Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Interface ErrorHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ErrorHandler

Interface for error handlers. Application developers should implement this interface to handle errors and other messages from beans. Beans that call the error handler implement the ErrorHandlerCallback interface.

By default, the beans register a default error handler that implements this interface. To replace the default error handler with your implementation of this interface, you call the addErrorHandler method of the bean.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void error(java.lang.Throwable e, java.lang.String _class, java.lang.String routine)
          Responds to trapped exceptions.
 void log(java.lang.String message, java.lang.String _class, java.lang.String routine)
          Responds to abnormal conditions that are not trapped exceptions.
 void trace(java.lang.String message, java.lang.String _class, java.lang.String routine)
          Responds to trace messages.

Method Detail


void error(java.lang.Throwable e,
           java.lang.String _class,
           java.lang.String routine)
Responds to trapped exceptions. ErrorHandlerCallback implementations call this method when an exception might otherwise be thrown. For example, if a user performs an operation that causes an OLAP API exception, then the bean catches the OLAP API exception and calls this method.

exception - The trapped exception.
_class - The name of the class in which the exception was caught. Implementers of the ErrorHandlerCallback interface are not required to pass this parameter, and you are not required to do anything with the parameter.
routine - The name of the routine in which the exception was caught. Implementers of the ErrorHandlerCallback interface are not required to pass this parameter, and you are not required to do anything with the parameter.


void log(java.lang.String message,
         java.lang.String _class,
         java.lang.String routine)
Responds to abnormal conditions that are not trapped exceptions. ErrorHandlerCallback implementations normally call this method when a value is passed to a method that the method does not expect. For example, if somehow, an invalid graph type is passed to Graph.setGraphType, then Graph.setGraphType calls this method to convey that the graph type was invalid. The setGraphType method ignores the invalid value.

message - A message that identifies the problem.
_class - The name of the class in which the problem occurred. Implementers of the ErrorHandlerCallback interface are not required to pass this parameter, and you are not required to do anything with the parameter.
routine - The name of the routine in which the problem occurred. Implementers of the ErrorHandlerCallback interface are not required to pass this parameter, and you are not required to do anything with the parameter.


void trace(java.lang.String message,
           java.lang.String _class,
           java.lang.String routine)
Responds to trace messages. ErrorHandlerCallback implementations call this method during normal execution, to notify you of significant accomplishments, such as successful connection to a database.

message - A message that describes the accomplishment.
_class - The name of the class in which the accomplishment occurred. Implementers of the ErrorHandlerCallback interface are not required to pass this parameter, and you are not required to do anything with the parameter.
routine - The name of the routine in which the accomplishment occurred. Implementers of the ErrorHandlerCallback interface are not required to pass this parameter, and you are not required to do anything with the parameter.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


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