Class OrderMergeListenerImpl

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.commerce.order.OrderMergeListenerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
OrderMergeListener, NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.util.EventListener

public class OrderMergeListenerImpl
extends GenericService
implements OrderMergeListener

A trivial Nucleus component implementation of the EventListener interface that does nothing but emit debugging messages.

See Also:
OrderMergeListener, OrderMergeEvent

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void ordersMerged(OrderMergeEvent pEvent)
          This method is called with an instance of @link{OrderMergeEvent} to indicate that two orders are in the process of being merged.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStartService, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public OrderMergeListenerImpl()
Method Detail


public void ordersMerged(OrderMergeEvent pEvent)
This method is called with an instance of @link{OrderMergeEvent} to indicate that two orders are in the process of being merged. At the time the event is generated information has been merged from the source order into the destination order, but both orders still exist. Event listeners may therefore transfer additional information between orders, or otherwise modify the destination order before changes are committed.

Specified by:
ordersMerged in interface OrderMergeListener