Package atg.markers

Interface Summary
MarkerConstants Constants file for the marker feature implementation.
MarkerDuplicateComparator This interface defines the contract for a class that determines if two markers are duplicates of each other.
MarkerValidator This interface defines a marker validator.
MarkerValidatorContainer This interface defines the contract for class that contains MarkerValidators mapped by string keys.

Class Summary
CompareByProperties This class is a MarkerDuplicateComparator that compares two markers by type and property value.
ConfigurableMarkerValidator This marker validator validates the marker's value against a configured array of possible values.
MarkerAddedEventMessage This class defines the base properties for a marker added event.
MarkerData This class is a holder of Marker property values for use in Marker events.
MarkerEventMessage This class defines the base properties for a marker event.
MarkerEventSynchronization This transaction synchronization class can be used to send marker event messages after markers are successfully added and or removed.
MarkerMessageSource A patch bay message source responsible for sending Marker events.
MarkerRemovedEventMessage This class defines the base properties for a marker removed event.
MarkerReplacedEventMessage This class defines the base properties for a marker replaced event.
RepositoryMarkerManager This is the base implementation class for a Repository Marker Manager.
ValidateMarkerByPossibleValue This abstraction defines a marker validator that valdiates by ensuring the new marker's value is valid with the new marker's key.

Exception Summary
InvalidMarkerException This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing a marker operation.
MarkerException This exception indicates that a severe error occured while performing a marker operation.