Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Metadata Service (MDS)
11g Release 1 (


CustClassList - Class in oracle.mds.cust
A static, ordered list of CustomizationClasses.
CustClassList(CustomizationClass...) - Constructor for class oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList
Create a CustClassList containing the given Customization Classes.
CustClassListMapping - Class in oracle.mds.config
Encapsulation of a customization class list mapping.
CustClassListMapping(String, String, String, CustClassList) - Constructor for class oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping
CustConfig - Class in oracle.mds.config
A customization configuration object holds configuration information for customizations.
CustConfig(CustClassListMapping[]) - Constructor for class oracle.mds.config.CustConfig
Create a customization configuration object with programmatically created configuration information.
CustConfig(Element) - Constructor for class oracle.mds.config.CustConfig
Create a customization configuration object based on the MDS XML customization configuration information contained in the given DOM XML Element.
CustomizationClass - Class in oracle.mds.cust
A Customization Class (CC) evaluates the current context and the current metadata object and returns a String result to be used in customizations.
CustomizationClass() - Constructor for class oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass


equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList
Checks if two CustClassList instances are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
Checks if two CustomizationClass instances are equal.


findMapping(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.mds.config.CustConfig
Find a mapping entry which matches the gven criteria.


generateIDPrefix(RestrictedSession, MetadataObject) - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
This method encapsulate prefix generation logic for this customization class.
getBaseRef(RestrictedSession, MetadataObject) - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
Get the base object name relative to which the CustomizationLayer is located.
getCacheHint() - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
Get the Cache Hint for CustomizationLayers returned by this Customization Class.
getCustClassList() - Method in class oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping
Get the CustClassList for this mapping.
getCustConfig() - Method in class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Gets the CustConfig set on this SessionOptions object.
getCustomizationPolicy() - Method in class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Returns the customization policy from this SessionOptions object.
getIDPrefix(RestrictedSession, MetadataObject) - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
This method returns an ID prefix that can be used to identify a customization layer name/value pair of this customization class.
getIsolationLevel() - Method in class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Gets the IsolationLevel set in these SessionOptions.
getLocale() - Method in class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Gets the Locale set in these SessionOptions.
getLocalName() - Method in class oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping
Get the localname of the document element for this mapping.
getMappings() - Method in class oracle.mds.config.CustConfig
Returns all the customization class list mappings for this configuration.
getName() - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
Get the name of this customization class.
getNamePattern() - Method in class oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping
Get the name pattern for this mapping.
getNamespace() - Method in class oracle.mds.config.CustClassListMapping
Get the XML namespace of the document element for this mapping.
getServletContextAsObject() - Method in class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Gets the servlet context set on this SessionOptions object.
getValue(RestrictedSession, MetadataObject) - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
Retrieve the value(s) of this CustomizationClass based on the context and the metadata.
getVersionContext() - Method in class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Gets the VersionContext set on this SessionOptions object.
getVersionCreatorName() - Method in class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Gets the version creator name set on this SessionOptions object.


hashCode() - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustomizationClass
Returns a hash code value for the object.


item(int) - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList
Get the Customization Class at the given (0 based) index.


NO_CUSTOMIZATIONS - Static variable in class oracle.mds.config.CustConfig


oracle.mds.config - package oracle.mds.config
oracle.mds.core - package oracle.mds.core
oracle.mds.cust - package oracle.mds.cust


SessionOptions - Class in oracle.mds.core
This class is used to specify session options when creating a new MDS session using the MDSSession.createSessionmethod on the MDS instance.
SessionOptions(IsolationLevel, Locale, CustConfig) - Constructor for class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Constructor without version context.
SessionOptions(IsolationLevel, Locale, CustConfig, CustomizationPolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Constructor without version context.
SessionOptions(IsolationLevel, Locale, CustConfig, VersionContext, String) - Constructor for class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Constructor for use with versioning.
SessionOptions(IsolationLevel, Locale, CustConfig, VersionContext, String, CustomizationPolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Constructor with version context.
SessionOptions(IsolationLevel, Locale, CustConfig, VersionContext, String, CustomizationPolicy, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
setServletContextAsObject(Object) - Method in class oracle.mds.core.SessionOptions
Deprecated. Set up the ServletContext using the constructor.
size() - Method in class oracle.mds.cust.CustClassList
Get the number of customization classes in this list.

Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Metadata Service (MDS)
11g Release 1 (

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