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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use OdiRuntimeException
oracle.odi.core Provides the OdiInstance class that is the entry point to Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure. 
oracle.odi.core.config Provides classes for Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure configuration, including exception hierarchy related to configuration issues. 
oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction Provides Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure transaction management API. 
oracle.odi.core.repository Provides repository abstraction for Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure. This package (and its sub packages) implements the security layer for ODI SDK including login authentication, password management and privileges check. 
oracle.odi.domain Root package of Oracle Data Integrator domain concerns, providing commons classes required by sub-packages. 
oracle.odi.domain.shortcuts This package contains interfaces and classes for shortcuts. 
oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression Provides classes to manage expressions. 
oracle.odi.exception This package contains checked and unchecked exceptions that serve as a basis for all other exceptions in ODI SDK API. 
oracle.odi.generation This package contains the generation services for Oracle Data Integrator. This package contains the generation services for Oracle Data Integrator. 
oracle.odi.interfaces This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Interface implementation. 
oracle.odi.interfaces.basic Provides a simple helper to create basic ODI interfaces from scratch. This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface data and expression checking utility interface. 
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions This package contains the exception classes thrown during interactive handling of interface objects in Oracle Data Integrator. This package and its sub-packages provide the implementations for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. Contains classes which handles the Oracle Data Integrator interface source set creation. 


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.core


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.core
 class IllegalOdiInstanceStateException
          IllegalOdiInstanceStateException reports errors, which are related to the own state of the OdiInstance.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.core.config


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.core.config
 class IllegalConfigurationArgumentException
          Exception thrown to indicate an illegal or inappropriate configuration.
 class IllegalMasterRepositoryStatusException
          Subclass of IllegalRepositoryStatusException thrown to indicate master repository status is invalid.
 class IllegalRepositoryStatusException
          Abstract superclass for illegal repository status.
 class IllegalWorkRepositoryStatusException
          Subclass of IllegalRepositoryStatusException thrown to indicate that work repository status is invalid.
 class MasterRepositoryDriverClassNotFoundException
          Subclass of RepositoryDriverClassNotFoundException thrown to indicate master repository driver class was unable to get loaded.
 class MasterRepositoryResourceFailureException
          Subclass of RepositoryResourceFailureException thrown to indicate a Master Repository resource failure.
 class MasterRepositoryUrlNotValidForDriverException
          Subclass of RepositoryUrlNotValidForDriverException thrown to indicate master repository URL provided wasn't accepted by specified driver.
 class MasterRepositoryVersionMismatchException
          Subclass of RepositoryVersionMismatchException thrown when ODI Master Repository version doesn't match required version.
 class NotMasterRepositorySchemaException
          Exception thrown to indicate DB schema doesn't correspond to an ODI Master Repository schema.
 class NotRepositorySchemaException
          Abstract superclass for exception related to wrong repository schema.
 class NotWorkRepositorySchemaException
          Exception thrown to indicate DB schema doesn't correspond to an ODI Work Repository schema.
 class OdiConfigurationException
          Abstract root class for hierarchy of ODI configuration exceptions that are thrown when an invalid configuration data is detected when creating configuration objects, or when creating an OdiInstance.
 class RepositoriesNotBoundException
          Exception thrown to indicate Master and Work repositories used to configure an OdiInstance are not bound, thus cannot be used together.
 class RepositoryDriverClassNotFoundException
          Abstract super class for repository driver class not found.
 class RepositoryResourceFailureException
          Deprecated. Since is replaced with appropriate exception from RepositoryAccessException hierarchy.
 class RepositoryUrlNotValidForDriverException
          Abstract super class for invalid repository URL.
 class RepositoryVersionMismatchException
          Abstract superclass for repository version mismatch between current repository version and required repository version.
 class UncategorizedConfigurationException
          Typically this exception is thrown when configuration error cann't be categorized.
 class WorkRepositoryDriverClassNotFoundException
          Subclass of RepositoryDriverClassNotFoundException thrown to indicate work repository driver class was unable to get loaded.
 class WorkRepositoryNotFoundException
          Exception thrown if a given work repository name doesn't exist.
 class WorkRepositoryResourceFailureException
          Subclass of RepositoryResourceFailureException thrown to indicate a Work Repository resource failure.
 class WorkRepositoryUrlNotValidForDriverException
          Subclass of RepositoryUrlNotValidForDriverException thrown to indicate work repository URL provided wasn't accepted by specified driver.
 class WorkRepositoryVersionMismatchException
          Subclass of RepositoryVersionMismatchException thrown when ODI Work Repository version doesn't match required version.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction
 class CannotCreateTransactionException
          Exception thrown when a transaction can't be created using an underlying transaction API.
 class IllegalTransactionStateException
          Exception thrown when the existence or non-existence of a transaction amounts to an illegal state according to the transaction propagation behavior that applies.
 class TransactionException
          Superclass for all transaction exceptions.
 class TransactionSystemException
          Exception thrown when a general transaction system error is encountered, like on commit or rollback.
 class TransactionUsageException
          Exception, which shows inappropriate usage of a ODI transaction API.
 class UnexpectedRollbackException
          Thrown when an attempt to commit a transaction resulted in an unexpected rollback.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.core.repository


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.core.repository
 class ConcurrencyFailureException
          Exception thrown on concurrency failure.
 class InvalidRepositoryAccessApiUsageException
          Exception thrown on incorrect usage of the API.
 class ObjectIdMaxValueReachedException
          Exception thrown when internal sequence reached max value.
 class RepositoryAccessException
          Root abstract superclass of the hierarchy of repository access exceptions.
 class RepositoryIntegrityViolationException
          Exception thrown when an attempt to insert or update repository data results in violation of an integrity constraint.
 class UncategorizedRepositoryAccessException
          Exception when we can't distinguish anything more specific than "Uncategorized exception during repository access.".


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in
 class AccountExpiredException
          Thrown to indicate a user has its account expired.
 class AuthenticationException
          Abstract superclass for all exception related to user authentication failure.
 class AuthenticationRequiredException
           This exception is raised when a current authentication is required but none is defined.
 class AuthenticationServiceException
          AuthenticationServiceException is used to report an unexpected error during an authentication request, such as a system problem.
 class AuthorizationServiceException
          Exception thrown on authorization system failure.
 class BadCredentialsException
          Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the credentials are invalid.
 class InactiveUserException
          Thrown to indicate that authentication failed because User is inactive.
 class InvalidAuthenticationAPIUsageException
           This exception is raised when the authentication API is used in wrong way.
 class InvalidExternalAuthenticationConfiguration
          Deprecated. Use InvalidExternalAuthenticationConfigurationException instead.
 class InvalidExternalAuthenticationConfigurationException
          This exception is raised if we are not able to create a LoginContext from OPSS configuration.
 class OdiSecurityException
          Abstract superclass for all exceptions thrown in the security package and subpackages.
 class PasswordChangeException
          Deprecated. replaced with AuthenticationServiceException.
 class PasswordExpiredException
          Thrown to indicate a user has its password expired.
 class PasswordPolicyNotMatchedException
          Note this exception is a runtime exception since security failure are generally fatal.
 class PermissionDeniedException
          Exception raised when attempting an operation that is not granted to the authenticated user.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.domain


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.domain
 class DomainRuntimeException
          Top level ODI Domain unchecked exception to be sub-classed by all specific custom unchecked exceptions of ODI Domain.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.domain.shortcuts


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.domain.shortcuts
 class OdiShortcutServiceException
          Unchecked exception thrown when materialize a shortcutable object.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression
 class IllegalExpressionObjectException
          Deprecated. replaced with DomainRuntimeException


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.exception


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.exception
 class OdiUncheckedException
          Top level ODI SDK's unchecked exception to be sub-classed by all specific custom unchecked exceptions of ODI SDK.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.generation


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.generation
 class DataServiceGeneratorException
          Checked exception thrown when the generation of a Data Service failed.
 class DDLGeneratorServiceException
          Unchecked exception thrown when the generation of a DDL difference or DDL user procedure failed.
 class OdiScenarioGeneratorException
          Unchecked exception thrown when the generation of a scenario failed.
 class OdiScenarioNotFoundException
          Raised when one scenario generation process was not able to find a scenario from the given scenario tag.
 class OdiVariableTextGeneratorException
          Checked exception thrown when the generation of variable text failed.


Methods in oracle.odi.generation that throw OdiRuntimeException
 java.lang.String IOdiVariableTextGenerator.generateLoadPlanVarExecutionText(java.lang.String pSchemaName, java.lang.String pContextCode, oracle.odi.runtime.agent.loadplan.LPInfo pLpInfo, java.lang.String pVarText)
          Generates the variable text for runtime execution
 java.lang.String IOdiVariableTextGenerator.generateLoadPlanVarRuntimeText(java.lang.String pSchemaName, java.lang.String pContextCode, oracle.odi.runtime.agent.loadplan.LPInfo pLpInfo, java.lang.String pVarText)
          Generates the variable text for runtime execution
 java.lang.String IOdiVariableTextGenerator.generateLoadPlanVarText(java.lang.Number pVariableId)
          Generates the variable text when creating load plan variable from OdiVariable.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in


Methods in that throw OdiRuntimeException
 java.lang.String OdiVariableTextGeneratorDwgImpl.generateLoadPlanVarExecutionText(java.lang.String pSchemaName, java.lang.String pContextCode, oracle.odi.runtime.agent.loadplan.LPInfo pLpInfo, java.lang.String pVarText)
 java.lang.String OdiVariableTextGeneratorDwgImpl.generateLoadPlanVarRuntimeText(java.lang.String pSchemaName, java.lang.String pContextCode, oracle.odi.runtime.agent.loadplan.LPInfo pLpInfo, java.lang.String pVarText)
 java.lang.String OdiVariableTextGeneratorDwgImpl.generateLoadPlanVarText(java.lang.Number pVariableId)


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.interfaces


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.interfaces
 class TargetIsTemporaryException
          Thrown to indicate that the target of the interface is temporary.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.interfaces.basic


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.interfaces.basic
 class NoSourceSetException
          Thrown when the interface created does not have a source set.
 class OdiInterfaceNotReadyForPersistException
          Thrown when the interface cannot be saved due to errors.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in
 class OdiConnectionNotFoundException
          An exception used when setting up runtime data access or checking expressions.
 class PhysicalSchemasConflictException
          An exception that is thrown by the data access setup classes if there is a conflict between the various physical schemas used to obtain the data.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions
 class InterfaceIllegalArgumentException
          InterfaceIllegalArgumentException is an ODI replacement for IllegalArgumentException.
 class InterfaceIllegalStateException
          InterfaceIllegalStateException is an ODI replacement for IllegalStateException.
 class NotReversibleException
          Thrown when an action does not contain any reversible actions, and thus the action is not reversible.
 class OdiIllegalArgumentException
          Deprecated. use InterfaceIllegalArgumentException
 class OdiIllegalStateException
          Deprecated. use InterfaceIllegalStateException
 class OdiInterfaceFatalIssueException
          Thrown when an interface contains fatal issues and cannot be saved.
 class UnknownActionException
          Thrown when an action is not recognized during the interactive handling of interface object.
 class VetoActionException
          Thrown when an action cannot be performed due to some error condition and is vetoed to be performed during interactive handling of interface.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in
 class InvalidSubInterfaceException
          Exception raised when a sub interface is used as derived but does not meet the criteria for valid derived sub interfaces.


Uses of OdiRuntimeException in


Subclasses of OdiRuntimeException in
 class InexistentMappingException
          Thrown when there is an exception with the logical schema, context, or physical schema.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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