Interface UserAuthority

All Known Subinterfaces:
CertificateUserAuthority, IdUserAuthority, LoginUserAuthority, PrincipalUserAuthority, ProxyUserAuthority, UserAuthority2
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActiveDirectoryAccountManager, ClientUserAuthority, GenericAccountManager, GenericProxyUserAuthority, GenericUserAuthority, iPlanetDirectoryAccountManager, LDAPAuthenticationProxy, LDAPRepositoryAccountManager, RepositoryAccountManager, RepositoryApplicationUserAuthority, SerializedAccountManager, SerializedProxyUserAuthority, atg.userdirectory.UserDirectoryLoginUserAuthority, UserDirectoryUserAuthority, XmlAccountManager

public interface UserAuthority

This interface is used for authenticating a user. It produces Persona objects that are used to identify a user and any roles that the user may have.

User authorities are also used to separate potentially overlapping namespaces; an account name is considered unique if it has a different user authority even if the name is otherwise identical.

See Also:
Persona, User, User.hasUserAuthority(

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Method Summary
 void addAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener listener)
          Adds a listener for "authentication failed" events.
 void addAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener listener)
          Adds a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
 Persona getPersona(java.lang.Object id)
          Returns a persona for the given ID object.
 java.lang.String getUserAuthorityName()
          Returns the name of the user authority.
 void removeAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener listener)
          Removes a listener for "authentication failed" events.
 void removeAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener listener)
          Removes a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.
 void userDestroyed(User user)
          Called by a User object when it is destroyed.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.String getUserAuthorityName()
Returns the name of the user authority.


void userDestroyed(User user)
Called by a User object when it is destroyed. This can be used to clean up internal references to the user object.


Persona getPersona(java.lang.Object id)
Returns a persona for the given ID object. This is typically used by an ACL parser, where the ID is usually a string. Returns null if there is no persona for the indicated ID.


void addAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener listener)
Adds a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.


void removeAuthenticationSucceededListener(DataListener listener)
Removes a listener for "authentication succeeded" events.


void addAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener listener)
Adds a listener for "authentication failed" events.


void removeAuthenticationFailedListener(DataListener listener)
Removes a listener for "authentication failed" events.