Package atg.servlet

Interface Summary
AddHeaderHttpServletResponse An interface that extends the HttpServletResponse by defining methods that allow one to add multiple HTTP headers with the same name.
AttributeFactory This interface represents an object that is able to create attributes.
HttpSessionRequest Deprecated.  
MimeTyper Objects implementing this interface know how to obtain the MIME type of a file name.
ParameterServlet This is an interface implemented by Servlets that have parameters.
PathTranslator This interface is implemented by objects that perform translation from a URL (PathInfo) to a translated path (PathTranslated).

Class Summary
BrowserType A class that defines a single browser type, like "java", "javascript", etc.
BrowserTyper This service allows you to determine the capabilities of a particular browser.
DynamoHttpServletRequest This is an HttpServletRequest implementation that wrappers another HttpServletRequest object providing an enhanced API for Dynamo programmers.
DynamoHttpServletResponse This object implements an extended version of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.
DynamoServlet This is an HttpServlet implementation that is also a Nucleus service.
FileServlet A FileServlet handles requests by reading the file specified by "PathTranslated" and sending that file back to the requestor.
GenericFilterService Filter implementation with support for self-configuration, naming resolution, performance profiling and logging.
GenericServletService Servlet implementation with support for self-configuration, naming resolution, performance profiling and logging.
MutableHttpServletRequest This class is a wrapper around an HttpServletRequest that allows fields of the normally immutable request to be set.
ServletUtil This class file implements some static utilities that are useful wrappers for those implementing servlets.
UploadedFile This represents a single uploaded file extracted from a multipart form.