Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (

Class O1TickLabel

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class O1TickLabel
extends BaseTextComponent


Field Summary
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey AUTO_ROTATION_KEY
protected  boolean m_defaultRendered
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey RENDERED_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SKIP_COUNT_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SKIP_FIRST_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SKIP_MODE_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey TEXT_ROTATION_KEY
static org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type TYPE
Fields inherited from class
GRAPH_FONT_KEY, m_defaultFontColor, m_defaultFontSize, m_defaultFontStyle, m_defaultFontTypeface
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void applyProperties(java.util.HashMap map)
          Applications do not need to call this method.
 int getAutomaticRotation()
          Retrieves the angle of automatic rotation for the text within the rectangle for each of the O1-axis tick labels.
protected  org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
 int getTextRotation()
          Retrieves the rotation of the text for all of the tick labels of this axis in the graph.
 int getTickLabelSkipCount()
          Retrieves the number of O1-axis tick labels that the graph hides between each one that is displayed.
 int getTickLabelSkipFirst()
          Retrieves the index of the first O1-axis tick label that is skipped.
 int getTickLabelSkipMode()
          Retrieves the type of skipping that is used for the O1-axis tick labels.
 boolean isRendered()
          Indicates whether the tick labels are rendered.
protected  void resetStyleProperties()
 void setAutomaticRotation(int orient)
          Specifies the angle of automatic rotation for the text within the rectangle for each of the O1-axis tick labels.
 void setAutomaticRotation(java.lang.String orient)
          Specifies the angle of automatic rotation for the text within the rectangle for each of the O1-axis tick labels.
 void setRendered(boolean rendered)
          Specifies whether the tick labels are rendered.
 void setTextRotation(int orient)
          Specifies the rotation of the text for all of the tick labels of this axis in the graph.
 void setTickLabelSkipCount(int count)
          Specifies the number of O1-axis tick labels that the graph hides between each one that is displayed.
 void setTickLabelSkipFirst(int first)
          Specifies the index of the first 01-axis tick label that is skipped.
 void setTickLabelSkipMode(int mode)
          Specifies the type of skipping that is used for the O1-axis tick labels.
 void setTickLabelSkipMode(java.lang.String mode)
          Specifies the type of skipping that is used for the O1-axis tick labels.
Methods inherited from class
getGraphFont, setGraphFont
Methods inherited from class
getBooleanProperty, getFacesBean, getId, getParent, getProperty, getPropertyKey, getSetAttributeIndex, isTransient, isUpdated, processSetAttribute, processSetAttributeAndAdd, restoreState, saveState, setBooleanProperty, setId, setParent, setProperty, setTransient, setUpdated
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean m_defaultRendered


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type TYPE


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SKIP_COUNT_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SKIP_FIRST_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey SKIP_MODE_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey AUTO_ROTATION_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey TEXT_ROTATION_KEY


public static final org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey RENDERED_KEY
Constructor Detail


public O1TickLabel()
Method Detail


public int getTickLabelSkipCount()
Retrieves the number of O1-axis tick labels that the graph hides between each one that is displayed. This property takes effect when the TickLabelSkipMode property is set to TLS_MANUAL.

Automatic graph layout respects this property, if TickLabelSkipMode is TLS_MANUAL. Otherwise, automatic layout ignores this property. The doAutoLayout method sets it as needed, if TickLabelSkipMode is TLS_AUTOMATIC or if you pass RESET_PROPERTIES as the argument to doAutoLayout.

The number of O1-axis tick labels that the graph hides between each one that is displayed.
See Also:
setTickLabelSkipMode(int), Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public void setTickLabelSkipCount(int count)
Specifies the number of O1-axis tick labels that the graph hides between each one that is displayed. This property takes effect when the TickLabelSkipMode property is set to TLS_MANUAL.

Automatic graph layout respects this property, if TickLabelSkipMode is TLS_MANUAL. Otherwise, automatic layout ignores this property. The doAutoLayout method sets it as needed, if TickLabelSkipMode is TLS_AUTOMATIC or if you pass RESET_PROPERTIES as the argument to doAutoLayout.

count - The number of O1-axis tick labels that the graph hides between each one that is displayed.
See Also:
setTickLabelSkipMode(int), Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public int getTickLabelSkipFirst()
Retrieves the index of the first O1-axis tick label that is skipped. The values range from 0 to the number of tick labels on the axis. This property takes effect when the TickLabelSkipMode property is set to TLS_MANUAL.

Automatic graph layout respects this property, if TickLabelSkipMode is TLS_MANUAL. Otherwise, automatic layout ignores this property. The doAutoLayout method sets it as needed, if TickLabelSkipMode is TLS_AUTOMATIC or if you pass RESET_PROPERTIES as the argument to doAutoLayout.

The index of the first O1TickLabel that is skipped.
See Also:
setTickLabelSkipMode(int), setTickLabelSkipCount(int), Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public void setTickLabelSkipFirst(int first)
Specifies the index of the first 01-axis tick label that is skipped. The values range from 0 to the number of tick labels on the axis. This property takes effect when the TickLabelSkipMode property is set to TLS_MANUAL.

Automatic graph layout respects this property, if TickLabelSkipMode is TLS_MANUAL. Otherwise, automatic layout ignores this property. The doAutoLayout method sets it as needed, if TickLabelSkipMode is TLS_AUTOMATIC or if you pass RESET_PROPERTIES as the argument to doAutoLayout.

first - The index of the first O1-axis tick label that is skipped. This index should not be greater than the value of TickLabelSkipCount. For example, if you set the graph to skip two labels between each displayed label, you cannot start with the fourth label (index 3).
See Also:
setTickLabelSkipMode(int), setTickLabelSkipCount(int), Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public int getTickLabelSkipMode()
Retrieves the type of skipping that is used for the O1-axis tick labels. Automatic graph layout respects this property.

The doAutoLayout method always sets this property to TLS_AUTOMATIC. doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.HONOR_PROPERTIES) respects this property. doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.RESET_PROPERTIES) treats this property as TLS_AUTOMATIC.

A constant that represents the type of skipping that is used for the 01-axis tick labels.
See Also:
setTickLabelSkipCount(int), setTickLabelSkipFirst(int), BaseGraphComponent.TLS_AUTOMATIC, BaseGraphComponent.TLS_MANUAL, BaseGraphComponent.TLS_NOSKIP, Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public void setTickLabelSkipMode(int mode)
Specifies the type of skipping that is used for the O1-axis tick labels. Automatic graph layout respects this property.

The doAutoLayout method always sets this property to TLS_MANUAL so you can adjust the related properties as needed. doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.HONOR_PROPERTIES) respects this property. doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.RESET_PROPERTIES) treats this property as TLS_AUTOMATIC.

mode - A constant that represents the type of skipping that is used for the O1-axis tick labels. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section. If you enter an invalid parameter value, then the graph will log an ErrorHandler message, and will not change the TickLabelSkipMode property.
See Also:
BaseGraphComponent.TLS_AUTOMATIC, BaseGraphComponent.TLS_MANUAL, BaseGraphComponent.TLS_NOSKIP, Graph#setAutoLayout, Graph#doAutoLayout


public void setTickLabelSkipMode(java.lang.String mode)
Specifies the type of skipping that is used for the O1-axis tick labels. Automatic graph layout respects this property.

The doAutoLayout method always sets this property to TLS_MANUAL so you can adjust the related properties as needed. doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.HONOR_PROPERTIES) respects this property. doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.RESET_PROPERTIES) treats this property as TLS_AUTOMATIC.

mode - A constant that represents the type of skipping that is used for the O1-axis tick labels. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section. If you enter an invalid parameter value, then the graph will log an ErrorHandler message, and will not change the TickLabelSkipMode property.
  • TLS_AUTOMATIC - The graph determines whether tick labels will be skipped.
  • TLS_MANUAL - The setting of the tickLabelSkipCount attribute determines what labels will be skipped.
  • TLS_NOSKIP - No labels are skipped.


public int getAutomaticRotation()
Retrieves the angle of automatic rotation for the text within the rectangle for each of the O1-axis tick labels. Automatic graph layout uses this property to know which way to rotate labels when it determines that they need to be rotated. The doAutoLayout method always sets this property to AR_NO_ROTATE.

doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.HONOR_PROPERTIES) respects this property. doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.RESET_PROPERTIES) treats this property as AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270.

A constant that represents the angle of automatic rotation for the text within the rectangle for each of the O1-axis tick labels. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section.
See Also:
BaseGraphComponent.AR_NO_ROTATE, BaseGraphComponent.AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90, BaseGraphComponent.AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270, Graph#setAutoLayout


public void setAutomaticRotation(int orient)
Specifies the angle of automatic rotation for the text within the rectangle for each of the O1-axis tick labels. Automatic graph layout uses this property to know which way to rotate labels when it determines that they need to be rotated. The doAutoLayout method always sets this property to AR_NO_ROTATE.

doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.HONOR_PROPERTIES) respects this property. doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.RESET_PROPERTIES) treats this property as AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270.

orient - A constant that represents the angle of automatic rotation for the text within the rectangle for each of the O1-axis tick labels. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section. If you pass an invalid value, then the graph does not change the AutomaticRotation property value. It logs a message with the error handler.
See Also:
BaseGraphComponent.AR_NO_ROTATE, BaseGraphComponent.AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90, BaseGraphComponent.AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270


public void setAutomaticRotation(java.lang.String orient)
Specifies the angle of automatic rotation for the text within the rectangle for each of the O1-axis tick labels. Automatic graph layout uses this property to know which way to rotate labels when it determines that they need to be rotated. The doAutoLayout method always sets this property to AR_NO_ROTATE.

doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.HONOR_PROPERTIES) respects this property. doAutoLayout(BaseGraphComponent.RESET_PROPERTIES) treats this property as AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270.

orient - A constant that represents the angle of automatic rotation for the text within the rectangle for each of the O1-axis tick labels. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section. If you pass an invalid value, then the graph does not change the AutomaticRotation property value. It logs a message with the error handler.
  • AR_NO_ROTATE - No text rotation.
  • AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90 - Text rotation angle of 90 degrees.
  • AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270 - (Default) Text rotation angle of 270 degrees.


public void setTextRotation(int orient)
Specifies the rotation of the text for all of the tick labels of this axis in the graph.

Automatic rotation respects this property, but setting this property limits the strategies that automatic layout can use to display tick labels. If you specify rotation for tick labels, you eliminate several possibilities for better tick label layout.

If you pass an invalid value, the graph logs a message with the registered error handler, and TextRotation retains its previous value.

Note: Due to rendering issues, rotation angles that are not multiples of 90 degrees should not be used with the Flash rendering format.

orient - an int that represents the rotation angle of the text for all of the tick labels of this axis in the graph. Valid values include any integer from 0 to 360.


public int getTextRotation()
Retrieves the rotation of the text for all of the tick labels of this axis in the graph.

Automatic rotation respects this property.

an integer that represents the rotation angle of the text for all of the axis tick labels in the graph.


public boolean isRendered()
Indicates whether the tick labels are rendered.

true if they are rendered, false if they are not rendered.


public void setRendered(boolean rendered)
Specifies whether the tick labels are rendered.

yesNo - true to make them rendered, false to make them not rendered.


public void applyProperties(java.util.HashMap map)
Applications do not need to call this method. This is for internal use.

applyProperties in class BIComplexAttributeBase
map - hashMap that contains property value pairs.


protected void resetStyleProperties()


protected org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean.Type getBeanType()
Specified by:
getBeanType in class BIComplexAttributeBase

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.