Interface MessageTyper

All Known Implementing Classes:
CatalogTools, CustomCatalogTools

public interface MessageTyper

A MessageTyper's purpose is to determine a DynamicBeanInfo for a JMSType. They are the mechanism whereby metadata for a message bean type can be determined dynamically.

A MessageRegistry implementation should provide a way to specify a MessageTyper for any type of message whose bean metadata must is dynamic, rather than based on introspection of the message object's class.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Method Summary
 DynamicBeanInfo getBeanInfo(java.lang.String pJMSType, java.lang.Class pMessageClass)
          Returns the DynamicBeanInfo associated with a JMS message type and optional message object class.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


DynamicBeanInfo getBeanInfo(java.lang.String pJMSType,
                            java.lang.Class pMessageClass)
Returns the DynamicBeanInfo associated with a JMS message type and optional message object class. If a class is provided, the MessageTyper can expect that it is the class to which an object message of this type will belong, and can introspect it to determine the non-dynamic portion of the message metadata.

pJMSType - the JMS message type, which is required
pMessageClass - an optional class which will be used at runtime for an object message.