Class ProcValidateGiftCertificate

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.commerce.order.processor.ProcValidateGiftCertificate
All Implemented Interfaces:
ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, PipelineProcessor

public class ProcValidateGiftCertificate
extends ApplicationLoggingImpl
implements PipelineProcessor

Validate a single instance of the GiftCertificate payment group at checkout time. This processor verifies that all required fields in a GiftCertificate are present and that they have acceptable values, to the extent that this can be determined in a generic way.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
protected  int[] mRetCodes
          Returns the set of valid return codes for this processor.
Fields inherited from interface atg.service.pipeline.PipelineProcessor
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void addHashedError(PipelineResult pResult, java.lang.String pKey, java.lang.String pId, java.lang.Object pError)
          This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object.
 ClaimableManager getClaimableManager()
          Returns the claimableManager
 java.lang.String getLoggingIdentifier()
          Returns property LoggingIdentifier
 int[] getRetCodes()
          Returns an array of all the return codes that could be returned by this PipelineProcessor.
 boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String pStr)
          Return true if pStr is null or consists entirely of whitespace.
 int runProcess(java.lang.Object pParam, PipelineResult pResult)
          Verify that a StoreCredit object has a non-empty store credit number, and that this number is recognized as valid by the claimable manager.
 void setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager pClaimableManager)
          Sets the claimableManager which is used to validate repository existance of any claimable item existing as a PaymentGroup in the order.
 void setLoggingIdentifier(java.lang.String pLoggingIdentifier)
          Sets property LoggingIdentifier
protected  void validateGiftCertificateFields(GiftCertificate pGiftCert, PipelineResult pResult, java.util.ResourceBundle resourceBundle)
          This method validates the GiftCertificate properties.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingImpl
addGlobalLogListeners, addLogListener, getLoggingIdentifer, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, initializeFromServiceEvent, isAutoInitListeners, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, removeLogListener, sendLogEvent, setAutoInitListeners, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string


protected int[] mRetCodes
Returns the set of valid return codes for this processor. This processor always returns a value of 1, indicating successful completion. If any errors occur during validation, they are added to the pipeline result object where the caller can examine them.

Constructor Detail


public ProcValidateGiftCertificate()
Method Detail


public int[] getRetCodes()
Description copied from interface: PipelineProcessor
Returns an array of all the return codes that could be returned by this PipelineProcessor.

Specified by:
getRetCodes in interface PipelineProcessor
an array of all the return codes that could be returned by this PipelineProcessor.


public int runProcess(java.lang.Object pParam,
                      PipelineResult pResult)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Verify that a StoreCredit object has a non-empty store credit number, and that this number is recognized as valid by the claimable manager.

Specified by:
runProcess in interface PipelineProcessor
pParam - an optional user parameter
pResult - the PipelineResult object which is used to return errors or other data
an integer value which is mapped to the next processor to execute. STOP_CHAIN_EXECUTION will notify the PipelineManager to stop execution. An unmapped value will throw a RunProcessException.


protected void validateGiftCertificateFields(GiftCertificate pGiftCert,
                                             PipelineResult pResult,
                                             java.util.ResourceBundle resourceBundle)
This method validates the GiftCertificate properties.

pStoreCredit - a StoreCredit object to validate


public boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String pStr)
Return true if pStr is null or consists entirely of whitespace.


protected void addHashedError(PipelineResult pResult,
                              java.lang.String pKey,
                              java.lang.String pId,
                              java.lang.Object pError)
This method adds an error to the PipelineResult object. This method, rather than just storing a single error object in pResult, stores a Map of errors. This allows more than one error to be stored using the same key in the pResult object. pKey is used to reference a HashMap of errors in pResult. So, calling pResult.getError(pKey) will return an object which should be cast to a Map. Each entry within the map is keyed by pId and its value is pError.

pResult - the PipelineResult object supplied in runProcess()
pKey - the key to use to store the HashMap in the PipelineResult object
pId - the key to use to store the error message within the HashMap in the PipelineResult object
pError - the error object to store in the HashMap
See Also:
PipelineResult, runProcess(Object, PipelineResult)


public ClaimableManager getClaimableManager()
Returns the claimableManager

property claimableManager


public void setClaimableManager(ClaimableManager pClaimableManager)
Sets the claimableManager which is used to validate repository existance of any claimable item existing as a PaymentGroup in the order.

pClaimableManager - the value to set for property claimableManager


public void setLoggingIdentifier(java.lang.String pLoggingIdentifier)
Sets property LoggingIdentifier

setLoggingIdentifier in class ApplicationLoggingImpl


public java.lang.String getLoggingIdentifier()
Returns property LoggingIdentifier

getLoggingIdentifier in class ApplicationLoggingImpl