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Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Engine Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)



Provides facilities for handling certificates, CRLs, etc.


Interface Summary
CertificateTrustPolicy A generic interface for implementing a particular certificate verification scheme, via the CertificateVerifier interface, such as constructing and verifying certificate chains.
CertificateValidator A generic interface for mechanisms, such as CRLs, LDAP and OCSP, that can be used to obtain the validity/revocation status of a certificate.
CertificateVerifier A generic interface for certificate verification policies, such as X.509 certificate path validation, that operate on certificates known by issuer DN and serial number.
PKIX This interface contains OIDs defined for use in various PKIX and PKCS protocols, including X.520, X.509, PKCS #9 and proprietary protocols such as Netscape and SET certificates.


Class Summary
Attribute An attribute, as defined in X.501 and used in various PKIX and PKCS protocols, consists of a type (OID) and a set of 1 or more values defined by the given type.
AttributeSet An attribute set, as defined in X.501 and used in various PKCS and PKIX protocols, is a (possibly empty) set of attributes.
AttributeTypeAndValue An attribute type OID and a value defined by the OID, used in PKIX and PKCS protocols.
AttributeTypeAndValueList A an ordered list of AttributeTypeAndValue pairs.
AuthorityInfoAccess The AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax structure from RFC 2459, used in the certificate extension AuthorityInfoAccess and in the OCSP (RFC 2560) extension ServiceLocator.
Certificate An abstract certificate class.
CertificateRequest A class that encapsulates a DER-encoded PKCS #10 certificate request.
CertificateStatus Objects of this class represent the status of a certificate.
CRL This class encapsulates a X.509 certificate revocation list (CRL) of RevokedCertificate objects.
CRLDistPoint The name of a CRL distribution point, as defined in RFC 2459.
CRLDistPointName The name of a CRL distribution point name, as defined in RFC 2459.
CRLReason Reason for a certificate revocation.
Entity Deprecated. Use instead
GeneralName The X.509 GeneralName type, as defined in RFC 2459.
GeneralName.Type The underlying name type of a GeneralName.
GeneralNames 'GeneralNames' is a SEQUENCE of the GeneralName type defined in RFC 2459.
IssuerAndSerialNo Holds a X509 certificate's issuer DN and serial number, which is a way of identifying a particular certificate that is common to several PKIX and PKCS protocols.
KeyPairPKCS12 A subclass of PKCS12 for processing exported key pairs, including PKCS12 object exported from Web browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft IE.
PKCS12 An implementation of PKCS #12 password encryption/integrity modes.
PKCS12Bag A PKCS #12 safe bag.
PKCS12CertBag A PKCS #12 certificate bag for X.509 certificates.
PKCS12CRLBag A PKCS #12 CRL bag for X.509 certificate revocation lists.
PKCS12KeyBag A PKCS #12 key bag for private keys.
PKCS12Safe An instance of the PKCS #12 SafeContents type, encrypted.
PKCS12SafeContentsBag A PKCS #12 safe contents bag, which contains a sequence of PKCS12Bags.
PKCS12SecretBag A PKCS #12 secret bag.
PKCS12ShroudedKeyBag A PKCS #12 shrouded key bag.
PKCS7 This class implements a subset of PKCS #7.
RevokedCertificate This class represents a revoked certificate, that is, an entry in an X.509 CRL.
SPKAC An implementation of Signed Public Key And Challenge (SPKAC), which is used by Netscape Navigator browser to request certificates.
TrustedCAPolicy A certificate trust policy based on a set of trusted root CAs.
X500Name This class represents distinguished names as used in the X.500 series of specifications, defined in X.520.
X500RDN Represents an X.500 Relative Distinguished Name.
X509 This class encapsulates X.509 Version 3 certificates.
X509Attributes Deprecated.
X509Extension An X.509 certificate or CRL extension.
X509ExtensionSet A list of X.509 Extensions, as defined in RFC 2459.
X509PolicyInformation A class that represents the X.509v3 PolicyInformation data type.


Exception Summary
ValidationException Signals an exception during validation (e.g., of a certificate).


Package Description

Provides facilities for handling certificates, CRLs, etc.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Engine Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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