Class UpdateService

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.repository.xml.ModifyService
              extended by atg.repository.xml.UpdateService
All Implemented Interfaces:
NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, NameResolver, AdminableService, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.util.EventListener, org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler

public class UpdateService
extends atg.repository.xml.ModifyService

Service class used by applications to update an item in a given repository. The item to update can either be passed to a method of this class, or selected out of the repository based upon a certain match criteria.

Applications are expected to call one of the updateItem() methods defined on this class.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CHECKOUT_TAG
          Tag supplied to the ResourcePools as an identifier for this service.
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 AddService getAddService()
          If no items are selected for an update, and this component is instructed to add the item when no items are matched, the addItem method will be called on this configured AddService.
 java.lang.String getInputString( pReader)
 MutableRepositoryItem getSingleUpdatableItem(RepositoryItem[] pItems)
          This method extracts a single MutableRepositoryItem from the array of RepositoryItems passed to it.
 atg.repository.xml.ModifyHandlerResourcePool getUpdateHandlerPool()
          Maintain a pool of ContentHandlers that will be used to process an instance document.
 boolean isAddWhenNoMatchedItems()
          If not items are matched for an update, then this compoent can decide to add the items to the repository.
 void setAddService(AddService addService)
          Sets the addService.
 void setAddWhenNoMatchedItems(boolean addWhenNoMatchedItems)
          Sets the addWhenNoMatchedItems.
 void setPropertiesOnContentHandler(atg.repository.xml.UpdateHandler pContentHandler, boolean pEmptyTagIsNull, boolean pMissingTagIsNull, boolean pIsPersistItem, boolean pEmptyTagIsEmptyString, MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
          This method will set properties on the contentHandler that control how the contentHandler will process a given instance document.
 void setUpdateHandlerPool(atg.repository.xml.ModifyHandlerResourcePool pUpdateHandlerPool)
          Set the UpdateHandlerPool property.
 RepositoryItem updateItem(org.xml.sax.InputSource pInputSource, boolean pIsValidate, boolean pEmptyTagIsNull, boolean pMissingTagIsNull, boolean pIsPersistItem, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString, MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
          All method expected to be called by the user will eventually call this method to actually perform the work of adding a repository item to the repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput, boolean pIsValidate, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull, boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull, boolean pIsPersistItem, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString, java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
          This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput, java.util.Map pMatchValues)
          This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput, MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
          The item specified by the pItem parameter will be udpated with the property values found in the pXMLInput parameter.
 RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput, java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
          This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput, boolean pIsValidate, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull, boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull, boolean pIsPersistItem, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString, java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
          This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput, java.util.Map pMatchValues)
          This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput, MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
          The item specified by the pItem parameter will be udpated with the property values found in the pXMLInput parameter.
 RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput, java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
          This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput, boolean pIsValidate, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull, boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull, boolean pIsPersistItem, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString, java.util.Map pMatchValues)
          This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput, boolean pIsValidate, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull, boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull, boolean pIsPersistItem, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString, java.util.Map pMatchValues, java.lang.String pId)
          This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput, boolean pIsValidate, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull, boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull, boolean pIsPersistItem, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString, java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
          This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput, boolean pIsValidate, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull, boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull, boolean pIsPersistItem, boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString, java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties, java.lang.String pId)
          This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput, java.util.Map pMatchValues)
          This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
 RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput, MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
          The item specified by the pItem parameter will be udpated with the property values found in the pXMLInput parameter.
 RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput, java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
          This method will potentially update an item in a repository.
Methods inherited from class atg.repository.xml.ModifyService
clearGsaIdCache, error, fatalError, getCache, getCache, getDateFormat, getGsaIdCache, getRepositoryXMLTools, getSAXParserPool, getSchemaManager, getTransactionManager, isEmptyTagIsEmptyString, isEmptyTagIsNull, isLogWarningOnReadOnly, isMissingTagIsNull, isPersistItem, isUseGsaIdCache, isValidate, prepopulateCache, setDateFormat, setEmptyTagIsEmptyString, setEmptyTagIsNull, setFeaturesForXMLReader, setHandlersForXMLReader, setLogWarningOnReadOnly, setMissingTagIsNull, setPersistItem, setRepositoryXMLTools, setSAXParserPool, setSchemaManager, setTransactionManager, setUseGsaIdCache, setValidate, warning
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStartService, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string


public static final java.lang.String CHECKOUT_TAG
Tag supplied to the ResourcePools as an identifier for this service.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public UpdateService()
Method Detail


public boolean isAddWhenNoMatchedItems()
If not items are matched for an update, then this compoent can decide to add the items to the repository. This behavior is controlled by this property.

boolean true if when no items are matched for an update, if the the item should be added to the repository.


public void setAddWhenNoMatchedItems(boolean addWhenNoMatchedItems)
Sets the addWhenNoMatchedItems.

addWhenNoMatchedItems - The addWhenNoMatchedItems to set


public AddService getAddService()
If no items are selected for an update, and this component is instructed to add the item when no items are matched, the addItem method will be called on this configured AddService.

AddService the service that will be used to add items to the repository when no items are selected for an update.


public void setAddService(AddService addService)
Sets the addService.

addService - The addService to set


public atg.repository.xml.ModifyHandlerResourcePool getUpdateHandlerPool()
Maintain a pool of ContentHandlers that will be used to process an instance document. These objects are pooled to increase the amount of time it takes to process an instance document.

ResourcePool of UpdateHandler objects that are ContentHandlers for the processing of an instnace document.


public void setUpdateHandlerPool(atg.repository.xml.ModifyHandlerResourcePool pUpdateHandlerPool)
Set the UpdateHandlerPool property.

pUpdateHandlerPool -


public RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput,
                                 java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method will potentially update an item in a repository. An InputSource object will be created and then the #updateItem(InputSource, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[] method will be called.

All parameters passed to the updateItem() method will be obtained from the values specified on this component. For example, whether to validate the incoming instance document will be determined by the isValidate() property of this class.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pMatchProperties - properties to match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to those in the matchProperties) have values equal to the item in the pXMLInput
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput,
                                 java.util.Map pMatchValues)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method will potentially update an item in a repository. An InputSource object will be created and then the #updateItem(InputSource, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Map method will be called.

All parameters passed to the updateItem() method will be obtained from the values specified on this component. For example, whether to validate the incoming instance document will be determined by the isValidate() property of this class.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pMatchValues - Set of key/value pairs that we should match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to the key in the pMatchValues) have values equal to corresponding the values in the pMatchValues.
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput,
                                 java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method will potentially update an item in a repository. An InputSource object will be created and then the #updateItem(InputSource, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[] method will be called. *

All parameters passed to the updateItem() method will be obtained from the values specified on this component. For example, whether to validate the incoming instance document will be determined by the isValidate() property of this class.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pMatchProperties - properties to match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to those in the matchProperties) have values equal to the item in the pXMLInput
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput,
                                 java.util.Map pMatchValues)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method will potentially update an item in a repository. An InputSource object will be created and then the #updateItem(InputSource, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[] method will be called. *

All parameters passed to the updateItem() method will be obtained from the values specified on this component. For example, whether to validate the incoming instance document will be determined by the isValidate() property of this class.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pMatchValues - Set of key/value pairs that we should match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to the key in the pMatchValues) have values equal to corresponding the values in the pMatchValues.
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput,
                                 java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method will potentially update an item in a repository. An InputSource object will be created and then the #updateItem(InputSource, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[] method will be called. *

All parameters passed to the updateItem() method will be obtained from the values specified on this component. For example, whether to validate the incoming instance document will be determined by the isValidate() property of this class.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pMatchProperties - properties to match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to those in the matchProperties) have values equal to the item in the pXMLInput
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput,
                                 java.util.Map pMatchValues)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method will potentially update an item in a repository. An InputSource object will be created and then the #updateItem(InputSource, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[] method will be called. *

All parameters passed to the updateItem() method will be obtained from the values specified on this component. For example, whether to validate the incoming instance document will be determined by the isValidate() property of this class.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pMatchValues - Set of key/value pairs that we should match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to the key in the pMatchValues) have values equal to corresponding the values in the pMatchValues.
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput,
                                 boolean pIsValidate,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsPersistItem,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString,
                                 java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method will potentially update an item in a repository. An InputSource object will be created and then the #updateItem(InputSource, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[] method will be called.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pIsValidate - should instance documents be validated against their corresponding Schema. The Schema is obtained by using an EntityResolver. The EntityResolver used is the configured SchemaManager component. There should be an entry in a given instance document for schemaLocation with the value equal to the namespace of the document.
pEmptyTagIsNull - should empty tags be treated as null. For example, if an element appeared in an instance document that looked like <firstName/> this could either result in the firstName property being set to null explicitly on the repository item, or skip setting any value on the property. If this parameter is true, then null is set explicitly, else no property is set.
pMissingTagIsNull - if this property is set to true, then all tags that fail appear in a given instance document will have their corresponding properties set to null on the repository item. For example, if the firstName element had failed to appear in an instance document then if this property was true null would be set for the firstName property.
pIsPersistItem - if this is true, then any item created will also be persisted to the repository by calling the addItem() method.
pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString - if this is true, then any empty tags will result in setting the empty string assigned to the corresponding property
pMatchProperties - properties to match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to those in the matchProperties) have values equal to the item in the pXMLInput
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput,
                                 boolean pIsValidate,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsPersistItem,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString,
                                 java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method will potentially update an item in a repository. An InputSource object will be created and then the #updateItem(InputSource, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String[] method will be called.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pIsValidate - should instance documents be validated against their corresponding Schema. The Schema is obtained by using an EntityResolver. The EntityResolver used is the configured SchemaManager component. There should be an entry in a given instance document for schemaLocation with the value equal to the namespace of the document.
pEmptyTagIsNull - should empty tags be treated as null. For example, if an element appeared in an instance document that looked like <firstName/> this could either result in the firstName property being set to null explicitly on the repository item, or skip setting any value on the property. If this parameter is true, then null is set explicitly, else no property is set.
pMissingTagIsNull - if this property is set to true, then all tags that fail appear in a given instance document will have their corresponding properties set to null on the repository item. For example, if the firstName element had failed to appear in an instance document then if this property was true null would be set for the firstName property.
pIsPersistItem - if this is true, then any item created will also be persisted to the repository by calling the addItem() method.
pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString - if this is true, then any empty tags will result in setting the empty string assigned to the corresponding property
pMatchProperties - properties to match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to those in the matchProperties) have values equal to the item in the pXMLInput
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput,
                                 MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
                          throws UpdateException
The item specified by the pItem parameter will be udpated with the property values found in the pXMLInput parameter.

All values concerning whether to validate the incoming document, to treate empty tags as null etc. will be set to the property values on this component for their respective property.

This method is used when the item to be updated is known before calling a method on this component.

pXMLInput - the instance document containing the values to update
pItem - the item to be updated
RepositoryItem the updated repositoyr item
UpdateException - if an error occurs


public RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput,
                                 MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
                          throws UpdateException
The item specified by the pItem parameter will be udpated with the property values found in the pXMLInput parameter.

All values concerning whether to validate the incoming document, to treate empty tags as null etc. will be set to the property values on this component for their respective property.

This method is used when the item to be updated is known before calling a method on this component.

pXMLInput - the instance document containing the values to update
pItem - the item to be updated
RepositoryItem the updated repositoyr item
UpdateException - if an error occurs


public RepositoryItem updateItem( pXMLInput,
                                 MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
                          throws UpdateException
The item specified by the pItem parameter will be udpated with the property values found in the pXMLInput parameter.

All values concerning whether to validate the incoming document, to treate empty tags as null etc. will be set to the property values on this component for their respective property.

This method is used when the item to be updated is known before calling a method on this component.

pXMLInput - the instance document containing the values to update
pItem - the item to be updated
RepositoryItem the updated repositoyr item
UpdateException - if an error occurs


public RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput,
                                 boolean pIsValidate,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsPersistItem,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString,
                                 java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository. The getItemForUpdate() method on this class is used to select the repository item to be updated. If no item is found to match, then this method will check the isAddWhenNoMatchedItems property on this class. If its true, then the item will be added to the repository. Else, a UpdateException will be thrown indicating that no matching items were found.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pIsValidate - should instance documents be validated against their corresponding Schema. The Schema is obtained by using an EntityResolver. The EntityResolver used is the configured SchemaManager component. There should be an entry in a given instance document for schemaLocation with the value equal to the namespace of the document.
pEmptyTagIsNull - should empty tags be treated as null. For example, if an element appeared in an instance document that looked like <firstName/> this could either result in the firstName property being set to null explicitly on the repository item, or skip setting any value on the property. If this parameter is true, then null is set explicitly, else no property is set.
pMissingTagIsNull - if this property is set to true, then all tags that fail appear in a given instance document will have their corresponding properties set to null on the repository item. For example, if the firstName element had failed to appear in an instance document then if this property was true null would be set for the firstName property.
pIsPersistItem - if this is true, then any item created will also be persisted to the repository by calling the addItem() method.
pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString - if this is true, then any empty tags will result in setting the empty string assigned to the corresponding property
pMatchProperties - properties to match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to those in the matchProperties) have values equal to the item in the pXMLInput
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput,
                                 boolean pIsValidate,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsPersistItem,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString,
                                 java.lang.String[] pMatchProperties,
                                 java.lang.String pId)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository. The getItemForUpdate() method on this class is used to select the repository item to be updated. If no item is found to match, then this method will check the isAddWhenNoMatchedItems property on this class. If its true, then the item will be added to the repository. Else, a UpdateException will be thrown indicating that no matching items were found.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pIsValidate - should instance documents be validated against their corresponding Schema. The Schema is obtained by using an EntityResolver. The EntityResolver used is the configured SchemaManager component. There should be an entry in a given instance document for schemaLocation with the value equal to the namespace of the document.
pEmptyTagIsNull - should empty tags be treated as null. For example, if an element appeared in an instance document that looked like <firstName/> this could either result in the firstName property being set to null explicitly on the repository item, or skip setting any value on the property. If this parameter is true, then null is set explicitly, else no property is set.
pMissingTagIsNull - if this property is set to true, then all tags that fail appear in a given instance document will have their corresponding properties set to null on the repository item. For example, if the firstName element had failed to appear in an instance document then if this property was true null would be set for the firstName property.
pIsPersistItem - if this is true, then any item created will also be persisted to the repository by calling the addItem() method.
pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString - if this is true, then any empty tags will result in setting the empty string assigned to the corresponding property
pMatchProperties - properties to match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to those in the matchProperties) have values equal to the item in the pXMLInput
pId - the the string that, if not null, should be used as the id of the "top level" repository item created if no item was found for the update and addWhenNoMatchedItems is true
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput,
                                 boolean pIsValidate,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsPersistItem,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString,
                                 java.util.Map pMatchValues)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository. The getItemForUpdate() method on this class is used to select the repository item to be updated. If no item is found to match, then this method will check the isAddWhenNoMatchedItems property on this class. If its true, then the item will be added to the repository. Else, a UpdateException will be thrown indicating that no matching items were found.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pIsValidate - should instance documents be validated against their corresponding Schema. The Schema is obtained by using an EntityResolver. The EntityResolver used is the configured SchemaManager component. There should be an entry in a given instance document for schemaLocation with the value equal to the namespace of the document.
pEmptyTagIsNull - should empty tags be treated as null. For example, if an element appeared in an instance document that looked like <firstName/> this could either result in the firstName property being set to null explicitly on the repository item, or skip setting any value on the property. If this parameter is true, then null is set explicitly, else no property is set.
pMissingTagIsNull - if this property is set to true, then all tags that fail appear in a given instance document will have their corresponding properties set to null on the repository item. For example, if the firstName element had failed to appear in an instance document then if this property was true null would be set for the firstName property.
pIsPersistItem - if this is true, then any item created will also be persisted to the repository by calling the addItem() method.
pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString - if this is true, then any empty tags will result in setting the empty string assigned to the corresponding property
pMatchValues - Set of key/value pairs that we should match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to the key in the pMatchValues) have values equal to corresponding the values in the pMatchValues. pXMLInput
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem(java.lang.String pXMLInput,
                                 boolean pIsValidate,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsMissingTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsPersistItem,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString,
                                 java.util.Map pMatchValues,
                                 java.lang.String pId)
                          throws UpdateException,
This method is responsible for obtaining the repository item to update and deciding if no item is selected whether the instance document should result in a new item being added to the repository. The getItemForUpdate() method on this class is used to select the repository item to be updated. If no item is found to match, then this method will check the isAddWhenNoMatchedItems property on this class. If its true, then the item will be added to the repository. Else, a UpdateException will be thrown indicating that no matching items were found.

pXMLInput - the XML instance containing the values to update.
pIsValidate - should instance documents be validated against their corresponding Schema. The Schema is obtained by using an EntityResolver. The EntityResolver used is the configured SchemaManager component. There should be an entry in a given instance document for schemaLocation with the value equal to the namespace of the document.
pEmptyTagIsNull - should empty tags be treated as null. For example, if an element appeared in an instance document that looked like <firstName/> this could either result in the firstName property being set to null explicitly on the repository item, or skip setting any value on the property. If this parameter is true, then null is set explicitly, else no property is set.
pMissingTagIsNull - if this property is set to true, then all tags that fail appear in a given instance document will have their corresponding properties set to null on the repository item. For example, if the firstName element had failed to appear in an instance document then if this property was true null would be set for the firstName property.
pIsPersistItem - if this is true, then any item created will also be persisted to the repository by calling the addItem() method.
pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString - if this is true, then any empty tags will result in setting the empty string assigned to the corresponding property
pMatchValues - Set of key/value pairs that we should match on. Items will be selected out of the repository whose properties (corresponding to the key in the pMatchValues) have values equal to corresponding the values in the pMatchValues. pXMLInput
pId - the the string that, if not null, should be used as the id of the "top level" repository item created if no item was found for the update and addWhenNoMatchedItems is true
RepositoryItem the item that was updated/added
UpdateException - if an error occurs
MatchException - if there was a problem finding matching items in the repository
MaxNumberItemsException - if more then one item was selected for update.


public RepositoryItem updateItem(org.xml.sax.InputSource pInputSource,
                                 boolean pIsValidate,
                                 boolean pEmptyTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pMissingTagIsNull,
                                 boolean pIsPersistItem,
                                 boolean pIsEmptyTagIsEmptyString,
                                 MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
                          throws UpdateException
All method expected to be called by the user will eventually call this method to actually perform the work of adding a repository item to the repository.

pInputSource - SAX InputSource Object
pIsValidate - whether instance documents should be validated
pEmptyTagIsNull - whether empty tags are considered null or empty tags mean that no value was supplied so setting a property on the repository item should be skipped.
pMissingTagIsNull - if a tag is missing in the instance document, should setting a value on the repository item be skipped.
the RepositoryItem that was created.


public MutableRepositoryItem getSingleUpdatableItem(RepositoryItem[] pItems)
                                             throws UpdateException,
This method extracts a single MutableRepositoryItem from the array of RepositoryItems passed to it.

pItems - the array of items that is expected to have a single item that is a MutableRepositoryItem
an item that is a MutableRepositoryItem
UpdateException - if an error occurred while updating
MaxNumberItemsException - If more then one item appears in the array
RepositoryException - if an error occurs


public void setPropertiesOnContentHandler(atg.repository.xml.UpdateHandler pContentHandler,
                                          boolean pEmptyTagIsNull,
                                          boolean pMissingTagIsNull,
                                          boolean pIsPersistItem,
                                          boolean pEmptyTagIsEmptyString,
                                          MutableRepositoryItem pItem)
This method will set properties on the contentHandler that control how the contentHandler will process a given instance document. All parameters are set onto the pContentHandler parameter passed to this method. Additionally, the AddService property is set on the contentHandler, which is set to this AddService object.

pContentHandler - the contentHandler that will have its properties set
pEmptyTagIsNull - are empty tags treated as explicit null
pMissingTagIsNull - are missing tags from the instance document treated as explicit null
pEmptyTagIsEmptyString - are empty tags treated as empty String for String properties


public java.lang.String getInputString( pReader)
                                throws UpdateException