks for the and files. If you are running Solaris, you may need to create symbolic links to the following files before running the startSolid script. To create symbolic links, do the following:

Note: By default, SOLID starts in the background. On UNIX, you can run the SOLID server in the foreground, to see any SOLID error messages that occur. To start SOLID in the foreground, switch to the <ATG9dir>/home/ directory and type bin/startSolid -f.

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