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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContentType
oracle.irm.engine.content.source Data sources for sealing content. 
oracle.irm.engine.content.type Sealed content format information. 
oracle.irm.engine.core.status Desktop status pages. 


Uses of ContentType in oracle.irm.engine.content.source


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.content.source that return ContentType
 ContentType Source.getContentType()
          The content format/type information.


Uses of ContentType in oracle.irm.engine.content.type


Fields in oracle.irm.engine.content.type with type parameters of type ContentType
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.EMPTY_CONTENT_TYPES
          An empty Content Type collection.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.content.type that return ContentType
static ContentType ContentTypeFactory.createContentType(String[] extensions, String sealedExtension, String sealedMimeType, String[] mimeTypes, boolean expectOverwrites)
          Create a content type.
static ContentType ContentTypeOperationsInstance.getContentTypeFromExtension(String extension)
          Get the content type from a sealed or unsealed file extension.
 ContentType ContentTypeOperations.getContentTypeFromExtension(String extension)
          Get the content type from a sealed or unsealed file extension.
static ContentType ContentTypeOperationsInstance.getContentTypeFromMimeType(String mimeType)
          Get the content type from a MIME type.
 ContentType ContentTypeOperations.getContentTypeFromMimeType(String mimeType)
          Get the content type from a MIME type.
static ContentType ContentTypeOperationsInstance.getContentTypeFromPath(String path)
          Get the content type from a file path.
 ContentType ContentTypeOperations.getContentTypeFromPath(String path)
          Get the content type from a file path.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.content.type that return types with arguments of type ContentType
static Set<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.contentTypesAsSet(Collection<ContentType> collection)
          Create a set of Content Type elements from a collection.
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.copyContentTypes(Collection<ContentType> collection)
          Create a shallow copy of a Content Type collection.
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.createContentTypes(ContentType... elements)
          Create a Content Type collection containing zero or more elements.
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.createContentTypes(int capacity)
          Create an empty Content Type collection with a capacity specified.
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeOperationsInstance.listContentTypes()
          Returns a collection of all content type mappings known to the system.
 Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeOperations.listContentTypes()
          Returns a collection of all content type mappings known to the system.
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeOperationsInstance.listContentTypesFromMimeType(String mimeType)
          List all the content type mappings corresponding to a given MIME type.
 Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeOperations.listContentTypesFromMimeType(String mimeType)
          List all the content type mappings corresponding to a given MIME type.
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.unmodifiableContentTypes(Collection<ContentType> value)
          Create an immutable shallow copy of a Content Type collection.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.content.type with parameters of type ContentType
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.createContentTypes(ContentType... elements)
          Create a Content Type collection containing zero or more elements.


Method parameters in oracle.irm.engine.content.type with type arguments of type ContentType
static Set<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.contentTypesAsSet(Collection<ContentType> collection)
          Create a set of Content Type elements from a collection.
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.copyContentTypes(Collection<ContentType> collection)
          Create a shallow copy of a Content Type collection.
static Collection<ContentType> ContentTypeCollectionFactory.unmodifiableContentTypes(Collection<ContentType> value)
          Create an immutable shallow copy of a Content Type collection.


Uses of ContentType in oracle.irm.engine.core.status


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.status that return ContentType
 ContentType StatusPageResponse.getContent()
          Content type.
static ContentType StatusPageOperationsInstance.getStatusPageContentType(DesktopState state)
          Gets the appropriate content type from the desktop state.
 ContentType StatusPageOperations.getStatusPageContentType(DesktopState state)
          Gets the appropriate content type from the desktop state.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.status with parameters of type ContentType
static StatusPageResponse StatusPageResponseFactory.createStatusPageResponse(Label status, DesktopState state, ContentType content, StatusPageInformation information)
          Create a status page response.


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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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