Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class ArchiveProfile

  extended by
      extended by oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployElement
          extended by oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
              extended by oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.jar.ArchiveProfile
All Implemented Interfaces:
Displayable, Element, SubDirtyable, Subject, Dirtyable, Copyable, oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.Interdependency, Deployable, JarPackaging, LinkedDirtyable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AppClientProfile, J2eeProfile, LibraryArchiveProfile, TaglibProfile

public class ArchiveProfile
extends Profile
implements Copyable, JarPackaging

Data model for the JAR (simple archive) deployment profile.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ACTION_DEPLOY_TO_JAR_FILE
static java.lang.String ACTION_PREVIEW
static java.lang.String ACTION_SETTINGS_DIALOG
Fields inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an ArchiveProfile having default deployment actions and summary steps.
ArchiveProfile(boolean showJarSummary, boolean showDeployJarAction, boolean showCustomSummary)
          Constructs an ArchiveProfile from the given boolean arguments that facilitate customizing the deployment actions and summary steps.
ArchiveProfile(HashStructure hash)
          Constructs an ArchiveProfile from the given HashStructure and having default deployment actions and summary steps.
ArchiveProfile(HashStructure hash, boolean showJarSummary, boolean showDeployJarAction, boolean showCustomSummary)
          Constructs an ArchiveProfile from the given HashStructure and boolean arguments that facilitate customizing the deployment actions and summary steps.
Method Summary
 void addFileGroup(oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.FileGroup fileGroup)
          Adds the specified FileGroup to this archive profile.
 boolean canPackage(Element element)
          This indicates if a profile has the ability to package the element within it's own module.
 oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.LibraryFileGroup findLibraryFileGroup(java.lang.String internalName)
          Returns the first LibraryFileGroup with the specified internal name.
protected  java.util.List<oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.LibraryFileGroup> findLibraryFileGroups()
 oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.PackagingFileGroup findPackagingFileGroup(java.lang.String internalName)
          Returns the first PackagingFileGroup with the specified internal name.
 oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.ProjectFileGroup findProjectFileGroup(java.lang.String internalName)
          Returns the first ProjectFileGroup with the specified internal name.
 ArchiveOptions getArchiveOptions()
          Returns a structure describing the JAR options that should be applied when building the output JAR.
 javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode getCustomSummary()
          This method is intended to be overridden in subclasses that wish to provide a customized summary in the form of a DefaultMutableTreeNode.
 oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.FileGroups getFileGroups()
          Returns the FileGroups that represents the packaging instructions the user has specified in the deployment profile. getJarURL()
          Returns the URL that will be added to the class path of a project that depends on this profile.
 oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.SelectedProjectFiles getSelectedProjectFiles()
          Deprecated. Use FileGroups instead; this method returns a disconnected SelectedProjectFiles object (i.e. changing the object has no effect on profile behavior).
protected  void initArchiveProfile(java.lang.Class<? extends DataContainer> profileContainerClass)
 boolean isClasspathJar()
          Returns true if the deployed output of this profile can be used as a JAR file on a classpath.
static ArchiveProfile newDefaultArchiveProfile()
static ArchiveProfile newDefaultArchiveProfile(java.lang.Class<? extends ArchiveProfile> prototypeClass)
          Returns an instance of a class that extends ArchiveProfile because it uses the prototype class passed in to do the construction work.
static ArchiveProfile newDefaultArchiveProfile(java.lang.Class<? extends DataContainer> profileContainerClass, java.lang.Class<? extends ArchiveProfile> prototypeClass)
 boolean resolvesLibrary(oracle.jdevimpl.deploy.common.DependentLibrary library)
          This method indicates whether this profile resolves the given library.
 void selectLibraryForDeployment(java.lang.Object id)
          Selects the specified library for deployment by searching for a LibraryFileGroup with the default internal id and adding the specified library to its list.
 void setArchiveOptions(ArchiveOptions archiveOptions)
 void setFileGroups(oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.FileGroups fileGroups)
 void setJarURL( jarURL)
 boolean showCustomSummary()
          If this method returns true, the Summary step of the deployment wizard includes a customized summary as provided by the getCustomSummary API.
 boolean showDeployJarAction()
 boolean showJarSummary()
Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.Profile
addDependency, addDependency, addDependency, copyTo, copyToImpl, equals, equalsImpl, getDataContainer, getDefaultLibraryFileGroupName, getDefaultLibraryFileGroupTargetWithinJar, getDependencies, getHashStructure, getLibraryDependencies, getName, getParentProfileName, getProfileClass, getProfileNameFromRef, getShortLabel, getUnSelectedLibraryDependencies, isContainedProfile, migrate, removeDependency, removeDependency, resolveProfileDependencies, setContainedProfile, setDataContainer, setLibraryDependencies, setName, setProfileClass, setUnSelectedLibraryDependencies
Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt.DeployElement
attach, detach, getAttributes, getChildren, getData, getIcon, getLongLabel, getToolTipText, isDirty, linkContainingDirtyable, linkEmbeddedDirtyable, linkEmbeddedDirtyable, linkEmbeddedDirtyables, markDirty, mayHaveChildren, notifyObservers, setOwner, toString, unlinkContainingDirtyable, unlinkEmbeddedDirtyable, unlinkEmbeddedDirtyable, unlinkEmbeddedDirtyables
Methods inherited from class
addStructureChangeListener, containsKey, copyToImpl, equalsImpl, findOrCreate, forcedCopyTo, removeStructureChangeListener, useObjectEquals
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.javatools.util.Copyable
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.Interdependency
addDependency, getDependencies, removeDependency

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String ACTION_DEPLOY_TO_JAR_FILE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ACTION_PREVIEW
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ACTION_SETTINGS_DIALOG
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ArchiveProfile()
Constructs an ArchiveProfile having default deployment actions and summary steps. That is, when the profile is opened at deployment time, the wizard will show at least the following:


public ArchiveProfile(HashStructure hash)
Constructs an ArchiveProfile from the given HashStructure and having default deployment actions and summary steps. That is, when the profile is opened at deployment time, the wizard will show at least the following:


public ArchiveProfile(HashStructure hash,
                      boolean showJarSummary,
                      boolean showDeployJarAction,
                      boolean showCustomSummary)
Constructs an ArchiveProfile from the given HashStructure and boolean arguments that facilitate customizing the deployment actions and summary steps. That is, when the profile is opened at deployment time, the wizard will show:

hash - a HashStructure containing the profile information.
showJarSummary - whether or not the Archive Summary should be included in the deployment wizard.
showDeployJarAction - whether or not the Deploy to JAR file action should be included in the deployment wizard.
showCustomSummary - whether or not a customized summary should be included in the deployment wizard.


public ArchiveProfile(boolean showJarSummary,
                      boolean showDeployJarAction,
                      boolean showCustomSummary)
Constructs an ArchiveProfile from the given boolean arguments that facilitate customizing the deployment actions and summary steps. That is, when the profile is opened at deployment time, the wizard will show:

showJarSummary - whether or not the Archive Summary should be included in the deployment wizard.
showDeployJarAction - whether or not the Deploy to JAR file action should be included in the deployment wizard.
showCustomSummary - whether or not a customized summary should be included in the deployment wizard.
Method Detail


public static ArchiveProfile newDefaultArchiveProfile()
An actual ArchiveProfile instance fully defaulted


public static ArchiveProfile newDefaultArchiveProfile(java.lang.Class<? extends ArchiveProfile> prototypeClass)
Returns an instance of a class that extends ArchiveProfile because it uses the prototype class passed in to do the construction work.

prototypeClass - The class to get the instance of, which can null to get an instance of ArchiveProfile itself.
the initialized instance of the prototypeClass


public static ArchiveProfile newDefaultArchiveProfile(java.lang.Class<? extends DataContainer> profileContainerClass,
                                                      java.lang.Class<? extends ArchiveProfile> prototypeClass)


protected void initArchiveProfile(java.lang.Class<? extends DataContainer> profileContainerClass)


public boolean showJarSummary()
whether or not the Archive Details tree describing the profiles JAR summary should be included in the Summary step of the deployment wizard.


public boolean showCustomSummary()
If this method returns true, the Summary step of the deployment wizard includes a customized summary as provided by the getCustomSummary API. If the profile was also constructed to show the JAR summary, then the custom summary is appended to the end of the JAR summary. Otherwise, only the custom summary appears in the wizard.

whether or not a customized summary should be included in the Summary step of the deployment wizard.


public boolean showDeployJarAction()
whether or not the Deploy to JAR File. action should be included in the Deployment Action step of the deployment wizard.


public javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode getCustomSummary()
This method is intended to be overridden in subclasses that wish to provide a customized summary in the form of a DefaultMutableTreeNode.

null default implementation


public getJarURL()
Description copied from interface: JarPackaging
Returns the URL that will be added to the class path of a project that depends on this profile.

Specified by:
getJarURL in interface JarPackaging


public void setJarURL( jarURL)


public ArchiveOptions getArchiveOptions()
Description copied from interface: JarPackaging
Returns a structure describing the JAR options that should be applied when building the output JAR.

Specified by:
getArchiveOptions in interface JarPackaging


public void setArchiveOptions(ArchiveOptions archiveOptions)


public oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.FileGroups getFileGroups()
Description copied from interface: JarPackaging
Returns the FileGroups that represents the packaging instructions the user has specified in the deployment profile.

Specified by:
getFileGroups in interface JarPackaging


public void setFileGroups(oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.FileGroups fileGroups)


public boolean isClasspathJar()
Returns true if the deployed output of this profile can be used as a JAR file on a classpath. Specialized JARs like WAR and EAR files are examples of JAR files that cannot be used directly on a classpath.


public void addFileGroup(oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.FileGroup fileGroup)
Adds the specified FileGroup to this archive profile.


public oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.PackagingFileGroup findPackagingFileGroup(java.lang.String internalName)
Returns the first PackagingFileGroup with the specified internal name. If the specified name is null or there is no matching FileGroup, this method returns null.


public oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.ProjectFileGroup findProjectFileGroup(java.lang.String internalName)
Returns the first ProjectFileGroup with the specified internal name. If the specified name is null or there is no matching FileGroup, this method returns null.


public oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.LibraryFileGroup findLibraryFileGroup(java.lang.String internalName)
Returns the first LibraryFileGroup with the specified internal name. If the specified name is null or there is no matching FileGroup, this method returns null.


public void selectLibraryForDeployment(java.lang.Object id)
Selects the specified library for deployment by searching for a LibraryFileGroup with the default internal id and adding the specified library to its list. If there is no LibraryFileGroup in the deployment profile with the default internal id, then this method has no effect.


protected java.util.List<oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.LibraryFileGroup> findLibraryFileGroups()


public boolean resolvesLibrary(oracle.jdevimpl.deploy.common.DependentLibrary library)
This method indicates whether this profile resolves the given library. Profiles typically resolve libraries by including them in their library filegroups although different profile types could have various implementation.

resolvesLibrary in class Profile
library - The library to be evaluated.
true if the library is resolved by this profile, false otherwise.


public boolean canPackage(Element element)
This indicates if a profile has the ability to package the element within it's own module. For example, an EarProfile can package a WarProfile but a WarProfile cannot package another War Profile. This method will be overridden in the WarProfile and EarProfile at minimum. This method is used by the DependentLibrary resolvedBy criteria.


public final oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.common.SelectedProjectFiles getSelectedProjectFiles()
                                                                                   throws TransientMarker
Deprecated. Use FileGroups instead; this method returns a disconnected SelectedProjectFiles object (i.e. changing the object has no effect on profile behavior).


Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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