Package atg.commerce.catalog

Class Summary
AncestorGeneratorService Available service functions: AGS_GENANCESTORS - generate ancestors (for products and skus)
CatalogNavHistory A subclass of NavHistory that is to be used with the catalog or other hierarchical repository.
CatalogServices Contains API to access Product Catalog which supports either custom catalog or normal catalog.
CatalogTools This class represents a series of helper methods and properties that are used in the management of accessing the product catalog.
CatalogTypeInfo This class represents type metadata relating to the product catalog, and is serializable.
CompareSkusFormHandler Deprecated. As of Dynamo 6, use ProductComparisonList and ProductListHander to create and manage product comparison lists.
DisplaySkuProperties This droplet is capable of returning a string which is the concatentation of all the displayable properties for a sku.
SearchFormHandler This form handler is used to search the catalog repository for products and categories.